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First Threesome

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I could hardly believe the words that had just come from my wife’s mouth.

“Now, you two kiss…”

Kate and I looked at each other as though we were waiting for Erika to tell us she was joking. Her silence, and the look she was giving us told us she wasn’t. So, as my wife of 10 years watched intently, I leaned in to kiss Kate.

Kate and Erika met in college. She is one of the few people that has known my wife longer than I have. They have been best friends ever since. Through several moves across the country for both us and Kate and her husband, they had remained very close. Now they talked at least once a day, despite us living in Illinois and her living in Kentucky. They are two very different girls. My wife is small and petite, and very pretty in a “girl next door” kind of way. Kate is tall and although not as pretty as Erika, has a sexy vibe and great thick lips.

The night had started innocently enough. In fact, it started with me being a little bit pissed at my wife for leaving me with four kids, two of which aren’t even mine. But I had made the most of it. The older kids were getting along, and I was playing with my youngest, and enjoying a beer. Mostly looking forward to the fact that Erika would likely come home a little inebriated and that usually lead to sex later. Little did I know…

The girls got home later than they promised, so I was able to feign anger, although I really didn’t care. They brought home Italian food, and just as expected were both lit. I had already fed the kids, and put my youngest to bed, and the other three were watching a DVD until their mommies came home. After the girls put them to bed and came down we started eating and opened a bottle of wine. As the girls are prone to do when together, especially when drunk, they were very flirty. Both with each other as well as with me. Kate is the only person in the world that my wife has ever allowed to flirt with me, at least to the extent that she did, right in front of her. And Kate had always done it incessantly. It was common knowledge that although the flirting was in earnest, it wouldn’t go anywhere. Kate had tested this on occasion, including a request for a threesome many years ago. My wife, although flattered, had turned her down and we had never come close to that line again.

As we sat and ate and drank, we were discussing the sensuality of food, particularly Italian. I pointed out the obvious use of the tongue that was required with most Italian food, which prompted both ladies to extend their tongues and flick them back and forth over the spaghetti that dangled from their forks. As they did this, they made eye contact, and they pretended as though they were going to French kiss. Much to my chagrin, they stopped short and looked at me and laughed.

“Chickens!” I said.

“We aren’t chickens,” Kate demanded.

“Then just freakin’ do it and get it over with!” I said, to which I got “the look.” from my wife. Apparently she was not into French kissing her best friend.

As our appetites became sated, we slowly meandered to the back deck. I put on some music and we sat outside. The slight chill in the air made it a little uncomfortable, so Erika suggested we sit in the hot tub. She announced that she was going to go get her suit on.

I announced that I was just getting in, that I was not going all the way back inside to get a suit. Kate didn’t believe me, “I dare you to get in naked…you won’t do it.”

Thinking it might lead to two naked girls, and not being very shy, I took off my clothes and climbed in. Unfortunately, the girls laughed as they took my clothes and headed inside to get their suits.

“Damn it! At least get me some more wine then, ” I hollered as they closed the door.

The girls came back out with the wine glasses and a freshly opened bottle of wine. I watched both of there fantastic bodies as they climbed into the tub. It was a great view, even if it was a fully clothed one. As we sat in the tub, Kate couldn’t contain her smile. I finally asked her what she was smiling about to which she replied, “The moon is REALLY bright, and I can see absolutely every inch of my best friend’s husband.”

“Well” I replied, “at least it makes you smile.”

Now is the point in the story where I start to see a side of my wife that I didn’t know existed.

“Stand up, honey,” she said, “if she is going to look, let her at least get a good look.”

“Where is the fairness in this deal,” I protested. “You guys are fully clothed, and I am buck naked, and you want ME to stand up so you can see more?”

“Okay, stand up and at least let Kate see your ass. You have the tightest little ass.”

Again, not being too shy, and being on my way to drunkenness, I reluctantly turned around and stood up. To my absolute, and total surprise, both my wife and Kate reached over and put a hand a piece on my ass. My cock twitched as my wife said, “See how firm and tight it is?” as she and Kate cupped my cheeks.

The mood in the tub had totally changed when I sat back down. The girls were talking about things that I couldn’t believe, and being as upfront and honest as you could imagine. They asked my why men were so into girl-girl pictures and movies while homosexuals did NOTHING for them. I explained that a man can not be with another man and still be masculine, while two girls can be with each other and still be feminine. In fact, it is downright sensual. I then quickly pointed out to the girls that Erika’s favorite scenes in porn movies NEVER involves men. She giggled in a self-conscious way as she admitted this to Kate. She said that she COMPLETELY understood what I meant and agreed. This prompted Kate to admit to the same thing. Then they began discussing why. We discussed both of their histories…had they been with girls, had they had threesomes, etc. Neither had ever even kissed a girl.

We had now come full circle.

“Why don’t you give it a try?” I asked.

They looked at each other nervously, and my wife surprised me yet again when she said, “I’m game.”

As my wife leaned in, I moved closer to get a better look, which caused both girls to giggle a little.

“You are enjoying this, huh?” asked Kate.

“You have no idea.” was my response.

I was expecting much less of a kiss then I was about to witness. As the girls lips met, I could tell from Erika’s grasp of Kate’s head and her closed eyes, that she was more turned on then she was letting on. The kiss lasted 20-30 seconds with a lot more tongue than my limp cock could handle. It started to swell.

“Was it everything you hoped for?” Kate asked.

Under the water, Erika’s hand snaked over and grasped my almost fully erect cock.

“I would say he liked it,” she said.

I had no idea where this night was going. Unfortunately, the bottle of wine was empty, and t had to pee badly. As I climbed out of the tub to catcalls and pinches I called back, “don’t do anything without me.”

When I returned, I discovered that they had. There suits were laying on the steps and both women were completely naked.

“We talked about it, and decided it wasn’t fair,” was all my wife said as I looked her and her best friend from top to bottom.

“Don’t hurt your retinas,” Kate said as I staggered to find a seat in the water.

All pretense of discussing ANYTHING but sex was completely gone at this point. I poured several more glasses of wine and wondered what would happen next.

“I want to watch you two kiss,” Kate said. “You guys are so used to each other I think it will be neat to see you kiss.”

Erika leaned over and gave me a wanting look. I leaned down and our lips met. I placed my hands on her hips and jumped a little as her hand cupped my balls. We kissed for at least two minutes. I had slid my hand around was rubbing her puckered ass. She was lightly caressing my balls and my now completely erect cock. As we broke the kiss I looked over just in time to see Kate’s hand quickly move away from her pussy. She had been rubbing herself while we kissed. My cock, which I didn’t think could get harder, got harder.

As we all nestled back in our seats we were all coming to the rationalization that we were nearing the point of no return.

“David can NEVER hear about this,” Kate said.

“Don’t worry,” I said, “he won’t, and even if he does, you haven’t done anything wrong.”

“Not yet,” said my wife with a little grin.

“Pardon me,” I said, to which she said the four words I couldn’t believe….

“Now, you two kiss….”

As Kate’s lips met mine, I felt everything. The warmth of the water all around my body. I felt the difference in texture on her lips, thicker and fuller than Erika’s. I felt Erika’s hand on my back, and I felt my cock, as hard as it has ever been. Kate was very tentative kissing me, almost like she was still scared that Erika was joking, but as Erika moved up beside us and placed her hands on the backs of each of our heads, she let go of her inhibition, realizing that Erika wanted to see the kiss, as much as she wanted to perform it. As our tongues danced I could taste the wine and smell her skin, still very different from what I was used to. Erika, holding Kate’s hair, pulled us apart and kissed Kate and then me before pushing us back together. We stayed in or near this position for quite a while. Alternating kisses between the three of us, and sometimes even tangling three tongues together. It was incredibly erotic. Over the course of kissing, my hands had found my wife’s ass once again, and hers had found my cock, but Kate was still being apprehensive. That was all about to change as my wife made her intentions VERY clear. Grasping my cock she pulled upward and told me to stand up.

“We are going to suck your dick.” she said.

I couldn’t stand up quickly enough. The girls’ kissing continued as I stood and the seemed to just replace my tongue with my cock. The kissed and licked the head and ran their mouths up and down the shaft, each with a hand on my ass. The sensation on my cock was rivaled only by the amazing view I had of these two beautiful women sucking my dick.

I am not ashamed to say that I didn’t last very long. My wife took my dick fully into her mouth and bobbed up and down several times and then offered it to Kate, who followed suit. This only lasted a minute or so before I was coming. The first stream went into my wife’s mouth and the she pulled off and her mouth was replaced. Kate took the rest into her mouth, and then, as if this wasn’t enough, the kissed and mixed my come between their glorious mouths.

As I sat back into one of the seats to enjoy what I was seeing, their hands, not having me to hold, began to explore each other. They found each others breasts and caressed each other, their tongues still wrestling in each other s mouths. Kate then pushed my wife away and began kissing down her neck, coming closer and closer to her breasts. My wife had her head back and her eyes closed enjoying her friend’s mouth on her body. She gasped as Kate found her nipple and flicked it between her teeth. She kissed and sucked Erika’s nipples, one then the other as my wife lean back against the edge of the tub.

Absent mindedly I had begun to play with my stiffening dick watching this dream. My wife opened her eyes and we made eye contact. She looked as wanton as I had ever seen her as she managed a smile through the passion. The smile grew a little as she realized that Kate was moving below her breasts, down her belly.

Lifting Erika, Kate said, “sit up on the edge, I am going to eat you.”

As Erika raised up and placed her ass on the edge she spread her legs wide for a woman for the first time. I moved over a little closer to see the action from closer, just as Kate’s tongue ran the length of my wife’s sopping pussy. She let out a animalistic moan as her friend licked her pussy. Kate pushed her tongue deep into her wetness and fucked her with her tongue, in and out several times and Erika just moaned. I watched as Kate found Erika’s clit, and flicked her tongue quickly back and forth over it. With that, Erika grabbed her head with both hands and grinded her pussy forward. To this, Kate moaned, into her best friend’s pussy. Erika looked over at me, sitting beside them, with my dick in my hand.

“Why are you just sitting there,” she asked.

I took that as my cue to join in. However, with the way that they were positioned, there was only one place to go. I tentatively looked at my wife as I moved over beside Kate and put my hand on her back. She started a little, but never broke mouth contact on my wife’s pussy. My wife nodded and smiled. I knew that this meant she was okay with whatever happened. With that, I kissed Kate on the back and licked down her spine. She moaned into my wife’s pussy. My wife had closed her eyes again was starting to pant a little. She as very near her climax.

Slowly I licked down Kate’s back, and I put my hand on her ass. She wiggled her ass a little, so as to get her pussy closer to my hand. I touched her little rosebud ass, and the put my finger in her pussy. It was amazing how wet she was. I fingered her briefly and kissed her ass cheek. I changed positions so that I was completely behind her. I could see her pussy, her ass, and then up her back. I could see the back of her head, as she ate my wife’s pussy. My wife was sprolled out sitting on the side of the tub. Kate had one hand wrapped around Erika’s leg, holding her pussy lips open and the other was rubbing my wife’s pussy. I watched from behind as my wife began making the noises that I had heard 1000 times. Only a minute or two more and she would be coming.

Again I looked down at Kate from behind and had to put my mouth on her. I lightly licked her from behind. I ran my tongue over her little asshole. Then I licked up and down her pussy. She tasted wonderful but different. I was tasting the first pussy besides my wife’s in nearly 11 years! My licking increased Kate’s efforts on Erika’s pussy. She was rubbing her face all over her pussy and fucking her with her tongue as my wife grabbed her head again and began to fuck her face. She cried out as she came in her best friend’s mouth. It was intense and long. It seemed like she would come forever. She was bucking and grinding, but kept a hold of Kate’s head the whole time. I had a difficult time maintaining contact with Kate, but I tried my best to keep my tongue in her pussy or on her asshole while my wife came. I even grabbed her by the thighs to hold on.

Finally, my wife pushed Kate away and let her come up for breath. She slid down into the water, and kissed Kate on the mouth. Kate, still bent over, French kissed my wife, while I ate her from behind.

“Did you like eating my cunt?” She said, to my utter surprise.

“Do you like making your best friend scream?”

“I can taste my come on your face.”

“Does that make you hot, Tom” She asked me.. “Are you going to fuck her now?” She asked.

As I looked up over Kate’s shapely ass, “Ummmm…” was all I could get out.

“Do you want to fuck her?”

“Do you want him to fuck you?” she asked Kate.

“Kate, he is not going to fuck you unless you ask my permission, and then you ask him if he will…”

My wife was a different person, but if it meant I got to fuck Kate, then so be it.

“Look at me, Kate,” she said.

“Ask me if my husband can fuck your pussy, or he won’t.”

Kate started to speak….

“Speak up…we can’t hear you,” Erika said.

“Can he?”

“Can he what?”

“Can he fuck me?”

“Can who fuck you?”

“SHIT, Can your husband PLEASE fuck my pussy…I am dying.”

“He has my permission, but you’ll have to ask him.”

“You cruel little bitch,” Kate said as she smiled and turned to me and with mock discipline said, “Tom, will you please fuck my pussy with your cock while you bitch wife watches?”

“Yes,” I managed to get out.

“Tom,” Erika said, “you can fuck her on one condition…I get to tell you how.”

With that, she grabbed my hand and sat me up on the side of the tub. She took Kate by the hand and led her to me. She turned her around and told her to sit on my cock, but to spread so that she could see.

I could hardly stand it as Kate slowly lowered her pussy onto my rock hard cock. She was so wet that she slid all the way to the hilt as soon as she sat down and she let out a deep sigh. Then, spreading my legs with hers, she put her palms on my thighs and slowly lifted herself and then lowered herself, letting out a sigh each time. I looked around Kate to see my wife standing, buck naked in the middle of the tub, with her hand playing with her clit watching my cock slide in and out of Kate’s pussy. She didn’t even notice me looking at her. She was just staring in complete fixation with a look that I had only seen once or twice. A look of complete wanton abandon. I watched as she knelt closer and watched. Closer and closer. Then I felt her tongue touch my dick. Near the balls, on the shaft, she had touched her tongue….then, she grabbed Kate’s hips, and licked her clit. My wife was licking her best friend’s clit, while my dick was in her pussy! It was the most amazing thing ever. I slowly lifted Kate and grabbed her by the hips. I figured, she can’t move, but I sure can. Holding Kate by the hips, I began to fuck her while my wife licked her clit. Kate came very suddenly. I could actually feel her pussy pulse round my cock…my wife was alternating between licking her clit and talking…

“That’s it, come on his dick.” and “Fuck that pussy.” and “oh, it looks amazing from here.”

Kate nearly collapsed at the end of her orgasm…she fell back on me and kissed my neck. My wife quickly pulled my cock from her pussy and sucked it deep into her mouth…

“Oh, I can taste her pussy on your cock, Tom, It is so fucking hot.”

That was about all I could take, and I shot down my wife’s throat. She groaned as she swallowed every drop. I sat there with my wife’s best friend, a girl I have known for ten years sitting naked on my lap, having just fucked her, and my wife swallowing my come between our legs. It was the finish to a perfect dream…or so I thought.

“Let’s finish this inside,” my wife said…

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