Our small kitchen was a bustle of activity, my own rushed, anxious movements contrasting with Hanna's relaxed calm. She sat down at the small breakfast bar in her fluffy white robe and began to delicately segment her pink grapefruit, a cup of tea gently steaming beside her. As usual however I was running late, standing with a bowl of cornflakes in one hand and a spoon in the other, forcing mouthful after mouthful hurriedly down, all the while trying to avoid milky splashes on my shirt.
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It was a reasonable summer's day for England, the sun was out and it was quite warm. Not warm enough to sunbath by any stretch of the imagination, but it made my 300 mile trip back from University a bit less grim. I am always in a better mood when it is a nice day. I had the radio on singing away. I was wearing a white skirt and a white vest top.. The skirt was well above my knees, not super short, but not massively long either. The vest top stopped just above my navel showing off my belly button piercing which I had had done on my 18th birthday just because I was never allowed one before that.
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Ursula almost remembered the dream that night.
The alarm shattered most of it; even as she was waking up, the strident buzzing noise crashed through the memories, leaving nothing but fragments. She grasped at them, trying to hang onto something, anything at all. There was a hand, she knew, a hand sliding down the swell of her hip and...and a taste like wet rubber...no good. It was gone. Ursula hit the snooze button, but the dream didn't come back.
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It had been more than a week since I had seduced -- no, Taken -- my boss Rick. The entire episode had been unplanned and fully out of character for both of us. Rick was a tall, muscular, dominant man. I was short with a few extra pounds, and had the reputation for being a bit of a nurturer, a friendly port amidst work-related storms. Certainly I had found Rick attractive right from the day I first met him.
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"When a person does not give up on sex, sex does not give up on the person." (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
Tania sat on an air mattress beneath the old apricot tree that was one of the trees that constituted the orchard part of the garden. Beyond the orchard and screened from her sight by a high brush fence was the swimming pool from which emanated the cries, squeals and laughter of the young people, Peter, her son's friends.
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Dark had already enveloped us while the sun continued its slow crawl down the horizon, the red and purple western sky barely visible above the tops of the soaring white pines, the dim light of dusk lacking sufficient strength to penetrate the forest to the dirt road our car bounced along.
The woods swallowed us.
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This was way better than what she'd been expecting...
Tara had been looking for "something new" for a long time. She had married her childhood sweetheart straight out of college and thought that he was everything she wanted. She assumed marriage was a place to indulge all of her sexual fantasies and that her husband would want to join her in them. He instead became even more reserved. Sex, when she could convince him to, was short, boring, and very vanilla.
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Drake signaled to change lanes, listening to Frank's voice on the phone. It had been a good internship, and he had learned a lot from Frank. Truth be told, Drake had a bit of a man crush on Frank. From his stories of adventure in the military and as a contractor to his smoking hot girlfriend, he was almost like an action movie hero. More Clark Kent than Bruce Wayne or John McClain, Frank had become a good friend and trusted advisor.
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There I was stretched out naked on my bed, fisting the bone again. My boyfriend Andy had taken a job and moved to Rome so we decided that rather than keep something going we should just break up. We'd been together for a while and I wasn't in the mood yet to start seeing other men. But I'd been horny as hell. So, for now, I was again testing the proposition that at times a man's fist could be his best friend.
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You hear the normal story all the time. It could be a drunken romp where two blushing newbies try it out on a whim. Maybe it happens on a night of slow seduction, planned for months, when a long married couple try and reinvent their sex life with new penetration. This is not one of those stories.
Dominick and Annie were anal fiends. Every chance they got to play would start and end with hardcore ass fucking.
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