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Waiting For You

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When you open the door, the whole apartment is dark. You call out a name, knowing that your lover should be here… maybe he’s asleep. You hit the light switch on the wall, but nothing happens. You flick it again. You can see the VCR blinking from the other side of the living room, so you know there’s power. Well, maybe the bulb just burnt out.

It never even crosses your mind to be worried.

Walking toward the kitchen, you run into the coffee table and curse. Your eyes are starting to adjust to the darkness, but it is complete enough that you still only see shapes and shadows. You reach the doorway and move to turn the kitchen lights on.

And in that last second, before you can reach the switch, I am upon you. My hand comes down over yours, and you scream. I cover your mouth with my own and kiss you hungrily. My arms close around you, and you struggle. I only pull you closer, and you can feel me rubbing my erection against you as you writhe. My tongue is in your mouth, and the thought flashes through your mind that you should bite down. But before you can even consider it, another thought passes through your mind — perhaps I am your lover, and this is some game. How can you be sure?

That hesitation is all I need to know you are mine. God, it is so good to feel you there against me, quavering with fright and anticipation. My zipper is open — while I waited for you, I couldn’t help but touch myself in the blackness — and I can feel the coolness of fabric against the head of my cock. I thrust it against your skirt while my right hand moves up to grab your breast. If you are driving me this crazy through your clothes, how will you feel when I rip them off your body?

I squeeze your tit brutally, until the nipple pops up even through the bra and blouse I can feel. I close my index and middle fingers on it and pull until you gasp against my mouth. My other arm is still holding you close. You have stopped moving, paralyzed as I play with your body. I take my mouth off yours; I know you will not scream, not now. I kiss the base of your neck — I suck at it, even bite down until you know I have raised a mark. I lick a slow, sly, sensuous trail up the length of your neck to your earlobe. I growl into your ear, and all along my hand is still kneading your breast and my cock is pushing in between your legs. You focus on the microwave on the other side of the room, and the white digits giving the time there. You wonder if that is sweat dripping down your leg under your skirt.

Suddenly, I reach up, grab both lapels of your blouse and tear. You hear the buttons clatter to the floor, and feel the change in the air against your skin. For a moment, your response is almost banal — oh, I liked this one — then you feel my hot, searching mouth move down the exposed skin, over your shoulders down your chest. You feel my lips slick and sliding across you. My hands, which have moved to caressing your back and your ass roughly, slide to undo your bra — and you feel thankful that I did not decide to tear it, as well, from your body. You even let me slide it off your arms without protest.

You get a vision of yourself if there were light — blouse in tatters about you on the floor, naked from the waist up, vulnerable to my every whim. You feel your nipples stiffening, feel the skin about them becoming tight, and you are forced to admit to yourself that yes, this is turning you on.

You are brought back to this time and place when my hands begin to work both your breasts, now skin to skin, roughly fondling and pinching the nipples. I am using you there in the darkness, playing with you, making you my toy. I get even harder as you stand there, mutely, waiting to find out what I will do next. I kiss you again, deeply, thrusting my tongue against yours, not letting you retreat. You take a step back and I keep my mouth glued to yours, my breath hot through my nostrils between us. You take another step, and I begin to guide you back along the wall.

One of my hands now, finally, works its way under your skirt, up your thighs. Some part of you that is still hysterical thinks, I shaved for this? Then the side of my hand is sawing against your pussy, through your panties, rocking back and forth. My thumb pokes rudely to the front, seeking out your clit, pushing at it. And we can both feel now that, admit it or not, you are getting wet.

Your shoulder hits a door frame, and you’ve so lost your bearings that you’re not certain where I’ve moved you to. But the door is open, and I push you inside. I am rough with you again, hurried where I had almost been loving as I touched you in the moment before. I am moving you across the floor now, backwards, and you stumble as my hands keep touching every intimate place they can reach. You fall back, a noise escaping you into the night — and the bed is right behind you. Not expecting it, you hit it hard enough to be out of breath.

You lie there, panting, as I pull your skirt and panties off. This is it, you think. Last chance. If I am going to fight, it has to be now. But as you begin to struggle, not even sure if you want to, I am on the bed above you, my hands on your forearms holding you down, and you can feel my cock against your stomach. I kiss you again, savagely, until our teeth clack together and your lips ache. I stretch your arms out to the headboard, and then suddenly my weight is off you. You try to bring your arms back down — and find that they are tied. It feels like they are bungee corded to the bed, you can gain a little movement, but not enough to free yourself.

You hear the rustling of my clothes falling to the floor. You know this is it — I am going to fuck you now. You think about my cock, about the feeling it had against your skin… about the fact that it will be in you. Finally, you have to admit — you want it. The muscles inside you are clenching and releasing, needing to feel it. Your thighs are rubbing together, the wetness spreading between them, and you find yourself pulling at your restraints, your legs spread straight out so your body forms a taut “x”, and thinking again and again, do it, just do it…

I climb over your leg getting back on the bed, and you feel my cock drag across you. Carefully, you wait until it is past to begin kicking and struggling, now completely playing along. You even start to talk to me — “If you’re gonna do it, fucking put it in me. What are you waiting for?” I grab your thighs, holding you, and my touch feels like fire.

The moment stretches out. You feel like you are waiting for me forever, eyes squeezed shut, seeing sparks behind them. You feel so ready that you are going to burst — but even at that, you are not ready when I let my weight fall across you and all at once the full length and thickness of my cock is inside you. Somehow, you missed the motion inward, because I am now filling you to your depth and breadth, and sliding backward to do it again.

This surprises you enough that you forget to struggle, to talk. Those first few strokes, I fuck you like a rollercoaster cresting a hill — suddenly I am justthere, at the bottom, and you are twitching around me. You only feel the slow ascent out of your grip. You can hear how my breathing has changed.

Then, bit by bit, you begin moving with me again. Now, instead of struggling, even in play, you are rocking with me, wrapping your legs around, trying to pull me back when I move outward. I am riding you, and you are bucking at just the right times, twisting your hips, letting the feelings rise and suffuse you. You are working toward orgasm now, reaching for it, needing to take this to its fulfillment. Each time you are a little closer.

You wish your hands were free so you could play with your nipples; but then, a moment later, my hands move there. You wonder if I could read your needs that closely, or if I did it for my own pleasure. Either way, you arch your back, lifting them to my deft fingers.

I am really pounding at you by this time, letting my whole weight slam our bodies down against the bed each time, using the springs of the mattress to start the upward stroke. My cock batters at your cunt, and you try to squeeze it in two each time. Every muscle in our bodies is taut. Moisture spatters down on your cheeks, and you realize it is sweat falling from my hair.

Suddenly, it is no longer a feeling rising in you — it is combusting, exploding. You cry out and pull hard enough at your bonds that one hand comes free and you dig into my back as you come. We are tight against each other and I continue to ride you as your whole body convulses — once, twice, three times, four — and you can feel my cock swelling even through your own feeling and you know that I am about to let go deep inside you, my hands on your hips, pulling deeper into you yet, kissing you and our mouths meet completely, until you are breathing my breath we are so close to one person.

We come like that for another eternity, until we are both gasping in the darkness. I undo your other arm and you are motionless across the bed. I cling to you, above you, until my cock slowly dwindles from your pussy. You can feel my heart thumping against yours.

Moments later, I reach above you to the right-hand side, and you realize that I am reaching for the bedside table, for the lamp there. As I fumble for the pull chain it all comes back to you, and you wonder —

Just who are you going to see?

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