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They Meet Again

Category: BDMS
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She took one last look around the room making sure everything was ready. A bottle of wine was chilling on the counter top and the candles were lit, long red tapers, just as he requested. A light mix of Jazz and Blues was playing softly on the radio. Taking a deep breath she positioned the straight-backed chair facing the door, put her blindfold in place and sat down to wait.
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Retrenched, Revenge

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Paul could not believe what he was hearing. After 4 years of service, he had believed himself to be an asset to the company. His boss, Richard, now sitting there, spewing the company line, had become a good pal. Yet, here it was.
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Waiting For You

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When you open the door, the whole apartment is dark. You call out a name, knowing that your lover should be here... maybe he's asleep. You hit the light switch on the wall, but nothing happens. You flick it again. You can see the VCR blinking from the other side of the living room, so you know there's power. Well, maybe the bulb just burnt out.
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Submission in the Rain

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I took my eyes off the road for just a moment and glanced over at him. He sat looking straight ahead, in the passengers seat. There was no apparent sign of emotion on his face but I knew his mind was fixed intently on what might be soon happening.
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The Eyes Have It

Category: Anal Sex
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Mike had the damned ticket anyway, so it seemed crazy not to use it. Two tickets for the London Eye. On Valentine's Day. He'd booked it months ago, in the first flushes of his relationship with Vicki. He should have known it wouldn't have lasted this long. No, wait, that was wrong.
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Fun In Dark Times

Category: Fetish
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Thursday August 14th started like any other day. My morning commute to work was uneventful, and the day itself was slow. My job as a financial analyst in mid-town Manhattan keeps me pretty busy, arriving early and usually leaving late. Most days I do not get to leave until 7:00 pm or so, but this day turned out differently.
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Stocks & Bondage

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Jen's feet hurt, her legs were cramped, and she had to pee so bad she thought her back teeth were floating. She was beyond pissed, way beyond. The pressure in her bladder increased another degree, and a gnat started buzzing her nose. She tried to blow it away, but every time she did, the dam in her holding back the urine threatened to burst.
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I Don’t Want to Share

Category: Fetish
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Another sleepless night, the dark enveloping me like a lover’s embrace. My mind wouldn’t let me sleep; Aaron Black’s cock was ripping through my pussy and brain over and over. His muscles, his face, the power in those cold, cold eyes, they all haunted me.
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On Making Love To You

Category: Fetish
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When I awoke this morning I immediately craved you. I let myself go to make love to you. I awoke facing you, looking into your beautiful face, your eyes opened, smiling into mine. I reached out, stroking your cheek, tears of joy in my eyes. We pulled closer to each other, holding, touching, silent but for our breath. Exploring, feeling, needing.
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College Blues

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Like many college students I take classes at all hours, after working a long day, I have night classes to face. All those subjects I never wanted to take, but have to, or I don’t get that beloved piece of paper that says I’m qualified to do my job. We park in deserted lots, huge fields of cement, that blend with the darkness as if waiting for the night to come.
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