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Nick’s Gift

Category: Group Sex
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Freda met Nick on a dating site and they soon found out they were living in the same city. One date followed another and before long they were lovers. Nick was always trying to push Freda a bit further. Broadening her horizon, he called it. Freda would laugh, but most of the times she was more than willing to try something new.
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Training Rebecca

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Rebecca prepared for the day as usual. Out of bed extra early, a workout in the home gym, breakfast prepared to a tee as usual by the maid, a shower, and then up to change. John had just come out of the shower. He still possessed the hard lean body that had attracted her a dozen years before. As she donned conservative, but expensive lingerie followed by a dress suit, he reminded her that his plane would be leaving in 2 hours, so they had to hurry.
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Riding the Rails

Category: BDMS
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I knew he had been planning something unusual for several days before he broached the subject - there was just something in his manner that suggested he was thinking, analyzing, and preparing some new exploit. It's one of the things I love about him - he's always working out new things to try and new experiences for us to share. He finally came out with his latest idea as we were rinsing the dinner dishes and putting them in the dishwasher.
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Unusual Twins

Category: Incest
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My sister and I were identical twins; I always say that we are unusual twins because our mother refused to dress us alike, ever! From a very early age our mother encouraged us to have different hair styles; my sister was encouraged towards music and dance while I was guided to gymnastics and anything remotely sporting.
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The Incredible Invisible Man

Category: Gay Male
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Funny it happened when we tried "The Invisible Man." I've always wondered about that. Everybody's tried auto-blow, bending into a pretzel, trying to suck your own cock. Everybody's tried it, especially when younger. A flexible guy like my Chuck-o can lie back, roll his hips up, bring his feet back over his head, knees to his chest, and get his own dick down between his lips. Gives himself a blowjob.
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Moment of Weakness

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 2 votes
Joan looked up at the clock. It seemed to have stopped at 3:28, but that was probably just her imagination. Her watch also said 3:28. Mind you, she'd been pretty sure for a while that her watch had stopped too. Maybe both of them had stopped. Time seemed to have been doing funny things to Joan all day. At some points, it had been going by unpleasantly quickly, sneaking past her when she wasn't paying attention.
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A Lady’s Companion

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
'It's a funny old world.' B thought to herself as she ground her crotch hard against Maria's. A few hours ago she almost stayed in for the evening. The couple she'd arranged to meet had called and cancelled but since B had spent so long getting glammed up she was reluctant to let all that effort go to waste. She'd still been debating with herself when the taxi she'd booked earlier settled it by turning up.
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Snake Tail

Category: Gay Male
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I had both the advantages and curses of being a rock star. I could afford to go anywhere I wanted on the spur of the moment or as the mood hit me, but if a mood hit me that would land me in the tabloids, I'd better be prepared to go to the ends of the earth. The mood had hit me to get the most exotic and total fuck that I could find by the most talented cocksman I could attract. I had been on open exhibition for months and could have had any woman I'd wanted during that time.
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German Vacation & First Times

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Several years ago, my wife and I vacationed in Europe for two weeks. I knew that Europeans tend to be more casual about nudity and sex than Americans are, but I was still unprepared (as was my wife) when we decided to visit a spa (called "bad") in Germany. We took a tram up the side of a steep hill to the top and looked down over a beautiful view and a large pool with an even larger deck. "Oh my God," my wife exclaimed as she saw that almost all of the women were lying topless on the deck or soaking that way in the pool.
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Resort Day

Category: Fetish
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It was a warm Fall morning and we had slept in late during a rare day off together. We had absolutely nothing planned so we lounged in bed talking and enjoying being snuggled up close to each other. "I miss being naked on the beach like we were during our trip to the resort," Sandra, my wife, said referring to the incredible week that we spent at the Mexican, adults-only, clothing-optional resort.
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