
Chapter 1
I suppose the title of my story could be, "I Married a Bisexual," but while that's true, there's more to the story than just that.
Yes, my wife, Robin, is a bisexual. She's had sex with males and females, well, female, singular, and that would be her oldest friend, Renee. And, she's done so consensually and with complete enjoyment.
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My name is Colin and I'm 23 years old. I was never a real jock as I grew up. I was taller and more broad-shouldered than my friends, but I didn't exercise much and so didn't develop a strong physique.
Until I landed a sweet job as an engineer at a big electronics company right out of college. The campus where my office was located had a big fitness center that was free to use for employees.
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I hadn't intended to work late that night... I knew you had made plans to go out with a friend of yours. When I arrived home, you were already sitting in the living room, dressed and ready to go. You just smiled at me with a shake of your head. "Kind of figured you'd end up being late. Go take a shower, I'll get something out for you, ok?," You said with a sigh, getting off the couch, though you were still working on your tie. You always had trouble with those...
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Jeff and Kris were a happily married couple. They had experimented sexually before their marriage, but with marriage and children, things had slowed down. They both wanted more time together, but struggled to balance it with the demands of life.
Jeff decided to whisk Kris away for a vacation for two. He arranged for the kids to be taken care of while they were gone.
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(Dedicated to my sweetheart Deni, and my precious Penny, who helped me to discover and appreciate my own sexuality. You both will always have a special place in my heart that no others can ever occupy.)
It was another beautiful early summer morning in this land 'down under' ... in this wonderful picturesque land of Australia. When I first arrived here on 'assignment' for the corporation I was employed by in the United States, I was sure I would hate it.
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I hung up the phone and waited to be buzzed in, maneuvering the box in my left arm so I could see my watch. Shit. Five after eight. Almost on time. Well, if I was going to be late, this was the night to do it. The normally frigid March weather was glorious. Most of the snow had melted and I'd opted for sandals instead of my usual choice of sneakers. How'd I gotten stuck babysitting on a Saturday night like this again?
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The "cleanest" sexual relationship I've had was also, in the end, the kinkiest. I lived in a cabin up in Vermont for a short time several years ago. I'd just moved east from California, had a couple bucks in the bank, and was woodshedding some songs for a new album.
First night there I'd pulled all the curtains off the windows and stuck the clock radio in the closet, so every morning I woke up to the impossible shimmer of sunlight off the lake and got right to work.
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It was a Friday evening and everyone had left the office for the start of a long weekend. So many people with exciting plans and here I am sat working late, no one to share my time with. All the family had plans which should have meant a quiet weekend at home with a good book and a bit of pampering. So why am I feeling miserable, no noise, no kids, no hassle and no being the taxi service for 3 whole days.
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I had just returned from a morning business appointment and had what was left of the afternoon free. Judy and I had a super sex session last night and I awoke in the morning with a huge erection and was horny just remembering all the things we did. I decided to strip and spend the rest of the afternoon stroking and having cybersex with some friends.
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I met Tracy my senior year at The University of Texas in Austin, what we all considered to be the 'real' U of T. She was a year behind me and was also a business major though she was headed to finance and I was aimed toward marketing and advertising. So, she was a numbers drone and I was a 'flack.'
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