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Teased Too Far

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Jordan was being tortured. It was the day before Valentine's and Glen was torturing her with her gift. He wasn't torturing her with intrigue and suspense. On the contrary, she knew exactly what she was getting. She had known for a long time, and he had purchased it a long time ago. It arrived a full two weeks before Valentine's Day. But rather than give it to her, he taunted her with it. He constantly flaunted it in front of her but wouldn't let her have it.
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The Taste of Ass

Category: Anal Sex, Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Nothing, and I mean nothing, in sex gets me off more than the scent and taste of my woman's ass. I don't mean when it's squeaky clean and perfumed. I mean when it smells and tastes like what an ass is and what it does. Nothing beats the erotic blast of kissing her soft, satiny fanny and parting the cheeks to expose her sexy anus.
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Banana Surprise

Category: Anal Sex
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"I have a special dessert for you, sweetie", Christina said to me as she cleared the dinner table. "I was wondering where all this was headed" I replied. My wife Christina is a complete ass-play freak, and tonight she prepared a wonderful dinner for me while dressed up as a sexy french maid. Her curvy figure was accentuated by a jet-black satin corset with white lace edging.
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Maybe Someday

Category: Fetish
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My wife and I have always had a great sexual relationship and we have been able to tell each other our likes and thoughts about sex very freely. Lately she has been hinting about a bi-curious side she feels she has had for a while. She knows I would be supportive and while making love she has fantasized about another woman being there, and has been very turned on while playing at this.
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Today Was Different

Category: Anal Sex
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Today was different. Today she wasn't going to. She watched her husband's steel-gray Jaguar pull slowly down the driveway. The summer sunlight glinted off the hubcaps as it backed into the street, reversed, and was gone. She supposed she had better clear away the breakfast dishes. Or maybe she'd take a break and read a magazine. Something to pass the time, anyway.
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The Story of N—

Category: Fetish
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N--- was a pretty young Asian woman. The first time we went out, I picked her up after she got off work at the restaurant where I had met her. We had made no particular plans, which suited her just fine. As we drove around looking for something to do, a dance song she liked came on the radio, and she closed her eyes and began dancing dreamily in the bucket seat beside me, her arms in the air above her head, her upper body swaying erotically to the beat. Her sweater-clad breasts, round and relatively large for her very petite frame, thrust outward as she moved. I began to believe this would be a very good first date.
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Special Treat

Category: Anal Sex
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Gently closing her bedroom door, she felt her heart start to pound as her excitement rose. It was his birthday and time to prepare her special gift. On the dresser were the black garter belt and dark nylons she'd bought earlier in the day. She knew he'd love them -- a garter belt and stockings were among his greatest turn-ons, and hers, too.
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Annie’s Panties

Category: Lesbian Sex
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The first time I saw her I felt a strange thrill that I could not understand, along with a desire to be around her as much as I could. We were at the Student Union building, in a large, circular booth, just hanging out between classes. The booth was growing more crowded for a while but by the time the next period started it began to thin out. I skipped a class because I could not bring myself to leave while she was there.
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Danni’s Creamy Cheeks

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
One of the most beautiful women I know is Danni Davis. Melissa is the only lady friend I have who might be better looking, and that would be a matter of just barely. Fortunately, neither of these gorgeous ladies has ever asked me to judge a beauty contest between them, because I really don't know who would win. Let's just say Danni is the most beautiful blonde and that Melissa is her Titian haired counterpart, and leave it at that.
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My Hawaii Beach

Category: Anal Sex
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Sure, it all sounds great. I'm 29, I have my own business. A great house with way more bedrooms and bathrooms than I'll ever need. Plus, my work brings me to Hawaii every 6 months. You see I own a surf gear company. We make wet suits and boards, tees and shorts with our logo on them. Every six months I go to Waikiki to our head plant. I check that everything is being made properly and legally.
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