
It's a warm, sunny Sunday afternoon and we are lying in the park. I have my head in your lap, listening to you reading snippets from a magazine as you lazily stroke my hair. My eyes drift closed and I start to get lost in the sound of your voice, your touch, and I think of what I what I want you to be doing to me. I open my eyes just the slightest bit, focus on the shape of your lips and am mesmerized. Your lips can leave the sweetest kisses, yet elicit such desire as they burn across my body.
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We were on our third drink when the questions started. This was always the way with Sienna, a few cocktails and the 'naughty' inquisition began. I always thought it was funny that a few martinis could wash away her preconceptions but I guess that's the way with anyone.
With Sienna though it always came down to the same line of questioning. Anal sex. I'd told her once that I was quite into it and since then it had become her favourite drunken conversation topic.
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Mike's wife laughed the first time he brought it up.
"You're kidding, right?" She looked at him incredulously.
"No, I'm serious," he said. He was a little miffed that she was laughing as they lie in bed after having sex. It wasn't anything to do with what they'd just done but ... still. She was laughing at something that he really wanted and had finally gotten up the courage to mention.
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"So," Judy said after gobbling down a huge mouthful of pizza, "what exactly did you find in her anyway? You could do so much better..."
I shrugged, taking a sip of coke, keeping my gaze on the TV. I could feel my roommate's piercing stare boring into me as she sat by my side on the couch.
"Come on, Judy," I said, "do we really have to talk about this? It's over, okay. She's a shallow skinny bitch and I'm happy to be done with her."
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He hands her a towel as she steps out of the shower, taking her hand and helping her down as though she were a princess exiting a carriage. Steam obscures her body, her porcelain skin red from the heat of the water.
Without a word, she presses her body against his and he holds her in a contented embrace, savouring the scent of her shampoo on her wet hair. They breathe each other in, enjoying the warmth of skin on skin.
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"Oh my god, it's huge!" Audrey exclaimed, unable to take her eyes from the package. "I thought you were going to get one for beginners."
James looked up distractedly, then went back to opening his own packages. "Don't worry, I did. You won't be starting on that one. You gotta work your way up." After a moment, he tossed aside an empty package and held up a short, thinner probe with a flared base. "This is the one you'll be starting on."
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Today was my day off. It was about seven at night, and I had just gotten around to taking a shower. After reading for a few hours, playing some old games on my Super Nintendo, and responding to a couple of work-related e-mails, it seemed prudent to wash away the stank of laziness before my current girlfriend returned home.
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My lover has an Afrikaans accent. His breath whispers against my neck as he speaks gruffly in my ear, pinning me to the living room wall. I push my behind into his groin as he cups my tits, groaning he is "so glad he met me."
It's a rainy summer's night, all sticky and we're slick with sweat. We're both in singlets, he's in jeans and I can feel his thick length as he nestles it between my shorts clad cheeks.
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"Ooh, I just have to have those black ones!"
"Yes, Imelda, but don't you already have 18 pairs of black pumps, on top of the 14 pairs of black slides, and the six pairs of black flats?" I offered, trying not to sound overly sarcastic. I knew this because I kept a running count, a count which never decreased.
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It's not often a person gets to share their dreams and fantasies. But when they finally do share them with someone special they might come true. Faith shared her dreams and fantasies but what she didn't expect was a hidden desire that she wasn't aware of until her partner showed her that she wanted it more than anything during a pashing session where his fingers touched a spot she didn't know could be pleasurable. She has since spiraled into anal heaven. This story is just the beginning of that spiral.
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