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Lusting and Loving

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Now I don’t pretend to know everything about relationships but, I do know that lust and love sometimes do go hand in hand. If you will, just follow me through this little insight that led me to my conclusion. Maybe you’ll see where I’m coming from and take my side in all of this…

I was walking through campus on my way to class one day and suddenly out of nowhere I saw her. She was a tall, sexy and slim yellow bone. I just watched this strange figure from far off; I didn’t want her to notice me just yet. You know how it is, don’t you? The minute something that good looking comes along you wanna look your best before you just happen to be walking by. I took a minute to pull my compact mirror out of my book bag and checked my hair and face. When everything was to my satisfaction, I started to walk in her direction.

Now I know what you’re thinking isn’t that a little extreme? Not to me, is my answer. I mean if you could have seen her you would be acting the same way. Anyway, instead of walking behind her I cut a path right in front of her and let her bump into me like it was an accident. Yea, I know sounds really sad but still it had to be done. I couldn’t just walk right up to this chick and start up a conversation, it just isn’t my style. I’ve never been the one to make the first move I’m still somewhat on the shy side.

“Excuse me,” I started, “I guess I wasn’t watching where I was going.” I said kind of breathless, and then I just had to look up at her face.

“It’s not all your fault, I bumped into you. My bad, here let me help you.” She apologized while helping me pick up my notebook and Chemistry book.

“Thanks,” I said extending my hands out to take them, “I’m Jenniqua.”

“Hey, I’m Mase. Here I think you dropped this too,” she added handing me my student id.

“Dang I can’t afford to lose that, it costs too much to replace. Where did you get the name Mase any way?” I asked her.

“It’s short for Maseria, but most people can’t say it, so you know?” she shrugged after her explanation.

“Yea, trust me I know how it is; my name gets messed up by people all the time. Oh shit,” I said looking at my watch, “I’m gonna be late for class,” and I started to take off.

“Say, Jenniqua. What’s your number? Maybe we can hook up later,” she called out to me with a smile.

“Sure, it’s 832-646-1952 and yes, it’s my real number,” I laughed and made my way to the science building for class adding a small twist in my step for affect.

Now I don’t have to tell you that my mind wasn’t even concentrating on the lecture that day. All I could think about was Mase and us hooking up later. Damn, she was even sexier close up. I couldn’t believe I had given her my phone number like that; I never do anything like that. Well you know what they say, there’s always a first time for everything. I guess it was time for me to do something different for a change.

Later on that night while I was attempting to study for tomorrows classes I heard my cell ring. When I saw the strange number I knew it had to be Mase calling me, so, I answered it anxiously.

“Hello,” I said.

“Hey, is this Jenniqua?” she asked.

“Yea, Mase right?” I answered loving the sound of her voice on the phone.

“Yea, what you doin right now? Wanna go grab something to eat?” she offered quickly.

“Sure, I could use a study break. It seems like I’ve been at this for hours,” I explained.

“Ok, where do you stay? I’ll come and pick you up.” She said.

“I’m in the campus apartments, on Riverbend Street. You know where it is?” I asked Mase softly.

“Yea,” she started laughing, “I live on campus too. Ain’t that a coincidence?”

“Sure is, which building are you in?” I inquired hesitantly.

“I’m an RA over on Sampson Street, the next block over. What’s your apartment number Jen? I’ll be there in ten minutes ok.”

“It’s the second building, third floor number 352. I’ll see you in ten. Bye Mase.” I called out.

“Alright, then cutie be there in a little bit,” and she hung up the phone.

I couldn’t believe it; she was actually coming over to get me. It’s a good thing my room was clean I thought. Now I just had to change and find something else to put on. I quickly went to my closet and found my favorite skirt outfit. Then put lotion on took off my sneakers, and grabbed sandals to show off my manicured toes. Knowing how studs feel about time I quickly changed. Looking into the mirror I brushed my fingers through my naturally curly hair, making sure to put some sheen to it as well. I cleaned my face with some alcohol pads and moisturized it then applied gloss to my lips for a flawless shine and was done.

I took one last look at my reflection and knew with my caramel skin color that I definitely looked great. So, I grabbed my small purse, keys and id of course then went to wait for Mase to arrive. Not a minute too soon there was a knock at the door. I steadied my breathing and walked the short distance to open it looking out the peephole. Even though I didn’t have to I asked who it was.

“Who is it?” I almost laughed.

“Mase, I’m here to see Jenniqua.” She called out.

So, I casually opened it to let her in. I almost lost it when I took in her appearance. She was wearing some jeans that were slightly hanging on her hips a belt with a huge silver buckle on the front, a fitted short sleeve black Polo shirt trimmed in white; a pair of Prada black and white bowling shows. I could feel my pulse racing a mile a minute and I just knew she could hear my heart pounding in my chest. Nervously, I smiled and looked down while touching my hair then quickly looked back up with a blush on my face. I noticed she was grinning to herself then caught herself.

“Damn, you look good girl.” She spoke out on a whistle.

“Thanks, you look pretty cute yourself,” I replied shyly.

“You ready to go?” she offered.

“Yea, I just gotta lock the door,” I said for once I was glad my roommates were all gone by now. They would have all had a fit when Mase came over.

“So, what are you in the mood for?” she questioned.

“I have no idea, you pick. Just remember we’re college students on a budget,” I jokingly responded.

“Oh trust me I know, but I know a few places that have some good food and it ain’t that expensive either.” She told me.

“Ok, lead on Ms. Knowledgeable,” and I laughed again walking alongside her in the hallway.

Outside we walked to her car parked in front; it was a black Jeep Cherokee Limited with tinted windows. I was impressed, not a lot of college students could afford that kind of car. I know I couldn’t but hey some people are just born lucky. Mase opened the passenger door for me and closed it after I was in and in turn I did the same. I unlocked the door for her and pushed it open before she climbed in; she looked at me in surprise. Now, I know what you’re thinking but hey I saw it in a movie so I just thought it was something cute to do. Besides, I wanted to see what her reaction would be.

I put on my seatbelt and she did the same, then she started the car by remote control and put the key in and we started to drive off. Let me tell you I was so nervous just sitting there my hands started to get a little cold. So I rubbed them together a little. She noticed and took my left hand in hers and immediately it got warm. If the light inside the jeep had been on I swear Mase would have seen me turn three different shades of red. It’s not like I haven’t been out on a date with a stud before. Just that they’ve never had this kind of effect on me like she did, not even my ex Dejah.

“You ok now?” she asked.

“Yea, thanks. I kind of stay cold like that sometimes.” I tried to use as a cover for my sudden coldness.

“It’s ok, if you want I can turn the heat on a sec?” she offered.

“No, it’s not that serous Mase, I’m fine really,” I smiled.

“You have a gorgeous smile. Do you know that?” she complimented me.

“Thank you,” I answered back shyly hiding my next wave of blushes.

“So, what year are you? I’m a senior, first semester.” She said.

“Sophomore, first semester it’s strange but I’ve never seen you around campus before.” I quizzed her cautiously.

“I try to stay low-key; I hate people bein in my business. Bedsides, if a lot of people don’t know you, then you don’t get into any outside mess. Get the idea?” she clarified for me.

“I feel the same way. Outside of my roommates and a few classmates, I don’t really know that many people at school,” I agreed with her.

“So Jenn, what’s ya major? I’m goin into architectural engineering and I’m a business minor,” she listed modestly.

“Wow, that’s pretty tough, I’m studying biology with a minor in music. The music is for me the bio is for my parents, they don’t think it’ll take me anywhere.” I reciprocated a little hurt by my answer.

“Damn, what’s wrong, they don’t believe you can make it in the business?” she asked.

“I don’t know, I just kind of do what they ask no questions. No waves being made you know,” I retorted back.

Silence fell over both of us at that moment and I stared out the window quietly. I wondered if Mase thought I was an idiot for just going along with what my parents wanted of me. I just thought of it as just doing what I had to do until I was out on my own. That’s when I felt her hand caressing my thigh. I heard myself gasp softly, and I looked over at her wondering if she was aware of her actions. Obviously, she was and didn’t care. I also wondered if she was thinking to test me to see if I was a lesbian or not since the question never came up between us earlier.

So, to reassure her that her guess was right I sort of moved into her caress allowing her further access to my silky thigh. I hope that answered her question because her hand was setting my thigh on fire. When I felt Mase reaching a little further up I promise I bit my bottom lip and almost stopped breathing. Mind you, that it’s been a little while since my ex-girlfriend and I last had sex so, I was way overdue. Right now I didn’t see the harm in having a little fun with Mase. I mean I’m sure she wasn’t looking for a girlfriend, so why not just make it a little interesting and have fun, right?

“We’re here,” she said interrupting my thoughts.

“Great,” I barely whispered, “I’m getting a little anxious to see what place you’ve picked out,” which was a total lie. I was actually getting wet from her hand touching my thigh.

“Well, let’s go inside,” She insisted as she parked her jeep.

“I’m ready, when you are,” I said opening my door.

It was a really nice place and Mase was right it wasn’t expensive at all. We had a good meal and thoroughly enjoyed each other’s company. During the time spent together we could both feel the sexual tension floating in the air from both of us. After we finished eating I got up and went to the ladies rest room saying I would be back in a few moments. I peed and was going to wash my hands when I saw Mase standing in the bathroom waiting with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

I licked my lips slowly and bit my lip seductively and bent to the sink to wash my hands. When I was through she handed me some paper towels to dry with. I smiled without saying a word. If you only knew how nervous I was trying to play it cool. It was like torture. As I leaned to throw away the paper she grabbed me by the waist and held me to her. She put her right hand under my chin tilting it so I was looking directly in her eyes. And then she leaned in to kiss me. My arm went around her neck and I had to go up on my toes to kiss her back. It seemed like forever before she pulled away and looked down at my face. I knew I was burning up red by now.

“I know this is only our first time hanging out, but come back to my apartment with me Jenn.” She stated.

“Yes,” I let out, “I’m sure you know I’m not a hoe. But I’m just not ready to go back to my place yet. We can also get to know each other a little better,” I said.

“I’ll pay the bill and then we’ll leave,” Mase volunteered.

“I can pay half if you want Mase,” I offered quickly.

“No, its cool I got it,” she said to me.

Now I was just hoping that because she wanted to pay didn’t mean she was gonna be getting some. Even though I really wanted to give her some, I still had to play it cool. We got back into her jeep and before she drove out of the parking lot she leaned over to me and kissed me long and hard. I could feel her tongue glide past my teeth and wrestle with my tongue. I moaned and kissed her with the same amount of energy that she gave to me. I liked the way she tasted and I couldn’t stop moaning in her mouth, she was a great kisser. When she stopped I was completely out of breathe and my heart was racing so fast. I stuck my tongue out and I could still taste her on my lips.

“Damn, you know how to kiss ma,” Mase, blurted out to break the tension.

“Thank you,” I giggled, “you’re not so bad yourself,” and she drove off towards the school.

“I really didn’t think you were into me, but now that I know I’m glad you are. Truth is, I’ve seen you around and I been wantin to get to know you a little better myself. I guess now I get my chance don’t I?” she said placing her hand on my thigh again.

“I guess so. Maybe we’ll have the chance to hang out more than just tonight too.” I added simply with a smile on my lips.

I could feel the warmth creep over my body and knew that if Mase were to touch me again I’d start getting wet again. The thought was delicious; I wondered what it would feel like to have Mase make love to me. Just the anticipation of it was really making me hot. My whole body was on edge from the stimulation of her hand massaging and kneading my thigh. I started to move restlessly in the seat. What you’re doing don’t stop, please don’t stop my eyes were saying to her. It felt so good, my eyes closed and my head leaned back on the seat.

I wet my lips and a moan slipped out of my mouth. Before I knew it we were stopped, I opened my eyes and we were in front of Mase’s building. She turned the car off and leaned on the middle console and motioned for me to come closer. Which I definitely obeyed, and once more our lips met in a sensual embrace. Mase allowed her tongue to explore my mouth with a fevered frenzy. Soon the simple kiss became more heated and urgent than when it started. Mase suddenly broke it off and stared into my eyes.

“I think we should go inside now. I don’t know how much longer I can wait,” Mase whispered into her ear.

“Then let’s go. I’d hate to keep you waiting any longer,” I heard myself saying smoothly.

“Good, come on follow me.” She commanded lightly. I just nodded in agreement.

Quickly but not to steady we got out of the jeep making quick steps to the building. I could feel my heart and pulse beating so fast. I couldn’t believe this was actually gonna happen. The two of us walked into the glass door and headed straight for the elevator to Mase’s floor. Our luck no one else was on with us. Mase pushed the number to her floor and took the opportunity to pull me to her for another unexpected kiss.

When the elevator stopped at her floor, Mase ended the kiss leaving me breathless. We got off and it was apparent that Mase was ready to further this encounter along. It was now or never, I could either run or be brave. So, I decided to be brave and let this happen. Mase unlocked her apartment door and let me in first as she followed behind checking out my well rounded ass. I almost jumped when I felt her touching my behind, only because the caress felt good.

“You want something to drink,” Mase asked hoping she would say no.

“Yea, maybe. What do you have?” I answered timidly.

“Well, I have some Vodka, Rum and Gin. So what’s your pleasure?” she smiled.

“Gin I guess, but not too much. I’m not really a drinker ok?” I explained.

“I won’t make it too strong for you then. Just give me a sec, I’ll be right back. Make yourself comfortable ok?” and she went to the kitchen to make two drinks.

I waited uneasily for Mase to return. I really didn’t want the drink, but maybe it would calm my nerves a bit. When Mase came back into the living room she handed me a glass and sat down and took a seat. I took a sip and as it burned my throat I choked a little. Mase quickly took the glass from me and pat my back. When the coughing subsided, Mase leaned closer to me and sought my mouth.

Damn I loved the taste of her lips and tongue battling with my own. Mase gently put her hand behind my head to deepen the kiss further delving into the recesses of my mouth. Then she started to maneuver our position and laid us back on the couch moving in between my legs. It was like heaven. She began a hot trail of kisses down my body and her hands were everywhere on me. I felt like I was falling and Mase was the only one who could catch me safely at the moment.

“Come on let’s go to my room,” Mase suggested pulling Jenn up from the couch and leading her in the right direction.

“Ok,” I confirmed as I followed.

Mase closed the door behind us and led me over to her bed. I noticed how clean her room was and a little surprised too. Suddenly, she bent down and took my sandals off my feet while I watched. The simple movement was so sweet I couldn’t help but get hot all over. Next, she helped me out of my short torso jacket and top, leaving my bra on. Then she stood me up and turned me around pulling my skirt down over my behind and let it fall to the floor until I was almost naked. I heard her breath catch in her throat and she muttered something but I was so nervous I didn’t hear it.

It seemed like a long time before she allowed me to sit down and started to undress out of her own clothes. She took her shoes off first then her shirt came off over her head. I was impressed with the six-pack she sported I had no idea that her body was so gorgeous. I mean her body almost took my breath away in that instant. When her jeans slid off her and onto the floor I saw the well defined muscles in her legs. She came to me on the bed and gently pushed me to lay back.

“Damn girl, you are so fuckin sexy. I bet you taste good too? I definitely get the chance to find out.” Mase told her.

“You’ll just have to, won’t you?” I teased her smiling.

“Don’t worry, I plan on doin that and a lot more ma,” she promised.

I laid there anticipating the next touch to my body. Fortunately, I didn’t have to wait long. Mase brushed my skin with her hand in a teasing caress. I sighed and she brought her mouth down on mine. I reached my hand up to massage her head and she put more effort into her tongue assault. Her hands seemed to be guiding my entire body into sensitivity. Each touch and caress brought my body a little closer to wanting more of what Mase had to offer. She lifted her head and started licking and sucking on my neck moving the bra straps off my shoulders.

My head went back and soon my bra was gone and my nipples started to respond to the feel of the air and her wet mouth on them. It was like my body had a mind of its own. My legs were moving up and down her thighs, while moans were escaping from my mouth of their own accord. I was completely on fire and it was growing by the minute. She was grabbing and pawing at my hips and I could feel her heat as well. I was so moist between my thighs. I could feel her harsh breathing on my skin as she guided my thongs down my legs. When she stopped to smell the crotch I laughed. Then she looked back at me and I saw the desire she had for me in her gaze.

Mase tentatively took my ankle and opened my legs apart as she licked and bit a warm path up my inner thighs. I moaned and writhed on her bed before her. I closed my eyes at the moment she nibbled at the flesh just before my pussy lips met. I could hear her breath in my sweet aroma as she slid her tongue to taste my juices. When she thrust it inside me I could feel the thickness and its length as she made love to my hole. I moaned as my hips grinded on her tongue letting her in deeper. Her mouth was terrifically perfect and I couldn’t stand it. Once she found my hard clit I was through, her mouth grazed it and my body twitched on impulse. I knew it wasn’t going to take long for my orgasm to hit me. She suddenly placed a finger in my wet hole causing it to make loud squishing sounds.

“Another one,” I said while bucking my hips on her face and hand, “I can take it, go ahead Mase.” And she responded by doing just that.

“Shit its so tight ma, I love how you close up on me though.” She grunted out loud while putting yet another finger inside me.

“Ahh—,” I let out the loud moaning scream into the quiet room.

“That’s it baby, fuck me back. Fuck me back, you like that shit don’t you?” she asked.

“Yes, fuck me! Fuck me harder Mase!” I screamed while my head thrashed from side to side on the bed.

The gushing sounds from my pussy were really driving Mase out of control by now. She put her mouth back around my swollen clit and began sucking harder; it was causing me to lose myself even more. I knew I was so close now with her manipulations of my pussy and clit. My hips were completely lifted off the bed by now and Mase had to get on her knees to stay on my clit. I felt the usual stirring of my orgasm as I grew hot and my muscles tightened up on me. I once more grabbed the back of her head and pushed it even further onto my clit and let out a loud high pitched squeal. Ok if you didn’t know by now yea I’m a squealer, any way. That took Mase off guard so she wanted to hear me do it again. So, she manipulated my pussy the same way and sure enough there it came.

“Oh shit, I’m gonna cum!” I exclaimed. “Please, don’t stop. That’s my fuckin spot Mase,” I barely got out and squealed again.

I could feel her forcing her hand inside me now, but not just her fingers any more. Mase was fisting me and oh my damn it felt so good. That’s when my body erupted and I came so hard. She then carefully took her hand out and drank all my juices from my pussy not leaving any behind. I was so exhausted she had to support my upraised hips in the air to finish drinking on me. My swollen clit then became pleasured again by her mouth and I felt wave after wave of orgasms flow through my body. Slowly, I came back down to earth as her mouth left me. I was busy trying to steady my breathing and could hear her labored sounds as well as she got up from the bed. When she returned, she had a strap-on dildo that was almost the same color as she was and it looked so huge.

“You ever had one used on you before?” she asked taking off her boy boxers and sports bra.

“I have with my ex, but not that often,” I looked away saying, “she’s who I lost my virginity to.”

“Shit, fa real ma? Now that’s some deep love right there,” she stated.

“I don’t mind if you use yours on me Mase, if that’s what you want. I just wanna know if I can taste what’s between those nice ass thighs of yours?” I smiled mischievously.

“No doubt ma, I love to be on the other end of a woman’s mouth, especially one as pretty as yours.” Mase added coming over to nibble and kiss my lips playfully.

I quickly had Mase on her back and carefully straddled her body. I opened my pussy to take in her strap. I tried not to show my surprise as the tip first slid inside me. Oh my damn it was so big. Mase saw my hesitation and placed her hands on my hips and directed me the rest of the way down until I was an inch from her pelvis. My body was already starting to flush red as I let myself get use to the feeling. Then with her help I rode her like a pro, although she was only the second female I had been with like this. I did my best to fuck her like I really knew what I was doing. Soon, I was bouncing up and down and grinding back and forth and she was smiling.

I think I surprised her when I started to turn my body around and did a full 180 on her, while never losing my pace. Oh she was impressed then. I was rewarded when she slapped me on my caramel ass cheeks simultaneously. The next thing I knew she sat up and maneuvered my legs under her and we were in a doggy style position. This position always made me squeal the loudest with my ex. I just hope I don’t come too quickly.

“Yea, I like this position ma a lot; I want you to make that noise for me again too. Can you do that for me? I’m gonna fuck you all night long baby.” Mase whispered into my ear.

“Uh huh. Just remember I do have class tomorrow,” I laughed out the small joke.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get there with a big ass smile on your face too,” she said grunting and thrusting into my hot pussy.

Mase worked my body overtime. She kept pumping into me and the more she thrust the louder I moaned. Soon I felt my orgasm rising to take over me. I began bucking my ass back harder on Mase’s strap to have my release. Our rhythm was so wild and we seemed so out of control.

“Ahh, I’m cumming Mase. Don’t stop. Oh god don’t stop.” I screamed.

“Damn, girl. I feel mine too,” She grunted again.

I knew this was going to be an explosive one and I felt the squeal building up inside of me. I tried to hold onto my release, but it was getting harder. The room was filled with grunting and moaning screams from both of us. My hands were clutching at the comforter trying to keep myself from losing my balance. Then I let out the loudest squeal from my throat. My climax was so intense that it drained all my strength. I fell on the bed half leaning over the edge breathing loud and hard. Mase’s climax had her falling on top of me in exhaustion as well. Both of us were in a sweaty heap of limbs entangled together. I had never felt anything that earth shattering, I was so relieved.

“Oh—my– damn, that was so severe and powerful. I’ve never been so overtaken like that.” I said through my labored breathing.

“Yea, it was intense,” she agreed while pushing my hair away from my neck and licking the area behind it.

“Oh, that feels so good,” I responded softly on a whisper.

“You feel good Jenn. I could make you feel good all night long baby.” Mase said to me.

“Good, I hope you keep that promise too, ahh–” I grinned letting out a soft moan to prove it.

Mase kept her promise to me over and over again, we engaged in so many ways my pussy couldn’t take any more pleasuring. At around 4 am we fell asleep in a sixty nine position. She had me cumming all over her face while I dined on her delicious lips and drank up her juices. I can just imagine the scene we must have made. She was an unbelievably, incredible lover and I knew I wanted to experience her again and again and again as many times as I possibly could. Just as she predicted, I went to class the next day a little tired, but with a huge smile on my face. One thing was for sure, I wasn’t going to be able to do this during the week or I’d never get up in time for my classes the next day. I don’t even know how she was able to make it to her own class that morning, but she did.

Later on that Friday night she called me asking if I wanted to hang out with her again. Of course, I did. I had to get some more of her she was getting in my system and I knew the only way to get her out was to continue having her. I didn’t know if I was falling for her or just lusting over her at this point. I just knew I wanted more of her. Yea, I know how can you fall for somebody the first time you get with them? For some people it isn’t hard, but you see what she did to me. It just couldn’t be helped. I just had to make sure I kept my feelings on guard at all times. But I know that once you start getting involved with a person for a long time your feelings do slip out.

It was almost the end of the semester and the two of us were getting pretty close and everything. Ever since that first night, we were almost inseparable like we were made for one another. I learned so much about Mase as she did with me. It was so easy to talk about things and just be myself with her. I mean we didn’t really commit to each other, or say we were a couple or anything. It was just better to be friends, you know no strings. I liked that idea a lot better. Well that all changed real quick for us this one crazy day. I got this phone call out of the blue from my ex-girlfriend. I know what you’re thinking why would she call now of all times?

I kind of missed her, but not that much. Dejah asked if she could come see me, she wanted to talk about us getting back together. At first, I really didn’t want to be bothered, and then she started telling me how much she missed me and stuff like that. She actually told me she loved me, that’s what got me. So I told her yes she could come over, but I wasn’t promising her anything. She came over on the weekend; I hadn’t talked to Mase about us doing anything so I didn’t think that I needed to call her. I heard the knock at the door and there was Dejah and damn did she look good I thought as I let her in my apartment.

“Hey Jenniqua, damn baby you look good.” She smiled big.

“Thanks Dejah, but that’s not gonna work on me now.” I retorted back.

“Oh, so it’s like that now boo? Somebody must be taking care of my pussy cat for you to say something like that.” She replied quickly.

“It’s not that at all. And if it was it’s none of your business. Besides you came here to talk, so get out what you came here to say.” I prompted the smart remark.

“Why you gotta be like that baby girl? I know you still love Daddy and you do too. So come over here and give me a kiss hello.” She commanded.

I did still love her, but I didn’t want her to know that until she explained herself. I didn’t know if I really wanted her back after what she did to me. But I had to admit that having her back would be good. She was still the love of my life four years, that’s a long time but I felt myself pulling away from her slowly with Mase’s help. You know I gave in and kissed her anyway. I couldn’t help myself she was too damn tempting. And she was looking so good too; wearing my favorite cologne and the outfit I bought her for her birthday and then she had just got a fresh haircut too. My baby was on point when she came to see me.

“Now that’s what Daddy be talkin about.” She preened as she gave me the sweetest, hottest and most passionate kiss.

“Shut up Dejah,” I said while blushing and hitting her playfully then I pulled her to the couch to sit down with me.

“I don’t know why you try to play these games like you don’t miss me Jenn?” she asked me.

“You know why. You cheated on me Dejah. Even though you knew how much I loved you, you still cheated. I just couldn’t take it so I ended it.” I answered with a sad look in my eyes.

“Baby that was one time, and I apologized for it. I had a moment of weakness; you know how I am when you ain’t givin me none. I start losin my got damn mind Jenniqua. But I swear it won’t ever happen again, that trick is gone.” She professed with a definite seriousness.

“How do I know you’re telling me the truth and not just what I wanna hear to get me back Dejah? I can’t go through that again. You wanted it so much after I gave you my virginity, I needed time to adjust baby.” I told her as tears started to fill up my eyes.

“I know baby it was such a beautiful gift too, I just didn’t think you’d let me have it and then take it from me just like that.” She murmured wiping the now falling tears from my cheeks with her fingers.

Suddenly, she was leaning close to me placing her mouth on top of mine in a soul searing kiss. I felt myself melting into the couch as she gently laid me back to deepen the embrace. My arms quickly found themselves around her neck and her hands were soon all over my body. Now I know what you’re thinking how can I just give in to her like that? I couldn’t help it, she knows me so well. Besides, she is my ex; I just wanted some for old time’s sake. Dejah had started taking off my sports bra when I heard a knock at the door. Now who in the hell could that be, I thought to myself. Neither me nor my roommates were expecting anybody. So, I stopped Dejah from finishing her mission and told her to let me answer the door real quick. She was pouting, of course and I just laughed. I got up and went to the door asking who was there.

“It’s me Mase; I’m here to see Jenniqua.” She called. My jaw almost fell to the floor that very second.

“Hi,” I called opening the door looking so surprised.

“What’s up ma?” she asked pulling me to her giving me a deep kiss.

“Mm, not much,” I responded guiltily as she let me go and started to step inside.

I don’t have to tell you how awkward the situation was now do I? When she saw Dejah sitting casually on the couch I know she must have been tripping. So I quickly introduced them to each other.

“Mase, this is Dejah, my ex-girlfriend. Dejah, this is my friend Mase.” I said.

“Oh hey what’s up,” Mase offered her hand to Dejah.

“Not a thing dog,” Dejah replied without any problems shaking the offered hand.

“Dejah just came over to talk for a minute or two. Did we have plans to hang out tonight and I just didn’t know Mase?” I laughed nervously saying.

“I stopped by to see if you wanted to go catch a movie with me, but I can see that you’re busy with company. So, I’ll call you another time. Nice meeting you Dejah. Bye Jenn,” she said leaving the apartment.

“Yea Mase, I’ll give you a call later ok, bye.” I promised as she left with this strange look of disappointment on her face as I closed the door.

“Who the fuck was she Jenniqua?” Dejah questioned me pissed off.

“None of your business Dejah, she’s a friend. We’ve been hanging out lately.” I told to her.

“That wasn’t no friendly greetin the two of you had at the door, now was it?” she asked angrily.

“What are you talking about Dejah? I said we were friends. Why are you getting all mad and stuff? We aren’t together anymore. I can see anybody I want to. It’s not like I’m cheating on you behind your back Dejah.” I let out on a sigh of frustration.

“So, is she the one getting my pussy? You been fuckin her Jenniqua? Tell me!” Dejah started yelling at me.

“That isn’t any of your business Dejah. I don’t belong to you anymore. You lost that privilege when you cheated, remember?” I threw at her hurtfully.

“She must be fucking you good for you to say some stupid shit like that baby. I guess she got you sprung now huh?” she remarked.

“Just leave Dejah,” I said as I started crying again, “just leave I can’t deal with this or you right now.”

“Fine, but you gon want me back when that bitch is tired of you. You know you still in love with Daddy. The question is will I be here to take you back?” she smacked her lips while walking out the door.

I couldn’t believe she was acting like that with me. I felt so hurt. I mean first, she was so loving; and then she just turned on me like I meant nothing to her. And I just let Mase walk in on us almost having sex. I could only imagine how she felt right now. I wanted to call her and explain, but I didn’t even think she would accept my call. I messed up so bad and I didn’t even mean to. Why did Dejah have to come over here and mess things up with Mase like that? So, I just decided to give Mase some time and myself as well. I didn’t want to mess things up any more than they already were.

I was in a total funk the next few days. My roommates knew something was wrong, but they decided I would talk to them if I needed to. The truth was I didn’t want to talk to anyone but Mase. I had really begun to think of her as a good friend. She listened to me and even allowed me to explore my aggressive sexual side. Dejah hardly ever let me go down on her like Mase did with me. At first, I knew I was just attracted to her, but now it seemed like something more was happening with us. So, I decided to call her and try to fix things between us before it was too late.

“Hello,” she said picking up the phone, “who is it?”

“It’s me Mase, Jenn.” I answered back hesitantly.

“Oh, so now you call huh?” she retorted.

“I deserve that, don’t I?” I said.

“Yea you do. You made me look stupid Jenniqua,” she fumed.

“I’m so sorry Mase. She wanted to come over and talk. She was trying to get back with me. I never meant for you to,” she cut me off.

“What, find out you were going back to your ex-girlfriend? But I did huh?” she blurted out.

“No, I never meant for you to feel like I was just using you. I don’t want her back and I was trying to tell her that when you came over. I was just so surprised when you showed up and she just happened to be there. Damn, I know, I – – I messed up,” I stammered while starting to cry.

“Yea ma, you did. I really started digging you. I was gonna ask you to be my girl. But from the little game you played, humph, I don’t think you ready for me yet,” she expressed with finality in her voice.

“I- – I didn’t mean for that to even happen. I haven’t even thought about her since we met. Can’t you see that?” I sobbed over the phone.

“If that’s so true, then why did it take you so long to get at me, huh Jenn?” she blew up at me in hurting anger again.

“I didn’t know what to do. I thought I’d let you cool off first. Dejah was the first girl I’ve ever been with and I just didn’t know how to handle the situation with you.” I explained calmly.

“Well you thought wrong. Don’t you think that I would have listened to you if you came to me afterwards and talked to me? Well, I would have baby. If you haven’t been paying attention lately, I was really feeling you. But I guess you ain’t feeling me in the same way,” she laid it out just like that.

“I was wrong, but I didn’t know if you wanted to complicate things with a girlfriend. I mean you’ll be graduating soon, I’m only a sophomore. I didn’t think you wanted to hang on to a college girlfriend after you left school.” I surmised for her quietly.

“Look I’m coming over there to get you. Come outside in five minutes. We can finish this conversation here ok Jenniqua?” and she hung up without my answer.

I put on some shorts and a sweatshirt and went downstairs to wait for her. Mase pulled up in record timing and I went to get in her jeep. I tried my best to wipe the tears from my eyes so she wouldn’t notice I had been crying all day, but she seemed to know it automatically. Her hand reached up to touch my face as she turned on the interior lights. I tried to hide my face, but she wouldn’t let me. I tried to focus everywhere but in her eyes but it didn’t work. Mase slowly brought her face close to mine and kissed me like I belonged to her and her only.

I knew right then and there that I was hers. Dejah would never be a factor in my life again. Tears started to freshly pour from my soul, sealing our love for each other. When she pulled away from me, I could see the love she had for me staring me right in the face and I knew what I saw was mirrored in my own eyes for her. She turned off the light and drove off back to her place. When we got inside she ushered me straight to her room kissing me the entire way.

“I’m gonna make love to you tonight just to show you how much I care about you Jenniqua. This is our beginning, nothing and no one is ever gonna come between us again baby.” She professed while we took off our clothes slowly.

“I understand Mase,” I confirmed as she dropped kisses all over my skin in a delicate pattern.

“Now you’re my wife and that’s all that needs to be said,” then she looked directly in my eyes and said, “I love you Jenniqua Hayes.”

“I love you too Maseria Jackson, now and forever.” I breathed out feeling a stir in my heart as she covered my body with her own to start kissing me again.

Once our heated bodies became one it was like heaven and earth would shatter before us. Her hands gently massaged my body into submission. There was no mistaking she had full possession of me, I was definitely hers. Her mouth left searing paths down my skin making me ache for her even more. Mase refused to be hurried and took her sweet time loving my body. She licked and sucked every inch of me until my limbs were so sensitive. The slightest touch sent shivers up and down my spine. Mase hadn’t even touched my sensitive hotspots yet. My whole body was completely on fire I’ve never been so pleasured like this before, not even by Dejah.

Mase was bringing my body to new heights of love making. She dipped into my naval with her tongue slowly exploring it and loving it with all that she had. I knew my body was moving and squirming all over her bed uncontrollably. She left small bite marks all over my flesh as she made her way back up my body again. Her hands palmed my ample breasts I loved the feel of her tender ministrations. As she placed her mouth around my nipples my body raised up to meet her. Her tongue flicked back and forth in a sensuous pattern then it circled around my areola until the nipple was erect and overly sensitive. I moaned a long sigh as she turned to the other breast and performed the same duty.

Mase leaned up and looked down at me through loving eyes and I knew that after tonight everything would be ok. She moved down between my legs and my lashes covered my eyes as she grazed my inner thighs with her teeth and tongue. My moans and noises were starting to grow louder by now. I didn’t know how much more my body could take, but I was willing to find out because she made me whole and complete. My snoochie was dripping wet and I was gonna burst the moment she touched me there. I heard her take in the essence of my scent slowly blowing cool air on my hot pussy.

I let out another moan feeling my pulse racing my body was half coming off the bed in a sexy arch. When I felt her mouth cover my opening my body started shaking. She secured me with her arms hooked under my thighs and holding my ass. So, I grabbed the back of her head and she put her face deeper into my wetness. Mase made seductive love to my pussy and when she touched my throbbing clit I started cumming in her mouth. The minute I squealed she was so turned on and into what she was doing that she didn’t stop.

I came back to back for her in just that one moment. My legs shook out of control. I tried to pull her head away but she grabbed my hands and laid them on the bed beside my spread legs. I had no choice but to accept what she was giving me. I could feel my juices continue their journey down her mouth as she drank me dry. Finally, she stopped and my exhausted body just lay there quivering and convulsing like nothing I’ve ever felt before.

Mase came to lay beside me cradling my head with her arm pulling me to her and kissing me I could taste myself all over her lips. I knew I was in love. What started out as simple lust turned into something more by chance. Needless to say Dejah was history from then on and Mase and I have been together for two years now. Oh yea, on the night of my graduation Mase asked me to marry her. And I said yes…

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