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Category: Anal Sex
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The July afternoon was hot and brilliant, the sun beating down from a cloudless sky as she stood in the doorway, looking out into her backyard. She was alone with her thoughts, which were now just so much kindling for the summer weather that always made her feel lusty. Holding a cold, sweating glass of lemonade, she was on her way out to sit in a lounge chair when he crossed her mind and she felt her legs get a little weak.
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Cyndi’s Backdoor Surprise

Category: Anal Sex
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To some guys, my wife Cynthia is every man’s dream girl. She may not be a centerfold, but she is all woman. Standing just under 5-5 in her stockings, her firm 34B breasts make her Victoria's Secret bras proud. Her long legs are finely displayed when she wears flowing skirts which end a few inches above her knees, and most are shocked when told that Cyndi is 35-years-old.
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Freak in the Sack

Category: Anal Sex
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This is another true story. This one took place several years ago at an old job I had. I met Jacey at work and immediately I noticed a sexual spark. She was a short girl, about 5'3" with jaw length straight blond hair with big brown eyes. She was 23 and I was 28. She had great skin with a few freckles here and there. I later found out her light bronze skin tone was because she went to the tanning bed.
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My Slut

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
I glanced around nervously as Mya dug through her purse, searching for her keys. "What time is your boyfriend coming home again?" I asked, waiting impatiently as she continued rummaging. "Stop worrying about it?" she chided, pulling her keys from the purse, fumbling them in her drunken fingers. "He won't be back until the morning."
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The Dark Erotic Side Of The Moon

Category: Fetish
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He left me. Because of him I moved to this fucking city, away from my family and friends, away from my comfortable little world. I sit here in my small room, with nothing to comfort me except my cigarettes and bottle of cheap wine. Tomorrow I will feel even worse; lovesickness and headache is a bad mixture. The moon laughs down at me, his ugly yellow mug deriding me. I throw the cork of the bottle at him, but it only bangs against the window-glass.
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Special Treat

Category: Anal Sex
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Gently closing her bedroom door, she felt her heart start to pound as her excitement rose. It was his birthday and time to prepare her special gift. On the dresser were the black garter belt and dark nylons she'd bought earlier in the day. She knew he'd love them -- a garter belt and stockings were among his greatest turn-ons, and hers, too.
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Shelby’s Troubles

Category: Anal Sex
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Shelby took a deep breath and tried to work the knot out of the muscles in her neck, again. She hated this, every time life got stressful, it manifested itself in a sore neck, tight shoulder and back, gimping her up from days. No amount of ibuprofen helped. A massage would, but, according to her current financial situation, there was no way she could afford the luxury of a professional massage.
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What a Day!

Category: Anal Sex, Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
One day I bring you home to my place and introduce you to my friend Liz. She has just showered and still has a little water dripping off her hair and down her chest and into her gown. We sit down on the couch and chat for a bit while Liz goes and gets ready in the bathroom. While she is in the bathroom, I tell you all about the day me and Liz had together.
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Stroking Midnight

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I took a long sip of my dirty martini and leaned into the bar, staring resentfully down towards the end of it. My boyfriend of three years, Ryan, was still engaged in conversation, feeding his ego with clever banter. I noticed the familiar animated expressions, grand gestures, and overly enthused laughter that captivated the small crowd of people he was talking to. I sighed heavily, and settled back onto my bar stool and played with the spear of olives in my drink.
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Oh, Sweeeeeet Revenge!

Category: BDMS
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My name is Michael - family and friends call me Mike. At that time I considered myself an unremarkable 23 year-old, English WASP with a degree in psychology and a post-graduate certificate in education. I was working through my last summer before starting teaching in a secondary school near my old home town. I was brought up with the 'protestant work ethic' and had always had a job of some description as I went through my further and higher education.
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