
I never dreamed I'd experience sex with my own father. Never. But it happened when I was twenty-two and he was forty-seven. My parents were on vacation in Montana when they were involved in an automobile accident on the Interstate. A car in the lane opposite theirs sideswiped another car causing the two cars to spin and turn over.
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I'm a young guy who is in most aspects straight, but I do have a bi side. I like to say I'm straight, just horny for dick sometimes. I've been writing stories about some of my experiences because I have a little spare time and it's fun. All these stories are true and happened in the last few years.
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I do wonder though, sometimes, how I think of myself, it's a pleasant sort of curiousness. Am I a gay man who has a girlfriend? A straight man who has been with other men? As more one way than the other? As someone who declines to identify that firmly? Adjectives, not nouns.
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Ancient Cures for Modern Problems
Tim's mouth dropped open. A ghost! A man in white chino pants and a new red Hecadock Junior College sweatshirt yelled instructions to students on the tennis court. He was about forty, six-foot-two, powerful build, blond hair, crewcut.
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I recently drove past the home where my aunt and uncle used to live. Looking at the beautiful brick home with the flowers all around it brought back memories of my first time. I had just turned eighteen years old. In retrospect I was the youngest eighteen year old that I knew with the exception of my cousin Jimmy.
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I never dreamed I'd experience sex with my own father. Never. But it happened when I was twenty-two and he was forty-seven. My parents were on vacation in Montana when they were involved in an automobile accident on the Interstate. A car in the lane opposite theirs sideswiped another car causing the two cars to spin and turn over. An eighteen wheeler transfer truck behind them slammed on his brakes causing his trailer to jackknife and that was what killed my mother, their friends who were in the front seat, and left my father in the hospital in casts.
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During the next few days Rich and I worked at the landscaping company together, but he was distant. We hardly talked and when we did, even at home, it was in short, cordial sentences. It was totally unlike Rich to behave this way, so by the middle of the week I wanted to have a talk with him. After work we got home, and our parents were traveling for a few days so we had the house to ourselves. I made some dinner and at the table I decided it was time to talk.
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Some say that rain is a sign of peace when a loved one passes on, but on this day it simply steeped the sadness that comes with an untimely death. The dark clouds loomed above like a spiritual ceiling and occasional claps of thunder jostled the mourning family. Because it was late summer, many people were on vacation. Many close friends and even a fair amount of the family were not there.
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Alone. For the first time he could think of in a long time, Brian was alone. Since it was a long weekend his wife, Teresa, and their baby daughter had gone to visit relatives in Michigan. And Brian was alone.
He was in his late twenties and recently discharged from the Army after eight years of service. Army life was OK, but Brian didn't want to make a career of it.
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I was having the sweetest dream. My wife was giving me the best blow job I've ever had! Then I started to wake up and realized that it wasn't a dream! Her soft lips were working my cock like never before, and this time she was having no trouble taking all seven inches.
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