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Club Anais!

Category: Group Sex
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Dallas and Eve had hinted around to each other about wanting to go to a "club" like the one he'd found on the internet. You know the type of hint; those sort-of cloaked suggestions that are buried in nervousness and a bit of shame. And you know the type of club; those private, join for the night "swinger" places where basically anything goes.
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Adagio For Strings

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Can you come here please?" I hear your call from the bedroom, though the question is really not so much a request. Curious, I walk down the hall noting that the light in the bedroom is still off. I stand in the doorway. I can see your silhouette against the streetlight that shines through the window.
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Linda’s Mother Has a Friend

Category: Fetish
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Linda's mother had been spectacular, so much so that I practically forgot about Linda. We kept seeing each other, but when I was with her I found myself thinking about her Mom. After all, it was an competition of sorts. While the 18 year old Linda had the advantage of youth and was more classically attractive than her mother, Millie had experience and the fact that a 50 year old woman found me desirable was a boost to my ego.
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What She Wanted

Category: BDMS
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"You've never had an orgasm?" "That's not what I said. I said I've never had a man give me an orgasm. I've kept Eveready in business. You gave me a few when we were teens, I pay a surcharge on my electric bill for vibrator use and I let my fingers do the walking, but no man has ever been able to get me where I want to go."
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Grad Student Ass Kisser

Category: Group Sex
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Today was unlike most of Robert's recent days. With one week left until he was expected to hand in the final revision of his thesis to the publisher of the journal, weekends and weekdays blended together to make these final weeks the worst of his grad school if not the worst of his entire life. Today though, was his thesis defense.
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A Taste of Honey

Category: Group Sex
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Nervously, I looked in the hotel room mirror and smiled as I applied the finishing touches to my makeup. I couldn’t believe Dan and I were meeting for a second time – this time for our “48 hours of sexual bliss” as we had teasingly called it. Though separated by miles, we had become quite good friends, sharing and discussing many fantasies. Our first meeting had been so wonderfully, sexually charged. I could only hope that this second meeting would be as wonderful, if not better.
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Rose Travels for Sir

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I have been home from work barely five minutes when there's a knock at my door. I open it and smile at the tall, skinny man standing outside my door. "Natalie." He leans forward and kisses both of my cheeks, his hand caressing the back of my neck. "Come in," I step back and give him room. "Where are we heading tonight Sammy?" I ask, returning his kisses.
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Plus One

Category: Anal Sex, Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
My phone buzzed. Looking down at it, I saw that it was a text message from Emma. Looking in the rearview mirror, the blue and red flashing lights of the state trooper that had just pulled me over spiked into my eyes and the high beams made my eyes water. Pushing the button on the phone, I read the message. 'Where are you?' it said.
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Kelly and Ella Spoil Alec Orally

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Hi, this is my first post on this site!! I'm Kelly! Anyway, I want to start posting some of my sexual experiences on here. This story is of what I did last weekend. I originally wrote it in my journal, and I got so horny writing it that I masturbated seventeen times during the process! It took forever to write.
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When Harry Met Sally And Sally

Category: Group Sex
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It started in the restaurant - two women and a guy - they had found each other through various internet links - friendships had been made - thoughts and fantasies exchanged. There was anticipation in the air - it had taken many months to all get in this booth together.
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