
There had been a few responses to my ad before D's, but there was something about each -- something impersonal and a bit too eager -- that had made me wary about responding to any of them.
And then came D's reply. There was something trustworthy in his tone. Patient. Not trying to rush things, but from the start, determined to be sure that I was myself comfortable following through with what I had proposed.
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My girlfriend, Julia, had given me a gift certificate for a massage. I wasn't sure what to expect but I tried it.
I arrived and was given forms to fill out. Then I was taken back to a room by a very good looking young woman. She was petite with long red hair, nice tits and great legs. She told me to get undressed.
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While walking one evening I saw a friend go into his new neighbors garage. A man walking into another mans garage may not seem odd, but rumors have surrounded this new neighbor since he arrived in town. Everyone says he is gay. He isn't married, nor does he appear to have children, but that doesn't mean anything. He seems quiet and keeps to his self, so no on really knows for sure. Chalking it up to idle gossip, I pushed it from my mind until now.
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"Hunter... Wake up sweetie, come on.." The soft paw on my chest is comforting, keeping me warm.
"Hunter let go of my arm. I need that."
"No it's my arm" I say, smiling and hugging the paw close to my heart.
"Good morning, cutie"
He's such a charmer, even now he looks so perfect to me
"You were drooling on my fur, silly boy."
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Reid and I had been seeing each other for many months. Our sex was awesome. I knew by his expressions, the feel of his reactions, I could read him implicitly and he me. Best of all, we trusted each other.
He knew how deeply I loved having anal, and as his first experience that way, I was happy he enjoyed giving it as well.
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There was a storm that went through my development a few days ago. Some siding came off the house, so I phoned a local guy to stop out and replace the pieces that had blown off. When I got home around 2 pm, Ray the siding guy, was still at it. He was up on the ladder placing the last of the siding back where it belonged.
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The club was packed, just like it was every Saturday night. I was standing against the wall watching Jesse grind up against some shirtless twink, just like I did every time we went clubbing. Sweaty bodies approached me and asked me to dance, but I declined. It was my job to keep an eye on Jesse. Granted it was a self-appointed position, but it was important to me to watch out for him. My best friend, my soul mate, the love of my life.
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I'm working the night shift, which is basically sitting at my desk doing absolutely nothing until 10 PM. Nothing but paperwork, paperwork, a call in between, more paperwork. Two breaks, one lunch. I have my lunch at 6:30. My favorite time of the work day. I'm 24 and so far life is completely nothing but boring events, and my job (which I have been working at since I was 20, and only 1 promotion). Anyways, lunch was the most exciting part of the day on this specific day, here in San Diego.
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He had been working long hours and hadn't had a day off since, he couldn't remember when. He finally had a day off and it was a Saturday to boot. He might be able to sleep late for a change and enjoy some lazy day sex with his wife. He was surprised when he woke up and it was much later than he thought he would sleep, but the house was quiet. He rolled over to where she normally slept and was greeted with an envelope.
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I can't believe what I've become. Six months ago I was your run-of-the-mill middle-aged husband and father, a boring, suburban guy with a nice house, a good job, a bad golf game, and a hard-on for the neighbor's teenage daughter. Actually, not much of that has changed other than what gives me a hard-on these days; no longer is it the seventeen year old next door in her skimpy bikini, sunning herself by the pool on weekends.
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