
Well, that was a crappy day at work, I think to myself as I lock the car. What a waste of time. Meetings, bureaucracy, frustration after frustration. I let the door slam a little harder than necessary, and kick my shoes off in the hall. I wonder if Sarah's in? She normally goes running on a tuesday.
"Hon?" I shout as I dump my work bag. No answer.
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Damn! I really will have to gather up my courage and get myself out there to buy a proper butt plug.
Not for the first time I find myself casting about for something smooth and sensual to shove up my arse. The hotel room is equipped with every convenience device known to man (and woman), there's even a porn channel on the TV – but there aren't many hotels that have dildos in the bedside cabinets.
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Alice pondered her situation. She was 21 and had been dating a hot guy for a few months. He was the best fuck she'd ever had, but having said that, she wasn't all that experienced. During conversation one day it had emerged that her boyfriend, Sam, had been much more adventurous than she could have imagined: he'd been involved in group sex and even had anal sex. While the thought of it all kind of turned her on, she was worried that he'd get bored of her and find someone else to do these things with if she wouldn't.
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When my college housemate Jamie first suggested going on holiday to Tenerife together I jumped at the chance. "Really?" I said eagerly. "That'd be really cool, we can go and see that cave I was telling you about, you know, the one with the fossils..." I was amazed at the offer, and chuffed at the same time. I mean, Jamie and I weren't even that close friends...
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istanbulnoir's 'good tastes' warning: you know what people go to the toilet for...
It was my third visit to my Lady and we had just finished our first fuck of the afternoon and we sat smoking and drinking brandy together on her leopard skin covered sofa, when she asked me
'How kinky are you?'
'That depends on how you define kinky,' I said.
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My boss Justin wasn't a beautiful man. He was short with a badly trimmed moustache, a thatch of white hair, huge sweet patched under his armpits & rather a large beer belly. But he was my boss so I treated him with a certain amount of respect. After a few too many glasses of champagne at the Christmas party I'd let it slip that before I'd married my wife I had in fact had a boyfriend.
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