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Jen’s Open Robe

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Megan and I had gone to Chicago to visit her friend Amanda. We stopped on our way back from a family reunion in Cape Cod, when I'd sort of freaked out and given up on our relationship. We'd fought a lot during that week, but were still together and going through with our plans to visit her friend. One of the nights we went out to a bar with Amanda and her roommate Jen.
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Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
What a lucky kid. I thought as my son bustled through the door of our entryway. He was laden with bags of luggage, grumbling about how he had married an overpacker. His wife followed him carrying two suitcases, her blonde hair falling in her face. The pair bustled up the stairs into the spare bedroom. I walked out to their Lexus and saw they had gotten most of the bags in. There were just two left. A brown suitcase in one hand and a black gym bag over one arm and I was in.
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Cara’s Irresistible Bottom

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
PRELUDE I was in bed with Susan a cute 22 year old slender blonde with all the bumps in the right places. She had invited me over to her place after a few drinks at a favorite after work spot. Susan loved to be fucked in the missionary position with a stiff cock rubbing her clit. I was also big enough and thick enough to rub her g-spot and she went wild. She had cum several times before I was even close to my release.
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Bathroom Lovers

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 3 votes
Some days I don't know how I can go on living without her. Other days our arrangement, the secret rendezvous and the brief but passionate stolen moments we find to make love to one another ... well, it certainly isn't taking anything away from our 'committed' relationships. We both have wonderful and enjoyable relationships with our boyfriends, just, each other on the side as well.
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On the Road

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Usually, I-75 from Fort Lauderdale to Naples isn't a very exciting ride. But as my car sped along, passing Florida State Road 19 at around 75 mph, I was pretty fired up. Yeah, I noticed the hundred or so gators sunning themselves on the embankment that lines the interstate; that was different. However, the hormones that were coursing through me this day didn't have anything to do with being excited over cars, or mileage, or gators. The drive itself was a nuisance.
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Awaiting the Plane

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I enjoy recalling erotic encounters that occurred during my high testosterone years prior to my marriage. I was an enthusiastic but by no means accomplished swordsman, far from it. The memories of those few successful trysts remain clearly fixed in my mind. For some reason my most rewarding conquests were with "older" women. I have no idea why there was this attraction between some women and myself despite them being 20 to 30 years my senior.
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Julie Visits A Hotel

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
My affair with Stevie; if that's what you want to call it is still going on today. It's not an affair in the conventional sense as there is absolutely no chance that he would ever buy me flowers or take me to a French Restaurant. Nor would I want him to. We are as he quaintly calls it – 'fuck-buddies'. We still occasionally go to the derelict factory on a Friday afternoon and the odd evening after work.
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A Coincidence at The Avalon Hotel

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
In my world nothing is ever random even when it seems to be, because random in my world leads to chaos, uncontrollable chaos which seemed to follow me despite how cautious I could be at times both personally and professionally.
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John and Cindy

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
John and Cindy were really great people to be around. We were about the same age, and they always upbeat, and Cindy had one of those faces that would light up a room when she walked in. She also exercise daily and aged very well. She was in her mid to late 40's, but she had the body of a twenty year old. They always found something to laugh about, no matter how bad things were.
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BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Dr Dominic Gale leafed through his file as he waited for the elevator to reach its destination. It contained the medical notes of his latest referral, one Gwen Sutton. Without seeing the patient they were nearly useless as a diagnostic tool but helpful in avoiding the large blue eyes of Nurse Schluter. Since her transfer to the hospital a month ago she had made it very clear that she found him sexually attractive.
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