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Massaged Inside and Out

Category: Gay Male
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I guess I should have realized that something like this would happen eventually. I was always made fun of in school for having a "girly" build. At only five foot 4 inches I'm not particularly tall. I have slim shoulders, thin arms and legs and my hips are probably more shapely than most guy's. I didn't exactly help things by keeping my blonde hair shoulder length. I told everyone it was because I liked metal music. Most of all though, I apparently have a nice ass.

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Match Play Twosome

Category: Gay Male
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I stood on the tee box looking out across the 1st fairway, wondering where everyone else was on such a beautiful afternoon. High stratus clouds pulled long and wispy, a steady breeze, 72 degrees and low humidity. The many shades of green painted against the deep blue horizon looked crisp and brighter than usual. Hoping for an opening (I didn't have a tee time), I had anticipated a long wait even though it was a weekday. But the parking lot was dotted with just a handful of cars. What a pleasant surprise to have the starter say, 'The tee is yours! Hit 'em straight.' This will be a great afternoon!

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Me and Jack

Category: Gay Male
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I had been to the bookstore many times and had a lot of fun going there. I knew I would continue to go there but since I had moved to Jackson it was less frequent. I also knew that I was wanting a little bit more out of this side of my life. I wanted to try to meet someone to hook up with occasionally. I wasn't quite sure how to do this, but I knew if there was a way, it would have to be on the Internet. I started searching the Internet and looking for ways to meet men.

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Meat Lovers

Category: Gay Male
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I was hungry but I didn't know what for. My wife had left that morning with our baby to visit her mother for the weekend. I'd spent most of the morning laying around, feeling guilty for not going with her. We'd fought about it. I texted her, she didn't text back. I played some video games. I went outside, it was a hot summer day. I looked over the wall that enclosed my yard and saw someone a few yards down, puttering around, a neighbor I didn't know.

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The Lunch Break Girls

Category: Group Sex
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Penny was nervous and paranoid as she roamed the halls of the high school. Not only had she graduated six months ago, but this wasn't even the school she'd graduated from. No, this was the school where Beth, Penny's new friend, was a senior. It was the lunch hour, and though the halls were crowded with students heading to their lockers, the cafeteria, the parking lot, or other classes, Penny felt like she stuck out.
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Member of the Club, That Night

Category: Gay Male
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The orgy began to wind down after that. Most of the guys started to pair up and disappear from the playroom. I decide that 4 loads of cum in my asshole and sucking 5 cocks is probably enough for one night. I say good night to Ken and Alex and try to remember the way to my room. I am still naked at this point, and so I decide to grab my clothes form the other room before I go to bed. As I exit the playroom I see 2 of the applicants standing outside the room.

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Crossing the Line

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I've written this story at the request of a fan. It is purely fiction. I want to give a prologue that quickly explains my attitude to the issues it raises. Certain things happen in this story that I would not want to happen in real life. In real life I believe in equality and consent. I have moral values. However, my mind is a safe playground for any fantasy I choose. If fantasies remain fantasies and do not become obsessions, they are safe. They are also exciting. Enough of that, you're here for my story.
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Lesbian Massage – and I Had No Idea

Category: Lesbian Sex
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She had joined a new health club. It was near where she worked three days a week in the publishing firm her family had owned for three generations. That meant she could go there during her lunch break if she wished, but today she had gone there after work had finished. It was after nine and there were few people around for it closed at eleven.
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A Long Friendship Blooms

Category: Mature
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After living next door to my neighbor Helen and John for many years, I discovered that Helen had a sister, Olive, in the small town of Little Washington where I spent a few years in my youth. Olive and her husband ran the local drive-in and I had spent many an evening at that drive-in. One summer John, I, and my 15-year-old son took a boat trip south with an invitation to stay at Olive's house. It took us two days by boat to get there and Olive's son Charles picked us up at the boat ramp.
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Camping Is Always Fun

Category: Anal Sex
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"Hey birthday boy," Leticia sidled up unexpectedly. "Tongue fuck your ass for a quarter?" Kyle choked on his Dew and sputtered, "Excuse me?" She broke into a snorting giggle, "Sorry, inside joke. Still skipping work to go camping this weekend, right? It's gonna be so awesome!" He found it hard to believe this total nerd would know how to have fun. Kyle put his arm around her and pulled her closer, "Maybe. Who else is coming, I forgot?"
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