
Ann opened the drape and looked outside and everything was white. It took her back to her childhood when she eagerly anticipated the first snowfall. Oh, how she loved sledding, building snowmen, and snowball fights. Now the 37 year old housewife saw the snow as a nuisance; snow was something that made it difficult to drive and gave you a backache when you had to shovel it.
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She should have been cold. The StealthSuit she wore was microns thin. She felt like she was naked and covered in a dusting of black powder. The Techs bragged that light slid off of the suit like water off a duck. The black body stocking was so sheer and felt so insubstantial that Natasha felt naked and exposed.
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Sitting at the gate reading my book, my name was called to the podium. Since I hadn't placed my name on any waitlists, I was more than a little mystified. I placed the book back in my workbag, and walked up to the podium.
"Ms Montgomery, there is a problem with your checked bag," the gate agent said. The poor girl was terrified, trying to maintain a seriousness about her.
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I want to tell you a story. No, that's not right, I HAVE to tell you a story. It's not a true story. Well maybe it is, at least in parts. I'll let you decide. But I do have to tell it.
The story is about Ed and Andrew, probably more Ed than Andrew.
But you know, that may not be true either. You tell me. It's not the story you are expecting, but I think it is a pretty good one anyway.
Ed, we'll start with her. Everyone called her Ed, but the name her parents blessed her with was Edwina.
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I'd had an absolute shit of a day. You know the sort of thing. Everything that could go wrong, did. Even some things that couldn't possibly go wrong, did anyway. By the time I knocked off I was prepared to believe the world was populated by idiots, and they were all out to get me in the stupidest way possible.
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I knew I was close to orgasm, knew that she knew it too and that that knowledge might expedite her own orgasm that seemed just as imminent as mine. We were naked. Dripping with the passionate perspiration we had squeezed from each other's tightly intertwined straining bodies. We were wrestling. Not just to pin each other on both shoulders, but to do so AND overcome her last ultimate defence and have her shuddering in ecstatic erotic submission.
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Two months later I walked out the prison a free man. I enjoyed the bus ride to my hometown. My mother was surprise when she saw me standing on her porch.
We sat and talked before the front door slammed open. My sister ran over almost knocking me down.
"You're ass better be home for good!" She yelled as she ran up the steps.
"Oh, my God!" The voice was my ex-girlfriend Gloria. "Why didn't you call me when you were on you way home?"
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