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Over The Road Trucker

Category: Gay Male
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My best friend John and I grew up together. We have known each other for 30 years. John is a straight 31 year old manly man, big and strong about 6 feet tall and weighs 250 lbs. He’s not all that good looking. I am also 31 years old, 6-3, 225 lbs, married and have never considered myself gay or bisexual. I have often fantasized about other men as most men do, but not to the point where I wanted to go out and try it.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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The last of our friends leave, which leaves us alone in her room and the entire house. I sit nervously next to her on the bed, and drink some of my beer. The only thing I can think about is what happened last night. I'm too embarrassed to bring it up, but she does it for me.
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Pussy Pupils

Category: Lesbian Sex
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In high school, it had always been me, Jodi, and Nadine. I couldn't have hoped for a closer relationship, even with sisters. We were sort of nerds in high school, but under the acne, clueless fashion, and dumb crushes were fun-loving, pretty young women waiting to break free.
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Love and the Sort Of Rock Star

Category: Lesbian Sex
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It's Valentine's night. I should be out with some hot guy, some hot guy that'll take me out to that cozy little Italian joint I like and buy us an overpriced bottle of really good Cabernet Sauvignon so I can get completely blitzed, lose my inhibitions and let him take me home and screw me every which possible way, I was thinking.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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Janet Kinsella was newly divorced and happily so. She had been married for 23 years, some happy, some not so, until she had found out that her husband had had a string of discreet but plentiful affairs. After confronting him, he announced that he found everything about Janet bland, nonsensical and boring. She had calmly packed his bags the following day whilst he was at work, put them in the garden, called a locksmith, had all the locks changed and then got in her car and driven to the coast.
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Two Virgins and a Girl

Category: Group Sex
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My best friend Karl and I grew up together. We've known each other since we were babies. Our mothers were best friends and they got married about the same time and spent all their time together, so I think we were even changed on the same table and took baths together. We did everything together, we had all the same interests.
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A Reason for Leaving

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Leyla is the hardest worker you'll ever meet. She busted her ass through high school, college, med school, etc. Her hard work continues on with any and everything she does. She's now a doctor and everyday is hard work....and stressful.
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Sex Toy

Category: Gay Male
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I got home late one night from my usual cardio session at the gym. Working out had got me sweaty and horny, so I raced home, glancing to be sure the DVD was still on the passenger seat, something I had grabbed from the gay section at the porn shop I worked at, before leaving for the day.
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At Last

Category: Lesbian Sex
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There are a thousand possible beginnings to the story of how this happened, and they're all swirling together at this moment. People tell stories of how they fell in love, how they knew that the person on their mind was the person they wanted to spend forever with, and that's something I could never quite wrap my head around.
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Out Of Nowhere

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It was one of those nights again, chilling here with him and watching T.V. We just got done laughing about how stupid high school was, but how we sort of already miss it. Best friend the whole way through. Him and I just always had the greatest times together, although most of it was over Xbox Live. Most of our laughs, inside jokes, and stories all were over Xbox. We'd just finished watching The Avengers. I love superheros, and the comics along with them. Okay, okay, yeah. I'm that girl.
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