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Tell Me Your Secrets

Category: BDMS
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Going through emails was normally quite tedious when you owned a website. Joseph's website, however, was a niche site that only attracted specific viewers, so the emails he received were very specific, and much more interesting.
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Rose, By Any Other Name

Category: Incest
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All the characters in this story can vote in Federal elections I'd not been home in over four years. * As my folks had divorced while I was in my senior year of college, I'd gone straight to work at a hedge fund in Connecticut. I guess I chose the job to put as much distance between all the family pain and myself as I could. I of course sent the obligatory greeting cards on holidays and birthdays, both to my parents and my sister, but other than a few phone calls from my mother, I'd stayed as far away from home and my emotions as I could manage.
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Sophie’s Punishment

Category: BDMS
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Sophie squatted over the woman's latex covered face. "Lick your Mistress, lick her well and she might have a gift for you." The woman eagerly lapped at Sophie's fleshy cunt lips, her tongue protruding from a mouth hole in her mask. "Mmmmmmmmm.........not bad, keep going..........mmmmmmmm!" squealed Sophie. The woman's husband knelt in the corner of the large conservatory, his ankles and wrists cuffed, also wearing a latex mask, he could only watch as Sophie dominated his wife.
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Cobalt Blue

Category: Anal Sex
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Sometimes I wish I'd kept track of just how many times I've been in my favorite coffee shop. Surely it was in the hundreds by now. Somehow they survived the invasion of chain coffee shops, probably because they always had some vegetarian food and fresh soup ready for the college kids. It was an odd layout that only a small town without city planning can create.
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Handling Emil

Category: Fetish
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The phone rang once. I groaned, stirring from dreams as deep as the blue eyes I had been dreaming about. The phone rang twice. I sat up and gave the phone two middle fingers. The phone rang again. "FUCK!" I shouted, lunging myself across the silk sheets to pick the damned thing up.
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Used For My Body

Category: BDMS
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For the past month or so, my wife Mary had gone out every Saturday night on a "girls night out" with a bunch of her friends. They would go to someone's house for an evening of fun -- laughing, drinking, gossiping, and just doing 'girl stuff' that she would not go into detail about. The wife of a friend of mine from work had gone to a couple of these parties too.
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Submissive Heights

Category: BDMS
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My sexual awakening really began when I finally gave in and revealed to my husband my desire to be submissive. No, not the master/slave scenarios that seem to be so predominant and to my mind borders on abuse. No, not the spank me until I cry and can't sit down for a week activities that would label me a masochist. No, I don't want to be violently raped, even by my own husband in the name of sexual freedom. What I was looking for was to be able to surrender completely to my husband and allow him to have his way with me, over and over again.
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Losing My Wife in a Game of Poker

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It was one of those situations I had heard about but never believed. Three friends were over at my house playing poker, and I was down about $300. It was a string of bad luck, really. My hands had been good all night, but someone else always had something a little better. Now, I am sitting here with a ace-high flush, the other three guys have gone in, but I do not have enough money to match them.
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Our Own Pastoral

Category: Incest
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OUR OWN PASTORAL Scaramouche123 Forbidden love in three acts All characters are of majority at the time the sex takes place. ACT I -- The Stranger I was seven when my mother died of complications from a fall she suffered while we were hiking the Appalachian Trail. I was devastated and thought my world was ending. My father had been killed during the last days of Desert Storm, a few months before I was born, and as I was an only child of a single parent who herself was an orphan; I stood at the abyss at a far too early age.
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Teased and Denied?

Category: BDMS
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I lay on the bed, naked, spread, bound at three corners. Only my right arm is free, holding in a numb hand my vibrator, waiting. Finally you come to me, and sitting down, your weight dips the bed, creating a well of gravity that I can feel, pulling my helpless body towards you.
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