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Her Wedding Gift

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I hadn’t seen Linda since she and my daughter, Shellie had graduated from high school over four years ago. They had been best friends but had gone to different colleges. They had kept track of each other through email and the phone. I kept track of Linda by accident through chance meetings with her mother. Linda’s mother and I would talk and update each other as to our daughter’s comings and goings over those four years. In my mind, I still pictured Linda as I last saw her at the High School graduation.

My wife passed away when Shellie was a freshman in college and having Linda’s mother stop and talk about how things were going reminded me I wasn’t alone. Shellie was closer to her mother than I was prior to her death, but since her mother’s death Shellie and I have forged new bonds. I’ve taken on the role of mother in addition to father.

My daughter, Shellie and her friend Linda were attending one of their high school friend’s weddings. I saw her briefly, when she came to pick Shellie up. Shellie had planned to ask Linda to be her Matron of honor in her wedding the following year.

Shellie had been dating her fiancé since her second year of college and he finally asked her to wed the summer after they graduated. The wedding was almost a year away and we had begun the planning ordeal already.

I hadn’t realized how grown up and lovely the Linda had become until I saw her walking up our steps.

Linda had matured so well I was stunned when I first saw her. Not the little pudgy girl I remembered playing softball in shorts and a baggy jersey, but a mature young woman who had been taking care of herself and watching her figure.

My heart raced as I watched her slowly walk up the steps to our house. Her long bare legs were tan and toned, the long red hair was pulled back and done up fashionably on her head.

Her face wasn’t of a cute young girl; the freckles had actually become very sexy on her cheeks and helped to highlight her features. She wore very little make-up and just had a bit of eyeliner to emphasize her emerald green eyes.

She was dressed so nicely, light grey skirt just above the knees, heels, which helped show off those leg muscles, and a lovely beige silk blouse, that barely hinted at a lace pushup bra underneath it.

I don’t know why I stared at her for so long and I hoped she hadn’t noticed me peeking through the kitchen window. She rang the doorbell and I called to Shellie that Linda was here for her. Shellie was still upstairs and I went to the door to let Linda in.

When I opened the door, I was instantly over come with her mature look. She was definitely a woman now, I’d have to stand back and look at Shellie in a different light, not as my daughter but as a woman about to be a wife.

“Hi Linda”, I smiled as she stood there waiting. “Come on in, Shellie is up stairs finishing her make-up”. She walked in smiling. “Hello Mr. Winters, how have you been?”

“Very good, Linda, how are you?” I opened my arms and she came over and hugged me. I felt her smooth skin against my face and her full firm breasts against my chest. I don’t know if she felt the sudden rush of excitement as I did but she did hold me just a bit longer than I did her.

“So, when are you joining this married woman’s group?” I teased her. She blushed and said, “Oh, not for some time I think Mr. Winters I need a boy friend first and I’m not looking that hard for one.”

“Well, it’s when you aren’t looking that something or someone happens to show up.” I advised her. “You’re depriving some young man somewhere.” She smiled and turned a bit red blushing with my compliment.

As we were talking Shellie walked down the stairs, her long blonde hair was pinned up and under a very stylish hat. She wore a navy blue skirt and light blue silk blouse and black sling back heels. I had to take a second look to be sure this was my baby-girl. She looked so mature dressed like that and soon she would no longer be my baby but a married woman herself.

I told the girls to have fun but don’t drink and drive, naturally they gave me a “who me?” looks and promised not to. I trusted them so I didn’t worry too much. Shellie has never been a wild child and I didn’t see that happening at this point in her life. She had so much to look forward to with her pending wedding and new career.

During the next three months, I saw Linda and Shellie together quite a bit; she found a job close to town visited with Shellie when she had time. Linda always greeted me with a hug, prior to my wife’s death it had always been a smile. Shellie had moved back home to save money and since her job was near it worked out perfectly. I really enjoyed having a female around the house again. The two of them together giggling and the sounds of their voices bring back fond memories when this house was more like a home.

* * * * *

Since Shellie got engaged I’m as busy as ever, I’ve shopped with Shellie and Linda picking out flower, cards, and all the fun but expensive requirements for the wedding. Locating a hall and a chapel has been nerve racking. Finally, we went looking for a dress, I didn’t want to go do this part but since Shellie’s mom wasn’t here, I put away my testosterone and drove them around.

She had thought about wearing her mother’s wedding dress to honor her mother. We’ve had it in the hall closet for the past twenty-five years. Who could blame her, it was outdated and looking at it made her cry, wishing her mom were here with us.

We were driving to eat lunch after having been to several shops looking and comparing dresses, which I tried to be enthusiastic about. The girls had made a list and they were discussing likes and dislikes about each one when Linda asked, “What are you wearing under the dress and on your wedding night?”

I looked at Shellie and was quite embarrassed, they had forgotten that part, not that I wanted to think of what they were doing on their wedding night but I had to face reality. She needed something nice and of course, I’d be paying for it.

Linda suggested we stop at a boutique she knew of which just happened to be near where we were going for lunch. We pulled into a nice little Italian restaurant and ate, the girls ordered salads. With the wedding quickly approaching, they were all watching their figures.

I wasn’t worried about fitting into a tuxedo; the rental shops have all sizes. Not that I’m heavy by any stretch of the imagination, six feet tall and one hundred eighty five pounds, I used to be thinner but I started working out to help relieve some of the stress caused by my wife’s illness. It made me feel good and it was healthier so I’ve continued it.

After lunch we headed over to the boutique, Linda was helping Shellie pick out lingerie as I waited and just looked around. I think the girls just enjoyed thinking about how they would look in the different camisoles, teddy’s and baby doll outfits they were looking at.

They were so funny holding up one and then whispering in each other’s ear and giggling. I tried not to stare at all the negligees but it was difficult to do when surrounded by pretty women wearing pretty things. I know I looked very out of place and I felt it too, the sacrifices we make for our children. Finally, they had some nice things for Shellie try on and she went to the dressing area.

Shellie changed into a very lovely but a bit racy outfit by a fancy designer. My eyes couldn’t believe my little girl filled out that lingerie so well. Shellie kept trying on different designers items; she would parade around and acted as if she were teasing Linda and me as she tried to make a decision.

I felt a bit uneasy as if I were in a strip club watching the show and had to keep reminding myself Shellie was my child. After about thirty minutes of modeling, Shellie goaded Linda into trying on some outfits. She was reluctant at first but with a little encouragement from the sales clerk and us, she did.

When Linda first came out of the dressing, area wearing a light green lace trim silk camisole with a low-rise silk bikini my heart began racing. It fit her body so well, showing off just enough skin to tease but not enough to look trashy. The color went perfectly with her long red hair and soft white skin.

I had to cross my legs and put my arms in my lap to hide what I was thinking. If I had drank a bit more wine at the restaurant I may have said or done something to embarrass myself. Instead, I just sat back and watched as my two Victoria’s Secret models paraded around in next to nothing.

They finally decided on a pair of outfits each, which I didn’t mind paying for. Linda had been such a help planning the wedding I couldn’t say no, besides she looked very cute in them. As I was paying for them, I had the girls on either side of me giggling. They were plotting something I was sure of it.

We took their purchases and left the store, and headed home. I had a date that evening with a woman I had been friendly with but nothing had really happened between us. I had just started thinking about dating again when Shellie’s wedding and her moving back in happened. Between that and my job, I hadn’t thought about a new relationship. It had been almost four years now and Shellie was beginning to worry about me being alone in the house when she moved in with her new husband.

There was an idea that was hard to get used to, Shellie as a married woman. I liked Robert; he played baseball for their college and got a degree in finance. Robert had a good job that paid well. He was also helping coach a little league team in his spare time. He respected Shellie and loved her more than anything in the world.

It’s just the thought that our little girl would be married and having children that left me feeling old. I didn’t feel old at fifty; I looked forty. You could blame that on the regular trips to the gym or genetics or both but I felt like I was thirty-five. I think the touch of grey in my full head of brown hair had something to do with my feeling uneasy about letting go. I wasn’t ready to be a granddad.

We got home and the girls put their new wardrobe away and made dinner. I watched from the living room as they teased and played grab ass while making it. My date was a dinner one so they only made enough for themselves. They opened a bottle of wine and joined me on the couch watching baseball.

It was tough listening to the game with all their comments about the players. I’d do him or he has a nice ass was all they could say as they drank their wine waiting for dinner. I felt a bit embarrassed hearing them talk like that. But then again they are young and well Linda is still single.

Finally, I had to get ready for my date. I showered and got dressed and just before I walked out the door they attacked me, well maybe attack isn’t the right word. They went over my attire and picked it apart as if I was going to a beauty pageant. They finally let me go after a bit and they both wished me luck by planting kisses on my cheeks. Shellie wished me luck but Linda just smiled as they both waved good-bye.

* * * * *

About a month before the wedding, Shellie had invited Linda over to stay weekends so they could tie up loose ends of the wedding plans. I had nothing planned and was staying home one weekend in particular and catching up on my reading. The girls were giggling and gossiping in the living room and after a few hours of working, they decided to go out for a drink.

I gave them my drinking and driving lecture and they promised to be good. I went to bed about midnight and they were still out. At about 2 am I heard them come home, not too intoxicated but feeling very happy. I rolled over to try to get back to sleep when I suddenly awoken by two shakes of my bed.

I looked up and there they were smiling like Cheshire cats one on either side on me. Shellie turned on the light next to my bed and temporarily blinded me. They were so excited shaking me, trying to wake me when I was already awake.

I don’t remember them changing into their “clubbing clothes” but they were dressed to kill. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, looking at both of them but focusing on Linda, she was wearing a top that showed off just a bit of her cleavage enough to make you want to see more, her pants were black leather and very tight. Shellie was in red leather and didn’t show quite so much of her breasts, thank goodness.

They both were so excited telling me “We found her, we found her!” I asked, “Who did you find? “A date for you dad,” Shellie exclaimed, “We met her tonight at one of the clubs, she’s perfect for you.”

I asked them to tell me the story, trying not to stare at Linda. They took turns telling me how they went to this club and that club but there were mostly people their age in all of them. They finally went to one club and started talking to a woman there who they thought was around my age. They told her about me and she told them about herself and ended getting her name and number, wanting me to call her.

I laughed at their enthusiasm and agreed to call the woman they had “discovered” for me. They finally calmed down after a bit. I hugged and kissed them good night and off they went to bed. I felt like a dad again kissing his little girls goodnight. Linda didn’t seem as happy as Shellie, which makes sense since she’s not my child.

The next morning we talked about the “mystery woman” over breakfast and I promised to call. I did end up calling Barbara, but things never did click between us. Shellie was disappointed but she got over it. As the wedding approached, I had no date, which didn’t matter since I was “The father of the bride”.

The week before the wedding Linda took Shellie and the rest of the female wedding party out on the town. Just having fun at different clubs and not getting into too much trouble. Robert had a subdued bachelor party as well since I attended and it really wasn’t his style to party. I left early so that if something was going to happen I could deny being there.

Most of the girls stayed at our house to be safe on the road. I felt like it was sleepover time with all the giggling and stories they were telling. Linda would walk by my study where I was reading from time to time and peek in on me. I noticed her out of the corner of my eye and could tell by the sweet aroma of her perfume. Nevertheless, I kept on reading wondering why she was so curious.

* * * * *

The wedding day finally arrived it was such a relief to finally have all the work done and Shellie get her big day. Linda and the rest of the female wedding ensemble used our house to change before going to the chapel.

I rented a limo and had the wedding party sans bride transported so we wouldn’t have any problems. Shellie and I drove in my car since she would use the limo to head off on her honeymoon right after the reception. In addition, if Robert had seen her in her gown she would have freaked out since its supposedly bad luck. Linda had volunteered to help me take the gifts back to my house; she was staying there anyway and needed a ride.

We had moved most of Shellie’s belongings to their new apartment so they could just go straight home from the airport. Everything was going just as planned, which is surprising for a wedding.

The reception went just as smoothly and nicely, dancing and congratulating the happy couple. The band was decent and the food was very tasty. I danced a bit in the spotlight during the father/daughter dance. I saw people I hadn’t seen in years and some I hope I never do again.

A few of the bridesmaids asked me to dance also, I think they felt sorry for me losing my only daughter and not having a date. The reception ended around ten and we all went out and said our good-byes to the newlyweds. Tossing birdseed and making a great deal of noise. I was so glad to have it finally over.

Linda and a few of the remaining guests help load the happy couple’s presents into my car and a few others and we took them back to my house. It was getting late and I told Linda good night and thanked her for being such a big help, and that Shellie really appreciated her being there for her. She blushed with all the compliments and hugged me goodnight.

It wasn’t too long after I went to bed that I had a light shining in my eyes, which woke me. I sat up in bed and couldn’t believe what I saw.

There in my doorway was Linda; her body silhouetted by the hall light. She was dressed in one of the negligees the girls had purchased at the little boutique. I thought for a moment I was dreaming, her hair was down and the outline of her breasts looked so delicious in the light.

“Linda, is everything alright?” I asked sleepily. She replied “Well not exactly, Mr. Winters. I just wanted to say thank you for putting up with me these past few weeks.”

Still sleepy I said, “It was my pleasure Linda, really.” As I slumped back to the mattress, she walked into the room and sat on the side of the bed, her perfume smelled so wonderful and I could see her breasts barely peeking out of the negligee. I wanted to reach out and touch her but knew better. Instead, I rolled away from her not wanting to be the “dirty old man”.

“But Mr. Winters I have a gift for you” she replied softly. Not having seen anything but her lovely body I asked, “Oh, can’t it wait till the morning?” She giggled and said no, it needs opening right now.

I rolled back over and looked again; she stood up and slowly let her negligee fall to the floor. I think my mouth dropped to the floor, all she had on were some very tiny panties that barely cover her pubic area. She moved back to the bed and crawled under the sheets next to me. “Linda what do you think you’re doing?” was my first reaction. I found Lind very attractive but she was my daughter’s age.

She snuggled next to me, placed her soft hand between my legs, and gently caressed my penis. I think I was aroused already but she was very pleased that I found her attractive.

“Oh my” she said with an impish sarcasm you are a big boy and you’re happy to see me, aren’t you.” I couldn’t deny she was gorgeous, and I did want her. She leaned over to me and kissed my cheek. I couldn’t resist and turned my head and kissed her sweet soft lips and turned my body to face her. She continued stroking me as I began kissing her face.

She softly said, “If you haven’t guessed by now, I’m your gift.” My hands grabbed her by the waist and pulled her on top of me. “Oh my, someone’s excited.” She gushed.

My hands worked up her hips and to her firm breasts, I cupped them and began massaging them with my palms. Her nipples were already rock solid as I slowly cupped each one and massaged her nipples with my thumb.

She leaned her head back and moaned as I continued to discover the joys of twenty something female anatomy. She leaned down to place her breasts in my face; I placed my lips over a firm nipple and began to devour it. Switching back and forth between her beautiful firm breasts, I suckled them until I could feel her dampness on my stomach. My hands massaged her back as she lay on top of me.

She moved herself over my mid-section becoming more aroused as she rubbed her wetness over me. I continued exploring her sweet breasts, softly biting and tugging her nipples, letting them snap back and then sucking it back into my mouth.

She felt so good on top of me, my hands caressing her sides feeling every curve of her sleek body. We stayed like this exploring and suckling for quite some time. I went slow, savoring her sweetness and the feel of her on me.

After devouring her and discovering every freckle on her smooth skin, she leaned down to me and kissed me passionately on the mouth. Our tongues played as my hands massaged her back more. I wanted her as much as she wanted me.

I slowly rolled her over and began kissing her face, neck, breasts once again and then down her flat tummy. Licking her belly button and teasing her. She giggled as my tongue danced across her, leaving little trails of saliva as I went.

I looked up at her as I began tugging at her panties, slowly lowering the tops; I kissed and teased her until she lifted her hips to let me slide off the cover to her glorious sweetness.

I pulled them off and tossed them across the room, then I dove back down discovering her cute landing strip of neatly trimmed hairs that led to her soaked lips. I kissed and teased her thighs, mound and every other sweet piece of flesh I could find on her.

She giggled and squirmed as I went about pleasuring her. My tongue eventually slipped between her swollen lips and parted them. Licking her up, and down she cooed and moaned with delight. I hadn’t done this in quite some time and was hoping I wouldn’t disappoint.

My tongue went deep inside as I looked for her clit. I licked the inside of her lips up and down softly at one time and quickly at others. I was exploring her and seeing what she enjoyed. Just as I was about to inhale her clit I felt her hands on my head wanting to pull me up.

I stopped even though I didn’t want to. She tasted so nice I wanted to spend more time there pleasing her. When we were face to face, she whispered to me, “I want you inside me.”

I felt her legs part under me, opening wider as I moved over her. She reached down and helped guide me and with a feeling I hadn’t felt in many months I was in. Softly, she moaned encouraging me, telling me how good she felt. I started getting a good rhythm going and just about to climax when she stopped me. “Not yet, I want to be on top.” She whispered.

Hoping I wouldn’t lose my little friend, I pulled out and nearly lost it. She rolled out from under me and I flopped down on my back. She quickly got back over me and guided me back into her. I took her hips in my hands and helped lift and set her down as we got back into perfect timing. It didn’t take long and she was moaning again, louder this time.

I was amazed at how long I had lasted, trying not to disappoint her I thought of non-sexual things. It didn’t help too much and was hard not to concentrate on her sweet sensual body.

Finally, after I almost lost it, we both reached orgasm. We were both panting and sweating as she collapsed on top of me. Kissing and confessing how wonderful it was with an “older man.” I just grinned and massaged her back as she lay there, she felt so good to me. I couldn’t help but wonder if I had really pleased her.

She slipped off me and lay by my side; I moved her hair from her face and gently placed it back over her ear. I softly kissed her face and held her tightly to me. We laid there and talked for some time.

She confessed that she had wanted to do this since seeing me almost a year ago. I was shocked; a young beautiful woman wanted a fifty-year-old man, the father of her best friend?

She fell asleep in my arms and in the morning, we did it all over again. She was lying on her left side; I snuggled up to her and began massaging her hip, then her sweet firm cheek. Slowly, I ran my hand up and down her side following the cure of her cheek down her leg to her calf. She squirmed a bit and moved her leg over mine. I slipped my penis between her legs and snuggled closer.

She softly commented, “Good morning, we’re awake and wanting something?” I just mumbled “Mm Hmm”.

My hand went around and felt her tummy; I began massaging it as I started to move my hips in and out of her legs. I wasn’t inside her but I was rubbing the tiny area between her vagina and her rosebud. As I grew harder, she got into the motion. We were rocking back and forth sideways on the bed.

My hand would move up and down from her sweet breasts to her tummy as we kept the motions going. She arched her head back and I moved her beautiful red hair up and out of the way. I softly kissed her neck and then pinched her nipples as I continued feeling her soft skin and delicious body.

Every other thrust between her legs I really pushed myself into her; my arm would wrap around her waist and pull her tighter into me. Then with my hand, I would slip a finger just inside her and play with her moist lips, the head of my penis would pop through on the thrusts that we came closer. She seemed to enjoy the feel of me outside her and with the addition of my finger playing with her she was in heaven. After some time rocking back and forth, she was ready.

She asked in a whisper, “Something different to start the day?” I didn’t know what she meant but I stopped and let her loose from my grip. She rolled onto her tummy and turned her head to face me. Arching her ass in the air, she said in a smile and deep voice, “woof woof.” I had to laugh but I knew what she meant.

I kicked off what was left of the covers and got behind her. She giggled and spread her legs a bit wider as I placed myself inside. She gasped as I slowly entered her and then with her deep guttural voice said, “That’s a good doggie.” She moaned as I began doing just that, being a good doggie.

My wife was never one to experiment or do anything playful in bed. I was enjoying this in more ways than Linda could have imagined.

I continued making dog sounds as I grabbed her hips and pulled her to me, she giggled and moaned with delight as I humped away just like a Rottweiler with his first Poodle. I came a bit too soon for her this time and she let me know her disappointment by sighing, “Oh, all done Mr. Puppy?”

I told her, “No, Fifi not quite yet.” She giggled as I pushed her and rolled her over. I slipped back up to her and kissed her deeply, my hand went exploring that wonderful wet area between her legs I had just vacated. My finger slipped inside and as we continued to kiss. I could feel her body ready to explode as I began massaging her clit, stroking it.

Our kisses became more heated as she became more aroused. I was working her into a frenzy when she broke our kiss and quivered next to me. I smiled and began to work my finger more but she stopped me by turning a bit. I stopped and let her spasm as I laid there admiring her body.

I gently traced my fingers over her curves taking in the beauty of the female form. She looked at me and grinned, cuddling next to me and wrapping herself in my arms. We both caught our breath as we lay there smiling and kissing each other’s face.

She leaned down and kissed my chest, then moved up and looked me in the eyes again, her look was so precious. I think I pleased her more than she had expected. We both lay there softly talking and then falling asleep in each other’s arms. After our nap, we got up to shower. The shower became another playground, soaping and rinsing each other off several times.

After showering together, we got dressed and I made breakfast, we had a long talk about what happened the night before. She was tired of all the “boys” she met, just wanting to bed her, and either coming up short or finishing too quickly.

She wanted someone who would make love to her; taking his time and making her feel as if she were the only tone in the world. She had heard that older men tend to be that way so she figured I was safe. After hinting at it to Shellie and asking her questions, Shellie realized Linda wanted me to test her theory on me.

At first, Shellie was against it, but during the times I spent with the girls getting prepared for the wedding, she saw it wouldn’t be a bad thing. So just before the wedding, Shellie gave Linda her permission to bed me. When I look back, I just have to laugh. Being a science experiment didn’t really thrill me, but I did prove Linda was right in her theory. Pleasing her was all that mattered to me then.

It’s strange, I over heard her talking to Shellie on her cell phone, I could have sworn I heard something about step moms. Maybe that’s just my imagination playing tricks on me or my hearing is going.

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