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Cyber Lover

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The following is a true story, based on actual events…well, some of the facts are actually as they truly happened, and some events are based on my lustful imagination. Chris is completely real, and as true as any cyber lover can be: and Dora, as many of you know personally, lives life as honestly as small, rectangular hippy glasses will permit her to be. I would caution any of you out there to be suspicious of any lovers you may meet on the Net, they may not be an honest-to-goodness Chris….so, make sure you verify that you have found…the real Dude…..
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The Chance Cafe

Category: Gay Male
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What a neat idea, Ted thought. He'd been down Lexington a couple of times a week all semester from his room to his classes at the university and he hadn't even noticed the Chance Café, down on the lower level under a hippy New Age gear store.
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On the Road

Category: Anal Sex
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Usually, I-75 from Fort Lauderdale to Naples isn't a very exciting ride. But as my car sped along, passing Florida State Road 19 at around 75 mph, I was pretty fired up. Yeah, I noticed the hundred or so gators sunning themselves on the embankment that lines the interstate; that was different. However, the hormones that were coursing through me this day didn't have anything to do with being excited over cars, or mileage, or gators. The drive itself was a nuisance.
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A New Friend

Category: Anal Sex
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Josh got up and started down the road around noon on a Saturday afternoon. He had been anticipating this weekend for sometime. It had been months since he had seen Tricia. The two hour drive was pretty easy as he had made it a few times. Meanwhile Tricia was busy preparing for the more than satisfying sexual adventure that she knew would occur that night.
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Konan to the Rescue

Category: Gay Male
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"Hey, look at that," Ronda nudged Jerry. "I told you we could set the clock by him." The bank's loan officer and new accounts clerk, whose desks were set side by side in the bank branch's lobby, were leaning into each other and marking the rapid progress of the senior teller to the exit door.
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Yuko’s Punishment

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Yuko had been working in London for a year now and although she was still working for the same Japanese company she preferred the liberation that female employees appeared to have here. In Japan she still shuddered inside as she remembered her old boss. He constantly made her feel uneasy with his lewd remarks and constant leering at her.
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