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Sympathetic Magic Ch. 03-04

Category: Incest
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Part 3. I went down to breakfast after a quick shower with my mind still working out some ideas. Dee and Kristen were already gone, probably at cheer practice since it was Saturday morning. As I ate my cereal, I was wondering what the range of the portal spell would be. I carefully lifted my book, and slowly pushed my finger into the portal. I could tell it was still working, but I felt nothing with my finger, even though I was in it over an inch. "Crap!" I said, as I realized she must not be wearing the same panties. I should have known that, since the girls often changed clothes 2 or 3 times a day.
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Cobalt Blue

Category: Anal Sex
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Sometimes I wish I'd kept track of just how many times I've been in my favorite coffee shop. Surely it was in the hundreds by now. Somehow they survived the invasion of chain coffee shops, probably because they always had some vegetarian food and fresh soup ready for the college kids. It was an odd layout that only a small town without city planning can create.
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The Priestess

Category: Group Sex
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It began in silence. She was the Priestess and she was in charge. Her four young, male acolytes stood around her at the quarters of the circle watching and waiting. She was covered in a long, dark robe whist they were naked. With her eyes closed she began to turn, slowly, staying at the centre of the circle. She raised her arms, the robe flowing out about her. She experienced a slight sense of dizziness even though she was turning very slowly.
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What The Thief Wants

Category: Fetish
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The great walled port city of Sirtus sat on the edge of the Mycean Sea. A many thousand ships hove into its port each day, and a great deal as many departed in the same. No market square was empty, and few pockets hung limp in the trousers of their owners. Trade boomed, honor ruled, and hearts loved. But Paolo the merchant had, as of late, found himself distant from his wife Francesca. To be sure, she was pleasing to look upon. But the women of Sirtus were in no short supply, and all of them seemed so much fairer than his own.
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Magikal Goods

Category: Fetish
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"Hello? Anyone here?" Sam closed the door behind him, and gazed around the labyrinth of shelves for the owner. For the last twelve years, Magikal Goods was run by a man named Karlus. He was a loner, not talking much outside of making a deal. But lately, he'd been even more reserved. People would walk in wanting to haggle, and he's just aggressively point to the price on the item until they'd either pay it, or walk out.
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Away with the Fairies

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Tanya had been having strange dreams for several weeks now. At the start she blamed her habit for late night snacking; cheese after midnight was renowned for causing nightmares. Except it wasn't nightmares she was suffering from; to be honest she was not sure what she was dreaming about as she had no memory of them when she woke. What she did know was that since she had started having them she had felt extremely sexual.
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Don’t Play With Magic

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Breanne was setting everything up. She knew she had to be perfect for it to work properly. Her mentor was such a stick in the mud, magic should be fun! She caught sight of herself in one of the mirrors and admired her figure. Though she was short at only 5'2", her long blond hair fell in thick waves down to her knees, and her ample breasts sat proud and perky. She spent a lot of time in nature, so had a nice bronze tan.
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No Other Toothpaste Can Do This

Category: Gay Male
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When I got to college, I was the only freshman in the senior dorm. I had planned to go to another school but at the last minute I changed my mind. Richards Institute where I had originally planned to go had a wonderful fine arts program, which was my field; but I had been accepted at Rodgers University, and when push came to shove I just couldn't give up the opportunity to go to one of the Big League schools. So by the time I decided to go to Rodgers and applied for a room, the freshman dorms were all filled.
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Witches’ Rising

Category: Group Sex
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The afternoon air was warm, but not unusually so for that time of year. It had been ten minutes since the local highschool had been dismissed for the weekend. Two eighteen year old students were making their way through quiet neighborhoods nearby. Ethan found it extremely difficult to walk properly, even on the smooth, level footpath. A mixture of nervousness and excitement was causing him to over-think every step.
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Mirror Glass

Category: Gay Male
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Dust. All over, on everything. I take in the clutter of furniture in my great-uncle's attic, sighing as I silently wonder what the hell I am going to do with it all. Nearly every inch of space is taken by sheet-covered antiques in all shapes and sizes.

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