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My Sissy Roommate

Category: Gay Male
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Disclaimer: I enjoy writing these stories, both for your entertainment and mine. This story involves, gay sex, non-consensual sex and bi-racial sex. If this offends you, read no further. Like most writers, I do appreciate your comments and votes. Thank you. * It was 1996, my first year at college and my first time so far away from my home, my family and my girlfriend.
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Thankful for Getting Stuffed

Category: Mature
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So here it was, Thanksgiving Day, and I found myself in a strange man's bathroom, with my pantyhose pulled down around my knees, my dress hiked up over my hips, and that strange man's cock sliding in and out of my pussy. Well, in truth, he wasn't a complete stranger ... he was my boyfriend's father and I had met him two hours prior. But I'm getting ahead of myself, let me start at the beginning.
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While Steven’s Asleep…

Category: Group Sex
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"I don't believe it," Randi said, tying her bathrobe around herself as she walked out of her bedroom into the apartment's living room. "What's the matter?" Anna asked. "Steven... fucking... fell asleep." "Right after sex?" Calista asked.
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A Lustful Night In

Category: Lesbian Sex
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'Should I send him a picture of my ass or my tits?' Kayla thought to herself. She stood and looked to the mirror on the wall between the dorm room beds. She admired her own body, grabbing her breasts over her spaghetti strap top. Chris was definitely a tits guy.
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Doing Mrs. Hanson’s Yard

Category: Mature
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It was hot as hell, and I still had three more lawns to mow. It was the drawback to making most of my summer money doing yardwork. Graduation was only a few weeks behind me, and college and its expenses loomed ominously over my head. Fortunately, I was going to a local school, but I still had a commute, and books were going to kill me. Anyhow, I'd started early that morning, as soon as the dew was out of the grass, but after two yards already, it was just after noon and the sun pounded down.
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Getting Through to Paige

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Living with Paige was pure hell for Ally. Every moment she was around was like slow, agonizing torture which Ally often likened to having dull screws driven deep into her skull while having her heart ripped violently and awkwardly from her chest by hateful vultures. Well, maybe not that bad, but it definitely sucked in the worst possible way.
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Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"May you live in interesting times," Anya intoned. "Man, I always get that one!" "In bed," I reminded her saucily. "Speaking of which… Josh's coming over tonight," she giggled. "Read yours!" "You are about to embark on a fabulous adventure." I paused for a beat then added, "In bed." "Well, you are going on a trip tomorrow!" Anya squealed excitedly. "And it's been way too long since you had a man in your bed, mister."
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Freshman Girl

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"No. No. No. Maybe if I was drunk. No. No." Reaching my hands up and placing them lazily behind my head, I reclined against the large oak tree at my back and continued to check out the steady stream of girls walking past me. "No. Yes. No." I said to myself, as a trio of eighteen year olds made their way past, casting a few flirtatious glances my way.
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BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I had been reveling in Talia Dean's need for me. She came, practically on her knees, to get me to give it up to her. Considering I was a scrawny 150-pound nobody, it was nice. Here she was, the star quarterback's girlfriend in my room almost every night telling me how much she needed me and how much she appreciated me slipping it to her on the side.
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A Party at Jeni’s

Category: Lesbian Sex
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I'd heard about the parties at Jeni's. Everyone had. It was a small liberal arts college, and six foot tall plus blonde lesbians were not exactly falling out of the trees. Everyone seemed to know who she was and that she was "that" way, both she and her nearly equally tall and beautiful roommate, Veronique.
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