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Weekend Group Party

Category: Group Sex
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Mike and Gail were hosting the neighborhood party for their small group of friends. Gail, a senior High teacher was finished for the year. She was happy to be home and know that on Monday when her other friends were on the way to work she would be able to sleep late and spend the day loafing around their back yard pool. She wanted to work on her summer tan.
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Liz Plus Three

Category: Group Sex
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Picking up her wristwatch off the back of the closed toilet seat lid she squinted at the face as she made out the position of the hands. 7:16pm and counting she thought as she tossed the watch down and lounged back against the plush air pillow. With an impatient sigh she willed herself to relax in the hot sudsy bubbles as the water gently lapped against the inner sides of the tub.
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The Best Gift

Category: Gay Male
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The melancholy old songs were playing on the stereo. It had been 2 years ago, this day, that Andreas had been taken from me. Listening to the old 70s love ballads – The Carpenters, Barry Manilow, Barbra Streisand... All of those torch songs about lost love and trying to find my man or to try to replace the one that got away...
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Visiting the Collective

Category: Group Sex
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Simon walks up the small staircase in front of the big, old house and rings the doorbell. Simon's older brother, Peter, lives in the house with several friends. Peter have told Simon about their open attitude towards clothing and sex and Simon is anxious, or actually quite nervous, but also curious, now that he is visiting the collective for the first time. He is glad that he already knows Peter and Peter's girlfriend Johanna.
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St. Andrew’s Cross

Category: Gay Male
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This is a true story from the Bournemouth gay sauna-bar at its old location, when it had a dedicated playroom. Locals will know what I mean. The sauna-bar was huge. Half of it consisted of showers, saunas, hot-tubs and the like. Separated by a bar in the middle, the other half was a dark labyrinth of rooms. Some were private, some had mirrored windows and some contained toys.
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Surprise Surprise

Category: Group Sex
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Lisa threw her head back and screamed at the top of her lungs as she felt her climax rip through her. The thick cock buried deep inside her cunt throbbed in response to her inner muscles tightening and relaxing around its girth. With a loud groan, the man beneath her pulled her hips downward onto his with greater force, driving his cock into her completely as his voluminous load of cum exploded inside her.
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Super Sunday

Category: Group Sex
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A few years back my wife Carole and I were living in a mid-size Midwest college town, still struggling in our professions. We were both in our mid-30s, small house, no kids. Getting by fine but no extras. We were happy, our sex lives were phenomenal, bringing in thirds and couples from time to time and having a blast. Still, good luck wasn't coming our way. Then one December our luck changed.
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Nick’s Gift

Category: Group Sex
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Freda met Nick on a dating site and they soon found out they were living in the same city. One date followed another and before long they were lovers. Nick was always trying to push Freda a bit further. Broadening her horizon, he called it. Freda would laugh, but most of the times she was more than willing to try something new.
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The Army Goes Rolling Along

Category: Group Sex
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"Damn." The word was whispered quietly beside her and Ellen quickly looked at her friend and co-worker. Sonia was staring down the aisle of the plane, her cheeks slightly flushed. Ellen followed Sonia's gaze and understood her friend's dismay immediately. Four soldiers were walking toward seats in Sonia's section of the plane. Their white shirts were crisp, glistening with various insignia that Ellen knew Sonia would understand.
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Play Night

Category: Group Sex
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My name is Mary and I can't believe what has happened to me over the past few weeks. Until recently, my husband Phil and I were the perfect couple pursuing the American Dream. We have two kids, a boy and a girl. We're juggling two careers, me as a Systems Analyst, for a local engineering firm and Phil as an engineer at a large manufacturing plant.
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