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Rock Candy

Category: Group Sex
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In my infinite quest of surprising you, I call your cell and leave a message for you to meet me at the strip club. I leave explicit instructions that you are not to be late, so in fact have your ass there early. When you arrive, there is a table reserved just for you with a note that says, “See you soon!”

The announcer comes onstage, “We have a new dancer tonight, so please make her feel welcomed. Put your hands together for Angel.”

The lights go down and I step onto the stage. My heart beats wildly with excitement as I wait for the song to start. I hope you won’t be upset. After hearing the song begin, my body sways to the rhythm while my hands untie the knot of the crisp white shirt and drops it from my shoulders. A thin line of red lace is exposed across my back. It matches the short red plaid skirt I’m wearing and the little red pom pons that are holding my long ebony hair into two ponytails. I swivel around and my eyes meet yours. I’m not exactly sure about the look on your face. It looks like a mixture of amazement and excitement, but I hope not disappointment. I lower myself onto the stage and crawl closer to the front edge.

Pushing the hook of my red lace bra together to open, I unveil my full C cup breasts to the room. I slide the material from my arms and send it sailing through the air to land on your table. You smirk up at me with the lace resting between your fingers. Raising myself back to my feet, my hips move seductively to the music; my hands roam over my body, descending until my fingers find the zipper of my skirt. With the roar coming from the crowd encouraging me on, I separate the zipper. The matching red lace thong comes into view when I inch the skirt down my hips and thighs.

My hands grip the shiny silver pole as I circle around it and I love the air swooshing around my body from the speed. Sliding down the pole and wrapping my leg around it, I lean backwards, arching my back with head tilted back, my eyes meet yours again. The fixed stare of your eyes on mine sends shivers throughout my body. The spotlight shines over my body, accentuating the fullness of my breasts, the flatness of my stomach, the curves of my hips. I feel so very sexy and empowered at that very moment. My movements are commanding the room, the noise reaching a feverish pitch and I watch the paper money float down onto the stage. I save a little something for only you, so I leave my thong on. I finish my set and wink at you before disappearing backstage.

With all of your connections, it shouldn’t be that hard for you to get backstage. My back is to the door while I’m get dressed into a different outfit. I don’t see you when you come into the room, but I feel your arm slide around my waist and your lips press to my ear, “Excuse me Ma’am, may I get a lap dance from you?”

I turn around to face you, not quite sure what your reaction will really be.

“I think this belongs to you.” Your hand holds the lace bra in front of my face, your fingers jingling it up and down.

“Thank you for returning it. That was very nice of you.” My eyes search yours for an answer, “I hope you aren’t mad with me. I just wanted to surprise you. I’ll treat you to dinner, dancing, a movie, and buy you a special treat with my tips.”

The softness of your eyes reassure me, “I’m not mad at all. It was a good surprise to see you dressed as a naughty school girl. I’m sure you loved being the center of attention. Everyone seemed to really enjoy you.”

“Great! And to think I got another use out of that uniform. Catholic school does have its benefits. I thought you might like it and I’m happy that you did.” I pull your mouth down to mine and lick across your lips. “Feels like someone else enjoyed it too,” I say as I rub my stomach over the very obvious bulge of your jeans and watch your lips spread into a wickedly sexy smile. I’ve seen that smile plenty of times to know what it means.

One of the other girls comes up behind me and says, “He’s a good fuck.”

My dark eyes stare into your light ones as I ask her, “Is he now?”

“Yes he is,” she replies with her body pressing into my back.

“Are you a good fuck?” I ask you while my hands disappear under your shirt and caress the muscles of your toned stomach with my fingertips.

Your eyes entice mine, “I am.” Your hands move behind her and you pull her closer to me, your arms holding both of us.

“He definitely is!” I hear her chime as she slides her hands around you and pull you closer to me. I feel the warmth from both of your bodies, the two of you sandwich me in the middle.

I bring my hand down from underneath your shirt to unbutton the top two buttons of your Levi’s. I snake my hand into the opening and brush up and down the outside of your boxer briefs. Your cock is harder than a rock and straining against the thin fabric, my hand squeezes lightly and cups your erection against my soft palm. Your warm breath caresses my ear as you moan softly, “The lap dance? I want one from you.”

“All right Mister, a lap dance you shall have.” My hand eases from your jeans and I button you back.

The other girl eagerly asks, “Do I get to come too?”

“Of course you do.”

The Cheshire grin on your face makes me laugh. You wrap one arm around my waist and the other one around hers. Heading down the hallway, we stop when we reach an empty, secluded room. The room is small with minimum furniture. She locks the door behind us after we all cross through the doorway.

My eyes follow her across the room where she stops to fumble with some cds. She’s a few inches taller than I am, but our bodies are the same type. Her breasts are full like mine, but bigger. I wonder if they are real? The top she’s wearing is a size too small and make her tanned breasts protrude over, but the blue satin complements both her skin and the blonde waves grazing her shoulders. I follow the contour of her curvy hips and along the blue strip that disappears between two tight cheeks. Noticing the parting under her cheeks before her legs start, I think that’s one of the sexiest parts of a woman, it leads to shapely and smooth thighs. Her calves and legs are toned. I’m sure she works out all the time to keep her body that way. She’s a pretty woman and I can understand why she’s a top draw at the club. A little pang of jealousy flares up in me when I think about you having sex with her.

You turn me around so that I am facing you. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Why do you ask?”

“The look on your face says different. You’ve never been good at hiding the way you feel.”

The sound of music pierces the air which give me an excuse not to answer you. I raise my voice to be heard over the music and call back over my shoulder, “What’s your name, by the way?”

“You can call me Candy.”

“How sweet!” I mumble under my breath. She turns the music up really loud to drown out any of the noise. The loudness crashes off the walls and I feel the floor starting to vibrate slightly beneath my feet.

I look up at you, “Candy, huh? Figures. Is she hot, sticky and sweet too?”

You laugh into my ear, “Be nice, honey.”

“I am being nice! I was just asking a question.”

“Uh huh. Right. I know you and that wasn’t JUST a question. It was a while ago, before I even met you. You don’t have anything to worry about with her.” I feel your lips on my neck. I hate when you do that, knowing it will distract my train of thought. Your arms close around my waist; the heat of your arms penetrates my skin, your erection pressing firmly into the curve of my lower back. The words are quiet, “This is from you only. You always can draw a reaction from him.” Smiling, I relax back against you and snuggle in your arms.

I’ve changed into a matching soft white bra top and thong. I’ve always thought white looked really good next to my naturally tanned skin. Candy pulls up a chair and tells you to have a seat. It’s easy to see how excited you are through your jeans as you relax back into the black leather. I straddle you and have a seat on your lap. Reaching behind me, your fingertips unhook the bra top and slide it from my arms. My pink, cherry sized nipples harden as soon as the cool air hits them. You drop your head and catch a nipple in your mouth, your bottom teeth scrape over it before your lips lock down on the hard tip. My pussy ignites instantly from your mouth. My juices saturate the flimsy fabric covering my pussy as my hips gyrate over your lap to the music.

Your head tilts back and that puts your face just below mine. “Did it excite you being up there on stage dancing in front of all those guys? Will I find your pussy soaking wet if I slipped my fingers into your thong?” As your hips raise up against me, the bulge in your jeans rub over my puffy lips and your hands palm my fleshy cheeks. Your fingers dip under my thong and a finger slips into the soft, wet folds of my pussy. I grip your finger as it works around in the hot darkness inside of me. Another finger eases into my hole and both fuck me slowly.

You whisper up to me with your eyes commanding mine, “You’re so fucking wet. It had to be such a rush for you being on that stage with all eyes on you. Knowing that any of those guys would kill to fuck you, only made you want to show off even more, didn’t it?” I slide my tongue down your neck and bite hard into your shoulder, the sensations from your fingers sending my mind off into another world.

“I want to feel you inside of me,” I pant hoarsely into your ear. I press my body into yours as I feel your fingers scratching down the walls of my pussy, my juices inching down and covering the palm of your hand. Your expert fingers drive me closer to an orgasm with every thrust.

The sound of Candy’s voice interrupts the moment. “It’s no fun if you two are going to just play with each other.” As you try to take your fingers from my hot cunt, I grip around you tightly and rock my hips faster to your hand. The look on your face is priceless; you continue to vigorously slam in and out of my dripping tunnel. Just a few more strokes and I will be there. Candy clears her throat in an annoying tone and I reluctantly ease off your lap. Letting out a disgruntled sigh, I move closer to Candy near the center of the room.

Candy and I start to dance to the music; our hands roam over each other’s body, exploring the curves. Her hands cup my full breasts and her thumbs roughly shift over my nipples, the pink tips swelling so hard beneath her fingers, the electric current shooting over my body from her touch. My eyes never leave you and your eyes never leave her hands. My mouth finds hers and we share a sensual kiss. Lowering her hands down my stomach, she claws the wet thong from my body, the chill in the room washes over my bare pussy causing me to shiver slightly. I gasp and bite my lower lip at the caressing of her fingers across my lips. My juices have my lips shiny and wet from both your attention and hers.

Glancing in your direction again, you have unbuttoned your jeans, but haven’t taken your cock out yet. I can see the imprint of your hand as it snakes up and down your length, the outline of your cock presses tightly against the dark denim. My moans become more breathy when Candy’s fingers advance through my lips, her fingers gently pinch my hard clit and that sends me over the top. Her tongue wets my shoulder and neck with every passing as my sticky wetness coats her fingers. She adds more pressure to my clit and my body trembles, the color rising to my face and I gasp deeply for air. Removing her hand from my pussy, I am left panting and soaked.

Candy pulls up another chair; the placement of the chair faces you and she instructs me to have a seat. My body is unstable from the hard orgasm, so I sink heavily in the chair and watch her lower herself to her knees in front of me. We both look over at you. I lick my lips at the sight before me. Our eyes are fixed on you stroking your dick, the head is so swollen with the veins thick and full. I smile softly at you, your eyes travel from mine, to hers and back to mine.

Candy’s voice is gentle, “He’s really amazing, isn’t he?”

Nodding my head, I offer, “Yes, he is quite the lover. I can’t seem to get enough of him.”

She turns her head and looks up at me. “You must be something really special if he was willing to give up everyone else to be with only you. He’s really not that kind of guy. He liked a different girl every night. I was only one of several.”

Slightly embarrassed that Candy may have heard me talking about being jealous of her, I simply smile with a thank you. After all, I was the one that had invited her to join us.

“Consider yourself very lucky. It’s a major accomplishment.”

My hands wrap into her blonde hair, moving it away from her face, so you can get a great view of me leaning down to kiss Candy’s lips, our tongues playful at each others. My hands drift downward and with shaking fingers, I unhook the top she’s wearing before pushing it away from her body. The palms of my hands skim very slowly over her nipples, they react and spring up to greet my hands. Kneading her heavy breasts, the flesh spills out over my hands as I push them upward, my fingertips tugging the big buds decorating the ends. I’m surprised that her breasts are, in fact, real. The softness feels very similar to my own, but it’s exciting to touch another. I run my tongue lightly over her neck causing her to let out a low moan as my hands continue to explore her breasts.

Candy shoves me back in the chair. She pauses to remove her now damp thong. Again, I’m curious to what you are doing, so I peek over at you. The cock that I love so much is growing thicker between the fingers that are pulling at its hardness. Candy’s soft lips encase my nipple and nurses the swollen tip. My back automatically arches, my hands hold her mouth closer to me, the pings traveling straight to my pussy. Candy’s hand comes up and cups my other breast, her slender fingers rolling, tugging, pinching the puffed-up nipple. I rock my hips along with the music, this sends my lips back and forth against my clit very quickly. My body is teetering right on the edge of another orgasm.

My eyes watch her intently; my body is drawn into a different plane of pleasure. She peers up at me with eyes the color of ocean water and her tongue darts across my nipple before her teeth sinks deeper into my delicate skin. I feel her fingertips dancing across my stomach and my thighs spread when her fingers rest on my lips. Slipping her fingers past my lips, Candy makes contact with my aching clit, her lips engulfing more of my breast into her hot mouth at the same time. My screams can be heard along with the music.

Raising my espresso eyes and watching you while Candy’s thumb runs repeatedly over my clit, my eyes take in your expanding head when your hand reaches under the tip. Stroking unhurriedly over your rigid cock, the veins fill out as your hand squeezes the base. My mouth is dying to taste you, wanting so badly to roll your dick across my tongue. The crystal clear drops seep from the top and your fingertips massage them into the smoothness of your red head. I’m unable to stay still in the chair. The show you’re giving me and the touch of Candy have all of my senses aroused.

Your beautiful green eyes seem to hypnotize me. The feeling of Candy’s tongue on my clit breaks our stare. I jump when her lips enclose my clit; her warm, wet mouth sucking me deeply causes my head to fall backward and my lids close tightly, acknowledging my enjoyment. My hips grind gently against her mouth, my fingers weaving through her soft hair as I clutch her to me, her fingers moving in and out of me with speed and determination. I open my eyes and gaze upon you again. Your eyes move up to mine for a second, then back down to Candy’s mouth on my pussy.

Breathing hard and heavy now, my chest heaves; her passionate tongue licks lightly under my clit, her teeth nibbling softly on my clit, her fingers disappearing further inside of me. One of my hands leaves her hair and reach up to take one of my breasts. My thumb mauls the stiff nipple, my hips grinding hard on Candy’s mouth, riding her like there’s no tomorrow. I follow your eyes down to see what you are watching. Candy’s fingers are exploring her own pussy, the light reflecting on her wet fingers after she brings them out.

The pre~cum flows from your head like a river as your hand fucks your cock. I feel a rush rising throughout my body, every single inch of my body is on fire. Candy slides her fingers from my pussy and plunges her tongue inside me at the beginning of the flood. Wiggling my hips and bearing down, my pussy squeezes around her eager tongue and draws more of her into my tight cunt. My weight falls back on the chair and my thighs lock her between them, my heartbeat quickens while my body shakes violently under Candy’s touch.

A few composure moments later, I smile down at Candy and ease away from her mouth. Her fingers increasingly works her own heated pussy. After I lean down and kiss her wonderful lips, my tongue swirls over her chin and the taste of my own cum fills my mouth. My fingers add pressure to her nipples as I watch her fingers bring herself to a release. Soothingly stroking her shoulders and her head that has fallen back onto my lap, I wait until Candy’s shuddering has ceased before standing.

Crossing the room and stopping in front of you, I drop to my knees. I whisper for you to take off your shirt. You strip your shirt off and in one sweep, all of my hair is away from my face. Licking over the head of your cock and pulling you into my mouth, my fingers wrap around your base as I suck hungrily down your cock, devouring you along the way. I can see the muscles of torso becoming taut, meaning it will only be a few seconds before you blow.

The musky smell of your sex fills my nose as I hold you between my lips and slather your fat head with my tongue. Your hands move to the back of my head, tangled deep into my long dark hair and cupping my head, your hips thrust towards my mouth. As I look up into your eyes, the forceful spray exploding from the eye coats my throat. My lips tighten around your twitching cock, milking the warm seed from you and swallowing it down when it passes over my tongue. I take my mouth away from your cock and lick my lips and savor the flavor in my mouth.

Watching you stand and remove your jeans and boxer briefs, I’m anxious to get your cock inside of me. Licking gently over the sensitive cockhead, I close my full lips back around your head and push downward. Loving the feeling of your thick dick spreading my lips wide, I glide back to your mushroom shaped end and flick it lightly with my tongue tip. Your luscious cock reacts by tightening between my lips. Feeling the throb on my sensitve lips, I bob my head up and down the entire length of your eight inches and fuck you happily with my heated mouth. I knew it wouldn’t take much to get you back up again. I smile to myself at your cock standing at attention before me, after I slide off the tip.

I raise my big dark eyes to meet your light ones; your hand drifts over my hair and your smile is approving. Grabbing your hand and watching you lower to the floor, I whisper, “I love you.” You take my face into your hands and kiss me very softly on the lips. I’m not sure if your lips actually touched mine because the kiss is so light, but I feel it lingering on my lips.

We glance in Candy’s direction and one hand is rubbing her lips. At the same time, her other one is cupping her breast. “Candy, it’s about time we concentrated on giving you some pleasure.”

Crawling over to Candy and sitting between her long legs, I lean in to trace the outline of her lips with the tip of my tongue and part them gently before sliding my tongue into her mouth for a sultry kiss. Reclining her back onto the floor with my lips still on hers and moving above her, I spread my legs, presenting my shaved pussy and tight asshole to you.

As my pussy opens before you, my lips are glistening, my cunt is lubed by my natural liquid, my clit is reddened and swollen harder than I’ve ever felt it. Your fingers travel the distance between my clit and star-shaped little hole. I contract the muscles of my pussy, so you can feel the pressure against your fingertips. Your nimble fingers vanish into my cunt where I suck them within the wetness; you fuck me slowly, my pussy inviting you inside every time you push inward.

I kiss Candy’s neck and my lips suck gently on her warm skin. Placing tiny kisses along her collarbone and the skin of her chest, my mouth continues its descent. Alternating between the two supple melons, my humid mouth captures her protruding nipples, biting down snuggly while my fingers manipulate her moist clit. The huffed breathing coming from Candy just eggs me on. Her hands squash my mouth to her breasts, my tongue flipping rapidly over the points.

Your cock is against my lips; the flared head bumps my clit, then circles it, before the purple tip glides down to torment the dripping entrance of my cunt. A long squeal of delight comes from my throat as you thrust forward until the entire eight inches is surrounded by the velvet blanket of my pussy. You know how much I love that first initial slide of your cock entering me.

Candy turns her body around so that her pussy is near my mouth and her head is between our legs. Her warm tongue travels across your balls and your groan fills the room when her mouth engulfs the large orbs. I constrict my muscles and lock your rock hard cock into my inner recesses; the vibrations of your dick against the walls of my tight little pussy are produced from the sensation of having Candy’s mouth on you. My body shivers with the anticipation of a cock generate orgasm.

Candy’s tongue explores both of us: her expert tongue swirls around my pulsing clit, then back to you to cover your balls. The slap of your rough palm on my ass releases my grip on you. Slowly in and out at first, your dick stretches my tight opening before plunging relentlessly into the shadows of my hungry cunt. Fuck, I love your cock so much! My hips start to match your motions, my pussy muscles constraining the width of the tunnel so that it shrinks around your girth as you move in and out.

My slim fingers spread Candy’s lips apart and take in sight. Her pussy is a pretty shade of pink and it sparkles like morning dew. Her pussy smells the same as mine does when I am turned on. I slip a finger into her drenched pussy, her tightness closes around my finger. Working another finger past the damp folds, I fuck her as I watch her pussy extending to meet my fingers. The wonderful working of Candy’s enthusiastic tongue and muffled moans all over my clit causes me to grind my pussy into her face. Moving closer to her, I circle her clit and drag my tongue across it, the tiny bud quivering in response. My lips encase her clit and suck like it’s a drop of candy, rolling it on my tongue, relishing in its flavor.

Candy’s warm lips suctioned over my clit feels so good in conjunction with your cock impelling me faster. I love the attention from both of you. All of the muscles of my body clench and on the release, I splash her face with my cum. Candy’s mouth licks and sucks at me more, her lips drinking down the sweet nectar pouring from me. Her thighs start to quake and raise to my mouth. My mouth returns the movements: fucking, licking, sucking her sweet pussy as Candy’s body convulses uncontrollably beneath me. Drawing my fingers from her and replacing them with my tongue, I lap at her warm hole, swallowing the sticky wetness flowing from her.

Candy relaxes on the floor underneath us and I lay my head onto her smooth stomach. Her fingers come up to massage your balls in her hand. I thrust back against you, gripping your thick cock in my little pussy, milking you closer to ecstasy. Your palms brush ever~so~lightly over my nipples; the course skin of your hands drives me insane while your hands squeeze my breasts. My hips tow my pussy over the length of your erect dick, your veins tantalizing my wet hole every time I lunge back at you. I smile to myself and listen to your gasps of satisfaction. As you fingertips dig into the delicate flesh of my shoulders, your hips slap forcefully into me. The tightening of my pussy around your base sets you off. Your explosion is very powerful inside of me, ripping intensely throughout the sweltering recesses of my cunt.

Wiggling your cock out of me and moving over to sit on the floor, I watch Candy take you into her mouth. Her mouth sucks greedily up and down your cock, her tongue cleaning us from your dick. Your eyes stare into mine as your hips fuck Candy’s face. Your hands grasp her big breasts for leverage, your hips forcing more of your cock into her throat, her mouth taking the thickness without resistance. After emptying more shots into Candy’s mouth, she runs her tongue over your cock before pulling away. I watch you fall back onto the floor, trying really hard to catch your breath.

Moving over to you, so I can sit on your lap, you pull me into you. Your fingers skim tenderly through my hair when I settle on you. Your breath is still coming in short pants and you breathe, “I love you,” warmly across my skin. After brushing my lips over yours and curling into your arms, again we are in our own world.

Candy switches off the music in the background and my eyes scan the room to find her. I wave to her as I see her going through the door and clicking it shut behind her.

As I wrap my arms around your waist and hug you tightly, my words are ribbing. “You do know you owe me big time for this, yes?”

“Oh yeah! And I plan to repay you for every single bit of this, Love.”

“I’m just glad you enjoyed it. Now let’s get home, so you can start on that repayment plan.”

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