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Minnesota Nights

Category: Fetish
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I met Nicole at a party. It was still early in the night, and she was standing alone, untouched drink in her hand. To my surprise, no guys were lining up to hit on this very attractive girl in a classic black cocktail party dress, but she definitely was giving a stand-offish vibe - she was obviously uncomfortable, waiting for a friend to come back. I was pretty much in the same situation, so I decided to use that to break the ice.
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Peaches a Plenty

Category: Anal Sex
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Peaches, peaches everywhere but not a bite to eat. I was pondering upon my existence and lack of life while downing my second glass of whisky. A hunger deep inside me resided for many months with no opportunity for quenching. Suddenly a gorgeous peach appeared before me begging to be eaten. Mind oblivious to my body's actions, I was madly devouring the fruit with out any thought involved.
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Nasty at the Motel

Category: Group Sex
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I want you to see me do this. I am driving my uncle's van. I am on my way to pick up Daddy Ford and Ray-Ray. I am deliriously excited. It has been three weeks since I first met these guys in the parking lot of a liquor store. Three weeks since I invited this pair of ex-cons to fuck me in the ass and then come in my mouth. They treated me like a whore, shot jizz and piss in my mouth.
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Plump Beach Girl

Category: Anal Sex
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"Hi I'm Steve." The girl looked up quickly and turned slightly away, hands defensively covering her middle. She needn't have bothered. I had always liked curvy girls and when I had come around the corner of the narrow overgrown trail that led down the hillside to the secluded beach I had stopped to admire her.
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Last Chance

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Nan and I met a few years ago. She was recently cast in a play I wrote and directed. I was immediately taken in by her intelligence, her poise, and her ass. She was an excellent actress in a minor role and outshone many of her cast mates by her talent, as well as her looks. She was tall, 5'9" or so, Her long, dark auburn hair framed her translucent face and soulful blue eyes beautifully. I was arrogant and she was playful.
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