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Wrong Room Ch. 02

Category: Incest
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After some prodding from some fans I’ve decided to go ahead and release chapter 2. Currently I’m hard at work on the final chapter. As always thanks for all the kind words.

The next morning Ryan awoke with a huge grin on his face. He’d managed to sleep with his own mother without her knowing it had happened. He laid there for a while just reflecting on the past night’s outcome. Eventually, Ryan came to a couple of realizations.

First, he had to fuck his mother again. Second, thanks to her propensity for drinking too much, he had a real chance to get his mom between the sheets at least once more. As he laid there with his arms above his head Ryan began to try and think about just how to proceed.

“I just can’t believe it. I fucked her. I fucked the shit outta her.” Ryan smiled.

In the next room Amanda was coming to herself. Like her son she also smiled widely. As she stretched Amanda felt a slight soreness between her legs. Last night was the best sex she’d had in a very long while. Amanda glanced over at her husband Don who was still dead to the world.

“Hmmm…that’s odd.” Amanda thought noticing that Don still had his shirt and underwear on.

She could’ve sworn that last night her husband was naked after they’d had sex. After a few minutes Amanda chalked up her foggy memory to the insane amount of alcohol she drank last night. Soon Amanda was up and showering the night’s funk away. Looking forward to a day with her family, Amanda sang softly to herself as she washed. Amanda was very satisfied with her vacation so far. The young stud at the pool, the night out dancing, and some seriously good sex topped off a wonderful day.

Don finally came too and was thankful that he’d made it to his own bed. He was a bit surprised that he still had on all his clothes but his pants were around his ankles. He was still scratching his head when his wife came out of the shower with a nothing but a towel wrapped around her hair.

“Good morning stud.” Amanda said kissing her husband on the forehead.

“Morning.” Don mumbled.

“Hey I was thinking that you and I could spend the morning sightseeing with Ryan and then you and I could have a romantic dinner later tonight. What do you think?” Amanda asked as she put on her panties.

“Yeah, I guess so, we’ll see.” Don answered.

Amanda was surprised by her husband’s sudden lack of interest in her. Last night was the hottest they’ve been for each other in years and now he wasn’t giving her a second look.

“Maybe he’s just hung over.” Amanda thought.

“I’m going to get some ice from the machine, I’ll be right back.” Don said getting up.

Amanda went back into the bathroom to dry her hair and put on her makeup. As she dried her hair she didn’t hear the door to her room opening. Only when the thud of the door closing grabbed her attention did she say anything.

“Hey honey, let’s go to a magic show today. I’ve always thought that would be fun.” She called out.

Unbeknownst to her that her husband was still in the process of finding some ice. The machine on their floor was out of order so he had to go downstairs. Ryan had showered off and was curious as to what his parents were going to do today. Before Ryan could let his mother know that it was him and not his father, Amanda walked out of the bathroom in nothing but her panties.

“Well what do you…..” Amanda stopped mid sentence as she saw her wide eyed son standing before her.

Even though it was only about two seconds Ryan did his best to memorize his mother’s naked form. She was standing there with her arms above her head brushing her hair. Her breasts were hanging freely and the only bit of clothing she had on was a pair of bright yellow panties. Knowing he had to do something fast or risk getting screamed at Ryan thought fast.

“WHOA MOM, SORRY!” Ryan yelled covering his eyes reluctantly.

Amanda wasn’t mad; it appeared to be an honest mistake. Besides so far no harm was done and her husband wasn’t even in the room.

“It’s okay Ryan.” Amanda said grabbing a towel off the bed.

“Next time you should probably knock though.” Amanda smiled.

“I did.” Ryan lied as he uncovered his eyes.

“Oh……well no harm no foul, but you’d better leave before your father comes back. It would be…awkward.” Amanda said.

“Ok mom, I’ll come back in just a bit.” Ryan replied as he closed the door on his way out.

“Damn, what a way to start the day.” Ryan thought to himself.

After about fifteen minutes Don made it back with some ice. Amanda didn’t know what was up with her husband but he wasn’t paying her any attention at all. She had put on a little sundress and was nonchalantly posing on the bed when Don came into the room. He didn’t even glance in her direction.

“I’m gonna rinse off.” Don mumbled.

Amanda pouted for a few minutes then got up to look out the window. Below her she could see all the people swimming in the pool. After a while Amanda spotted someone familiar. The young guy, Chris, from yesterday was lounging by the side of the pool. Amanda stared at Chris for a while before realizing that she was smiling and rubbing her shoulders gently.

“I bet he’d pay attention to me.” Amanda thought as she stared at Chris.

Amanda’s daydream came to an end when she heard the shower cut off. Don spent the next couple minutes drying off and getting dressed. The shower had done wonders and he felt a lot better. Today he was going to see what kind of poker joints Vegas had to offer. After he got dressed he finally made eye contact with his wife.

“Hey, I was thinking I’d…” Don began but was interrupted.

“Spend the day with your family.” Amanda said sarcastically.

Don knew his wife was slightly perturbed at him so he chose his words wisely. He knew he could check out the poker tables later. If he had to do a little time and walk around Vegas with his wife and son to keep things smooth so be it.

“That’s exactly what I was thinking.” Don smiled.

“Smart man.” Amanda smiled back.

After calling to let Ryan know what was going on the family met downstairs for some breakfast. They chatted and tried to decide what to do for the day. They all agreed to see some of the local sights and if the opportunity presented itself attend Amanda’s magic show.

Throughout the day they passed lots of casinos and gaudily decorated establishments, just the usual Vegas attractions. Ryan used every opportunity to stare intently at his mother’s ass as they walked. After a quick lunch and a magic show the group was making their way back to the hotel when they passed a casino that was hosting a weeklong poker tournament. Don was instantly curious.

“Hey, let’s check this out for a second.” Don said.

Reluctantly Amanda and Ryan followed Don into the casino. Ryan noticed the twinkle in his dad’s eyes and began to see that this might just be what he needed to keep his dad busy.

“Bingo!” Ryan said as he spotted a sign that said: All Night Poker Tournament.

Ryan talked to a man sitting by the sign and it turns out that for $65 he could set his dad up in the tournament for the rest of the week. Ryan paid the entrance fee and put the ticket into his wallet with visions of his mother running through his mind.

A few minutes turned into a couple of hours and Amanda and her son were becoming bored. Ryan had noticed a strip club a few blocks back and was interested to say the least.

“Hey mom, I think I’m gonna blow this Popsicle stand.” Ryan smiled.

“I don’t blame you, I won’t last much longer either.” Amanda replied.

“I’ll catch up to you guys later.” Ryan said as he headed for the door.

Amanda waved and went to try and drag her husband out. After a few minutes it became abundantly clear that Don was mesmerized and wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon.

“But what am I supposed to do while you’re standing here with your tongue hanging out?” Amanda asked with her arms on her hips.

“Baby this is Las Vegas! You can …”

“I know, I know. I can do anything I want to.” Amanda interrupted.

“Uh huh……sure……sure.” Don replied staring back at the craps table.

Frustrated Amanda went back to the hotel and flipped through the channels on the television. After a while Amanda walked into the bathroom to do a quick touch up on her hair and makeup. As she messed with her hair Amanda glanced down at the little folded piece of paper lying on the corner of the cabinet. As she unfolded the paper Amanda smiled. It was that good looking boy’s number. Amanda thought back to yesterday and the young man rubbing lotion her back. A warm fuzzy feeling enveloped her body and Amanda wondered if the young man was still by the pool. Like a giddy schoolgirl Amanda skipped over to the window.

“Hey there.” Amanda whispered as she noticed her young admirer still lounging by the pool.

Amanda felt slightly guilty about wanting to go down to the pool; she was a married woman and had no business flirting with the young man. But on the other hand, her husband wasn’t around and he didn’t seem to be too interested in what she was doing anyway. Besides, it’s only flirting she told herself. Amanda slipped off her dress and searched through her luggage for a swimsuit. She pulled out a black string bikini that she’d bought before the trip. She’d planned on showing Don first, but if all he wanted to see were cards then so be it. After tying the top together Amanda looked herself over in the mirror. The reflection that stared back at her was sure to grab the young man’s attention.

“Just right, only slightly slutty.” Amanda laughed putting on her sunglasses.

Ryan was just leaving the strip club. He was trying to decide how to go about getting his mother alone again tonight. He decided to make a pit stop by the casino his dad was at to tell him to enjoy himself and that he’d take care of his mom for the night. Then maybe he could take her out dancing and get her sloshed again. After searching for a few minutes Ryan found his dad at the craps table. He was grinning widely and from the size of the stack of chips in front of him Ryan could tell why.

“Hey dad, looks like you’re doing pretty good.” Ryan said.

“You bet kiddo. I’m on a hell of a streak.” Don replied.

“Hey I got something for you I think you’ll enjoy.” Ryan smiled.

“Hold on just one sec son.” Don said as he gathered his chips.

Don piled all of his chips into two chip holders and walked with his son.

“So what’s this about?” Don asked.

“Well dad, I thought you might get a kick out of this.” Ryan said handing his dad the admission ticket for the tournament.

Don looked the ticket over and smiled broadly. He’d always wanted to try tournament poker.

“Ryan, that’s a damn fine present.” Don smiled.

“I would love to but I don’t think your mom would like sitting here with me all night.” Don said.

“Don’t worry about dad, I’ll take care of mom for tonight and you can have some fun.” Ryan said.

“But I’m supposed to take her out to dinner tonight. I don’t think she’d like me standing her up.” Don said.

“Don’t worry about it dad, I said I’d take care of it.” Chris replied.

Don rubbed his chin for a second and then put his hand on his son’s shoulder.

“Ryan that might be the best idea you’ve ever had.” Don smiled.

“Just remember if you keep winning, I like Corvettes.” Ryan joked.

“What color?” Don replied jokingly.

“Surprise me, I’ll see you tomorrow dad.” Ryan said.

Back at the hotel Chris was soaking up some rays when a shadow covered him. With his eyes closed Chris at first thought it was a cloud but after a few seconds he cracked open his eyes slightly.

“I hope I’m not interrupting.” Amanda said standing there in her black bikini with her hands on her hips.

Chris sat up so fast he got dizzy headed. With his mouth slightly open he stared intently at the beautiful woman in front of him. Amanda blushed because of the look Chris was giving her.

“You can interrupt me anytime you want.” Chris finally said.

Amanda sat down on the chair next to Christ and stretched out. The two made small talk while Amanda put lotion on her arms and stomach.

“That Vegas sun doesn’t mess around. It’s gotta be 120 degrees out here.” Amanda said.

“It got a lot hotter when you came out here.” Chris smiled.

“How long did you rehearse that one?” Amanda laughed.

“All morning. Hey, I could use a drink, how about you?” Chris asked.

“Sounds good.” Amanda smiled.

Chris returned with two Crown and Cokes and the two talked for a while. Amanda was really starting loosen up, they talked liked they’d known each other for years. Besides, all she could think about was how good it felt the other day when the young man was rubbing lotion onto her back. The only problem was that Amanda knew where this train of thought was leading her. She was going to ask Chris to put some lotion on her back, and if she did, she’d be the one opening the door for something she’d have a hard time controlling. After putting lotion on her legs Amanda handed Chris the bottle and smiled.

“You mind?” Amanda said as she turned over onto her stomach.

“No problem at all.” Chris replied.

Amanda figured there was no reason to be shy, besides, with the Crown in her system she was really starting to relax. She just wanted to lie in the sun and enjoy herself. What better way was there than to have this young stud rub lotion all over her.

Chris was so horny he almost couldn’t control himself. He thanked his lucky stars that he’d decided to come back to the pool today. He gently rubbed the lotion into Amanda’s shoulders and began to work his way down her back. Deciding to be daring Chris untied Amanda’s top without warning. Before she could react he continued rubbing the lotion into her skin.

“You’d better be careful back there.” Amanda said as she smiled at the young man’s cockiness.

“Just don’t want you to burn.” Chris smiled.

Amanda was almost asleep she was so comfortable. It was warm, she felt wonderful, and as Chris’ hands slid over her body she didn’t think it could get any better. Her eyes opened a little wider as Chris’ hands began to slide down to her sides. Amanda softly gasped as Chris’ fingers rubbed along the outer swells of her breasts.

“Oh man…” Chris thought to himself as his fingers slide along the edge of Amanda’s tits.

Amanda debated stopping him but she decided against it. He wasn’t being overly inappropriate and he eventually moved on. However, it wasn’t before she began to feel a tingle between her legs. Chris continued his gentle assault and worked his way down to Amanda’s lower back.

“Umm………” Amanda moaned as Chris began massaging the lotion into the small of her back.

Chris remembered form yesterday that she loved having the small of her back rubbed. He was more than happy to comply. After a few minutes, slowly but surely, Chris began to run his fingers under Amanda’s bikini bottom ever so slightly. At first Amanda didn’t think too much about it but as time went on she could feel Chris’ fingers going ever lower.

Chris was breathing very fast by now. He knew he was treading on dangerous ground but he couldn’t resist. Eventually he felt his middle finger slip in between Amanda’s cheeks. Chris barely moved. He was waiting to see if she would react and stop him like the day before.

“Damn.” Amanda thought.

She knew she should stop Chris but it felt soooo good. Glancing over the top of her sunglasses she surveyed the scene. No one seemed to be paying them any attention. Amanda smiled and decided to be naughty and let Chris have his fun, as long as he didn’t go too far.

Chris was surprised that Amanda didn’t seem to care where his hands were. He took a deep breath and began to run his hands farther under Amanda’s bottoms. Before long he was rubbing lotion all over Amanda’s ass. Ever so gently Chris squeezed the firm globes of flesh. Becoming even more mesmerized Chris slightly pulled Amanda’s cheeks apart and firmly squeezed her ass.

“Ohhhhhhh…… god.” Amanda moaned as she bit her bottom lip.

She knew she had to do something but she didn’t want to scare the boy off.

“Hey babe, I could use a refill.” Amanda quietly said.

“Oh… um… sure. I guess I could use one myself.” Chris said.

Reluctantly Chris removed his hands from Amanda’s ass and he grabbed their glasses and made his way over to the bar. About this time Ryan was coming back to the hotel. He noticed Chris at the bar and decided to say hello.

“Hey man, what’s going on today?” Ryan said.

“Oh man you won’t fucking believe this. That hot ass chick from yesterday came back.” Chris smiled widely.

Ryan quickly surveyed the poolside and finally found his mother. She was lying on her stomach and couldn’t see him without turning over. At first he was a little surprised that his mother would come back down to the pool and seek out Chris.

“Really? Man that’s gotta make your day.” Ryan said.

“Man if you’d gotten here just a few minutes ago you’d have seen me with a handful of that ass.” Chris bragged.

Ryan couldn’t believe what he was hearing at first. But his mom wasn’t one to be very shy and with his dad not around she seemed a little flirtier than usual. Quickly Ryan’s scheming brain kicked in and he began to realize that if he could get Chris to get his mom all worked up maybe that would work to his advantage. If he could get Chris to take her out to dinner that night and get her all excited and then wasted she would fall right into his hands. He didn’t think his mom wouldn’t ever cheat on his dad so he decided to go forward with his plan.

“Damn man, that’s sweet. I bet if you keep working your magic you could get her to go out with you tonight.” Ryan said.

“Really? I was kinda planning to try something like that. I just hope she doesn’t blow me off.” Chris replied.

“Just give it a shot man. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Just work her a bit more then spring the question.” Ryan said.

“Yeah, I’m gonna give it a shot.” Chris said taking a drink.

“Good luck man. I’m gonna grab me a drink then head up to my room.” Ryan said.

Chris grabbed the drinks and made his way back over to where Amanda was laying.

“Now where was I?” Chris said putting some lotion into his hands.

Amanda downed about half of her drink and lied her head back down.

“I don’t think my butt will burn anytime soon.” Amanda laughed.

Chris smiled at her comment and began to rub the lotion onto her legs. He started on Amanda’s feet first. The sensation caused her to giggle slightly. She was ticklish after all. Chris continued gently rubbing her feet. Eventually Amanda got used to it and began to really relax. Soon Chris was working his way up to her calves. Amanda inhaled sharply once he reached the back of her knees. It was one of her most sensitive spots. Chris knew he had her where he wanted her so he began to firmly massage the back of Amanda’s thighs. Before long his thumbs where gently pulling the cheeks of her ass apart.

“Ohhh………” Amanda moaned.

Chris did his best to get a view of Amanda’s pussy but he had to be very careful not to be too overt.

Amanda was getting really turned on. She could feel her pussy getting wet as her toes curled uncontrollably. She knew she had to stop the young man but she really didn’t want to. After a few more seconds Chris felt Amanda’s ass tense and he knew he’d gone a bit too far. Before she could say anything to ruin the mood Chris decided to spring the question.

“Hey, what do you think about dinner with me later tonight?” Chris smiled.

Over at the bar Ryan noticed that Chris wasn’t rubbing lotion onto his mother anymore. They appeared to be talking. He knew that his mom was going to turn Chris down because she thought she was going to dinner with her husband. Quickly Ryan pulled out his cell phone and called his mother.

Amanda blushed slightly at the young man’s offer. She really like Chris but she was married and she knew that just by flirting with him she was on thin ice. She decided to be very sweet in turning him down. Besides, she might spend a little more time with him later in the week.

“That’s really sweet of you Chris but…”

Just then Amanda’s phone began to ring. She reached into her bag and pulled the phone out.

“Hello?” Amanda answered.

“Hey mom, it’s Ryan. I was just gonna let you know that dad told me to tell you he wouldn’t be able to make it later. Something about poker I think.” Ryan said smiling.

“What?!?” Amanda said sitting up in her chair doing her best to hold her bikini top on with one arm.

“Don’t sweat it mom. I told him I’d take you to dinner. Or you could just do something cuz there’s this really cool arcade I saw earlier.” Ryan said.

Amanda was fuming mad. All she wanted was to spend a romantic evening with her husband, who just last night, made love to her better than she could remember. But if all he cared about was poker then he could play all the damn poker he wanted.

“That’s fine. I think I can find something to keep me busy tonight.” Amanda said.

“Ok mom. I’ll see you later.” Ryan said hanging up the phone.

Covertly Ryan made his way back upstairs. He was confident he’d succeeded with his plan.

“On Second thought Chris, I would love to have dinner with your tonight.” Amanda smiled.

“Sweet!” Chris yelled.

“Give me a couple hours to clean up and I’ll give you a call.” Amanda said standing up.

“Will do, I’ll see you in a bit babe.” Chris said standing up as well.

Chris wrapped his arms around Amanda and gave her a tight hug. Amanda was still holding her top on with one arm. Instinctively she wrapped both arms around Chris. After a few seconds the two separated slightly and when they did Amanda noticed Chris’ eyes getting wider. Follow his eyes Amanda realized that her breasts were almost completely exposed.

“Whoops!” Amanda giggled.

As Amanda quickly tied her top back together something caught her eye. Chris had a sizable bulge in his shorts. Amanda felt flush and a grin formed on her lips.

“My my my.” Amanda whispered to herself.

Eventually she gathered her things and made her way back upstairs. When she got into her room she stripped off her swimsuit and got into the shower. As she washed off she began to get really pissed that her husband and blatantly blown her off so he could play poker. She thought about calling him but she didn’t want to get into a big fight on their vacation.

“I can’t believe that man. ” Amanda said.

Eventually her anger disappeared and she began to realize that she didn’t need her husband to have a fun night on the town. Chris seemed to be more than willing to accompany her. After her shower Amanda took her time getting ready to go out. She carefully did her hair and makeup. She knew she didn’t have to try very hard to get Chris’ attention, but he was such a nice boy that she thought she’d go the extra mile to make sure he had a hot date tonight. After digging through her luggage for a while Amanda decided on a very tight, strapless, sky blue dress that she’d worn several times before. It was one of her favorites because although it was tight, the material stretched enough so she could really move on the dance floor. The only thing that gave her pause was the length of the dress. It was rather short. The bottom only came down just below her butt. She’d only worn the dress when she was out with her husband, but tonight she’d have to be careful.

“I hope you have fun playing cards dear.” Amanda said to herself as she pulled her panties up under her dress.

After one last glance in the mirror Amanda picked up her cell and dialed Chris’ number. She’d be lying to herself if she said she wasn’t nervous. She was a married woman, calling a younger man to take her out on the town. The naughtiness did give her a slight thrill but she knew she could keep things under control.

“Hello?” A voice said after a couple rings.

“Chris? Hey this is Amanda. I’m ready whenever you are.” Amanda said.

“Cool. I’ll be there in five minutes. Meet me out front.” Chris replied.

Amanda hung up and grabbed her purse. Across the hall her son Ryan was waiting by his door. He was waiting to hear her door close so he would know about when to put his plan into motion. After hearing his mother’s door open Ryan looked through his peephole. He was treated to the vision of his beautiful mother, all dolled up, as she walked away. Ryan took notice of his mother’s choice of what to wear out with Chris. She didn’t look overly slutty but she’d be sure to get a few glances. Satisfied that everything was going according to plan Ryan laid back down to watch a movie. The way his mother partied he knew he had plenty of time.

Chris was pulling up to the front of the hotel when he saw his date for the evening. He shook his head with a huge grin on his face. Amanda was standing patiently by the curb and she looked great to the young man.

“No turning back now.” Amanda thought to herself as she spotted Chris in a black Mustang.

“Need a lift pretty lady?” Chris smiled.

“My hero.” Amanda replied as she got into Chris’ car.

As they drove Chris kept staring at Amanda’s legs. He could hardly keep his mind on the road. Amanda thought the way he was acting was so cute.

“I’m not just saying this, but you look beautiful.” Chris said.

“Why thank you.” Amanda replied blushing heavily.

Without really thinking, Amanda covertly stole a glance at Chris’ lap, but quickly scolded herself for even thinking about it. She wasn’t even at the club yet but the sexual tension was high already. Tonight she was going to have to be very careful or she could easily do something she would regret.

When they eventually got to the club they saw that there was quite a long line at the front door. After parking, Chris and Amanda made their way to the back of the line.

“Well, we might be here a while.” Chris smiled.

“Oh well, I’m patient.” Amanda said.

“Good thing I brought something to pass the time.” Chris said reaching into his pocket.

Amanda smile as Chris pulled a flask out of his pocket and took a drink. Amanda took a drink as well and the two began talking to pass the time. After a while the flask was bone dry and Amanda was giggling uncontrollably as she talked to her young friend. Her resolve was starting to fade as the night went on. Combined with the alcohol, Chris’ charm was starting to weaken Amanda’s restraint. As the line slowly moved Chris started to slowly make body contact with Amanda. A gently touch here and there, just testing the waters. Amanda was all too aware of what Chris was doing and thought it was very sweet that he was being such a gentleman. Wanting to let him know she was ok with what he was doing Amanda grabbed Chris’ arm and put it around her waist. Chris smiled and the two continued talking as they inched closer to the door. Amanda was in mid-sentence when she felt Chris’ hand slip down from her hip to her ass. She just smiled and continued talking. Soon though she couldn’t really ignore what Chris was doing. He was gently squeezing her ass. She didn’t know if it was the alcohol or not but she didn’t think there was anything terribly wrong with what he was doing. After all, they were on a date. It was almost standard procedure.

“You’re the hottest woman here.” Chris said half drunkenly.

“Flattery will get you everywhere.” Amanda giggled.

Just as they were getting close to the front of the line Amanda gasped as she felt Chris’ hand drop to the back of her exposed thigh. The short length of her dress made it easy access for her daring date. Before she could say anything Chris’ hand was massaging her inner thigh with his thumb just inches away from her pussy. As Amanda turned her head to say something Chris leaned in and kissed her.

Amanda’s eyes opened wide and she inhaled sharply as Chris’ lips touched hers. This kiss wasn’t rushed or rough, it was gentle and if she was going to be honest, it was perfect. As they kissed Amanda was relieved that Chris’ hands were now around her waist. She knew she’d crossed a line but she was still convinced she could control the situation.

Chris broke the kiss and stared into Amanda’s eyes.

“I’m sorry, I…just couldn’t wait any longer.” Chris said.

“It’s ok, that was very….nice.” Amanda said not believing what she’d allowed to happen.

“Good, because I think you’re just about the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and I wouldn’t want to do anything you didn’t want me to.” Chris said.

“Chris, I really like you to but you’ve got to…”

Before Amanda could reply Chris kissed her again. This time, in the heat of the moment, Amanda didn’t fight at all. In fact, she did something she didn’t expect herself to. Her lips parted slightly and her tongue quickly darted into Chris’ mouth. Amanda’s heart was racing and she could feel Chris’ hard cock pressing into her abdomen. Just as she was about to lose control a deep voice interrupted their moment.

“Alright you two, break it up and get inside or get to the back of the line. ” A particularly large bouncer said.

Amanda smiled at Chris and they made their way inside. Before she did something she knew she’d regret Amanda excused herself to the bathroom to calm down a bit.

“Oh my god, what in the hell was I thinking?” Amanda said looking at herself in the mirror.

She knew she had to slow herself down a bit. It was one thing to have some fun but she wasn’t about to cheat on her husband, no matter how ticked off at him she was. Amanda looked around to make sure she was alone in the bathroom before pulling up the front of her dress.

“No surprise there.” Amanda said as she looked at her completely soaked panties.

Eventually, Amanda convinced herself that as long as all that she let Chris do was feel her up a bit and occasionally kiss her, she wasn’t cheating, she was just having fun.

Back at the hotel Ryan was had already used the spare room key to get into his parents room. He casually pulled the sheets down on the bed and sat down. His mind was really starting to wonder. He knew that in a few hours there was a very good chance that he’d be fucking his mother again. Tonight he was going to take his time though. He was going to enjoy what might be his final opportunity.

At the club Amanda and Chris were on the dance floor having a great time. They danced for almost an hour straight and Amanda was glad to see that her date was a very good dancer. They danced close and grinded each other like they’d known each other for years. Finally they went to the bar to rest and cool off a bit. They were both covered in sweat.

“You’re a very good dancer.” Amanda said to Chris.

“Thanks, but I don’t hold a candle to you. ” Chris smiled.

As the minutes wore on the two went through quite a few drinks. Before long, both Amanda and Chris were, to put it lightly, trashed.

“Hey lets go sit down at a table, my feet hurt.” Amanda said thinking of an excuse before she fell off her bar stool.

Amanda spotted a table in a back corner and dragged her stumbling date behind her. Once they got to the table Amanda helped Chris sit down. But, before she could get to her chair, Chris grabbed Amanda by the arm and pulled her onto his lap. Amanda smiled and wrapped her arms around Chris’ neck to steady herself.

“God, you look so good.” Chris slurred with a grin.

Amanda smiled, both at Chris’ comment, and the trouble he had getting the words out.

“Thank you baby, you’re not too bad looking yourself.” Amanda replied.

As Amanda sat there on Chris’ lap she looked around the club at all the people dancing and having a good time. Although she was having a great time with Chris, part of her wished her husband was there with her. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt Chris’ hand on her bare thigh. She decided not to do anything; Chris could have his fun for now.

Minutes later Amanda realized that her sitting on Chris’ lap was having another effect that she should’ve seen coming. She could feel Chris’ cock starting to grow under her ass. Amanda couldn’t really blame the poor kid.

“Hey babe, I could use a refill, how about you?” Amanda asked trying to think of a way of getting off Chris’ lap.

“I could use a refill of this…” Chris said as he pulled Amanda’s head towards his.

They kissed for a few seconds and Amanda was alright with it as long as nothing else happened. Chris sucked Amanda’s tongue into his mouth and really started going to town. After a minute or so Amanda was breathing really heavily and she was almost lost in the moment. She could feel the warm tingle between her legs that let her know she was very turned on.

“Chris…..uhhh… ummmmm…” Amanda tried to stop herself unsuccessfully.

Alarmingly, Amanda felt Chris’ hand slide up her thigh. Thankfully her legs were crossed because Amanda didn’t think Chris would’ve stopped.

Chris started to kiss his way down Amanda’s neck as he squeezed her thigh. Amanda stared at the lights on the ceiling as Chris’s head went ever lower until his tongue tasted the flesh between her tits.

“Oooooooo…..shit.” Amanda groaned as Chris nibbled on her cleavage.

In her drunken state Amanda’s resolve had greatly weakened. Thoughts of her husband were nowhere to be found. Chris wrapped his arm around Amanda’s back and he used his free hand to cup one of Amanda’s tits tightly. Amanda leaned in and kissed Chris as he fondled her breasts. She knew she was in dangerous territory but she didn’t care at the moment. The two made out heavily for a few minutes until Amanda shifted her position on Chris’ lap a little. When she did she unknowingly uncrossed her legs. It didn’t take Chris long at all to seize the opportunity. He quickly slid his hand under Amanda’s dress.

“Ummmmmm….hmmmmmmm” Amanda moaned as Chris’ index finger made contact with her panty covered pussy.

Amanda’s mind was screaming at her to stop what was happening but her body was on fire. She hungrily bit Chris’ bottom lip as her fingernails dug into his back.

“Shhhhiiiitttt…..” Amanda moaned as Chris pulled the front of her panties to the side.

Amanda was lost in her desire as her tongue hungrily explored Chris’ mouth. Chris slowly rubbed Amanda’s soaking pussy before slipping his middle finger inside.

“Ohhhhhhh….fuuuck.” Amanda groaned.

Amanda knew she’d crossed the line by letting Chris finger her but she was too caught up in the moment to stop. She clenched her thighs around Chris’ hand as his fingers explored her. Chris began using his thumb to rub Amanda’s clit while his index and middle finger dug as deep as they could. Amanda’s ass ground into Chris’ lap as the young man brought her closer to her goal.

“Don’t stop….just like that baby.” Amanda hissed as she bit her bottom lip.

Amanda began to breathe very quickly and the warmth coming from her pussy let her know she was almost there.

“OH….OH FUCK…OH FUCK!!!” Amanda groaned as her pussy clenched around Chris’ fingers.

Amanda shook uncontrollably on Chris’ lap as she came. She smiled as the euphoric feeling washed over her. She was sitting on a young man’s lap in the middle of a crowed club and had just came very hard. The line Amanda feared she’d cross was very far behind her now.

“Ohhhhh!” Amanda yelped as Chris removed his fingers from her sensitive pussy.

“Well, I think it’s my turn now.” Chris smiled.

Amanda didn’t know what to say at all. She’d just for all intents and purposes cheated on her husband. Now Chris wanted her to return the favor he’d just given her. Amanda’s mind was full of all kinds of thoughts and she didn’t know what she should do next.

“Chris…what you did felt…. it was… wonderful but…” Amanda trailed off.

Chris stared at the woman sitting on his lap he’d just finger fucked. He didn’t know why she seemed so reluctant to go any farther but he didn’t’ want to ruin his chances of fucking her.

“It’s alright babe. Hey look…if things are moving a little too fast for you we can chill for tonight.” Chris said.

Amanda felt very relieved that Chris seemed to be letting her off the hook. She felt guilty that he’d gotten her off and now she was leaving him holding his dick so to speak, but she couldn’t have sex with him. She was a married woman and she’d crossed a line she didn’t think she ever would.

“I think I’m going to go back to my room and call it a night.” Amanda said.

“Can I call you tomorrow?” Chris asked.

“Sure.” Amanda said.

With that Amanda leaned down and kissed Chris on the forehead and called a cab to take her back to the hotel. On the ride Amanda began to feel very bad for what had happened. She couldn’t believe she’d let things get so out of hand. If only her husband would’ve been the one with her. But no, he had to play cards.

Back at the hotel Ryan was lying in his parent’s bed naked under the covers. He patiently waited as he gently tugged on his cock. He knew his mother would be home sooner or later, and knowing her, she would be sloshed. As an extra precaution Ryan had turned the air conditioner on full blast. It was loud enough he thought, to help disguise his voice if his mother asked him any questions.

As Amanda’s cab pulled up at the hotel her head was still spinning. She didn’t know if it was the alcohol or Chris getting her so worked up, but she was very light headed. On her way to the elevators she spotted the hotel bar and decided that just one more drink would help her pass on out quietly in her room, or at least that’s what she thought. After about an hour and three glasses of crown and coke Amanda finally stumbled into the elevator and made her way to her room.

“HA! I might just have to sleep in the hall.” Amanda laughed as she tried four times to get her keycard into the slot.

Inside the room Ryan heard the commotion and quickly turned off the television. The door slowly opened and Amanda stumbled inside. Ryan could tell from her movements that she was drunk; he smiled knowing his planned had worked like a charm.

Amanda stumbled into the room and closed the door. She was surprised that her husband had made it home before her.

“Honey, are you awake?” She asked.

Not knowing what to do Ryan rolled over and grunted something to the effect of, “Uh Huh.”

Amanda dropped her purse on the floor and slipped off her shoes before sitting down on the bed. She felt terrible about what she’d done but that was hopefully behind her now. All she wanted to do was cuddle up next to her husband and go to bed.

“Did you have fun tonight?” Amanda asked.

“Uh Huh.” Ryan mumbled.

“That’s good, I had a pretty good night myself but I’m glad you’re here baby.” Amanda said as she laid down beside who she thought was her husband.

Amanda cuddled up next to Ryan and laid her head on his chest. Ryan was in heaven as his cock began to tent the sheets. Slowly Ryan let his hand slide down Amanda’s back and slip under her dress. He rubbed his fingertips slowly up and down trying to spark a reaction from his mother.

“Ummmm…that feels great.” Amanda said.

Amanda ran her hand over Ryan’s stomach and accidentally bumped something with her hand. Not knowing for sure what it was Amanda reached further down and slowly a smile crept across her lips.

“I guess you really are awake.” Amanda said as she rubbed her son’s cock through the blanket.

“UmHmmm.” Ryan groaned with his mother’s hand on his cock.

“Well, since we’re both still up…” Amanda said as she sat up in the bed.

Ryan watched breathlessly as his mother pulled down the sheets leaving him completely naked. Amanda was still very turned on from earlier. Besides, in her mind, the thought of fucking her husband senseless could possibly make up for what she did earlier. Amanda grabbed Ryan’s cock and slowly stroked it up and down. Ryan grinned broadly in the darkness. Amanda licked her lips and then lowered her head to her son’s crotch.

“Ohhhhh….shit…”Ryan hissed as the wonderful feeling of his mother’s warm, wet mouth enveloped his hard cock.

Amanda moaned as Ryan’s cock passed her tongue and bumped the back of her throat. Expertly her pink lips slid up and down her son’s hard shaft. As she sucked Amanda could feel Ryan’s cock pulse with his heartbeat. She held a steady pace before popping the head of Ryan’s cock out of her mouth and running her tongue over her son’s balls. The salty taste on her tongue and the musky smell in her nostrils had Amanda’s pussy absolutely dripping wet.

“Oh god baby….I’m so fucking wet.” Amanda moaned as she swirled her tongue around the head of her son’s cock.

Ryan was very close to cumming. He was slightly relieved when his mother removed his cock from her mouth and began planting little kisses up his abdomen. Amanda swung one leg over her son and sat atop him breathing heavily. Very slowly she pulled her dress over her head. Even in the darkness Ryan could slightly make out the sight of his mother sitting on top of him.

“C’mere sexy.” Amanda said as she leaned down and unknowingly kissed her son.

Their tongues danced as the room went silent. Ryan grabbed one of his mother’s tits and squeezed very firmly as his other hand squeezed her ass.

“Fuck yeah baby!” Amanda moaned as Ryan took her nipple in his mouth.

Amanda groaned and moaned as unbeknownst to her, her son’s expert mouth had both her nipples standing at attention. After working on her tits for a while Ryan pulled his mother’s head back to his and they kissed passionately for minute after minute. The taste of Amanda’ soft lips were driving her son crazy.

Ryan flipped over on top of his mother never breaking their kiss. Ryan slowly made his was down Amanda’s neck. He ventured even lower, dragging his tongue down between his mother’s tits, and then to her stomach. Amanda’s toes curled in ecstasy. Eventually Ryan arrived at his destination.

“Oh god yes.” Ryan moaned with his face right over his mother’s panty covered pussy.

He’d waited a long time for this moment. Like a conquering king Ryan pulled his mother’s panties down her long legs. He then brought them to his face and inhaled deeply. Amanda cooed with delight as she felt her legs being spread. It’d been forever since her husband had eaten her pussy and she was ready.

“Oh god baby…please…” Amanda moaned in anticipation.

Ryan didn’t wait around for long. He spread his mother’s pussy lips and in one long, slow lick, coated his mother’s wet pussy with his tongue. He slowly sucked at her clit while massaging her inner thigh with his free hand.

“OH MY GOD! FUCK!” Amanda moaned.

Ryan was like a fat guy at an all you can eat buffet. He hungrily sucked and licked his mother’s pussy for all he was worth. The sweet taste of her pussy coated his tongue. After a few minutes Ryan could feel his mother starting to shake. Just a little at first but then she started to really thrash.

“OH GOD BABY….DON’T STOP! FUCK YEAH…” Amanda moaned.

Caught up in the moment Amanda grabbed her son by the head with both hands and pulled his face tightly against her pussy. Ryan’s tongue never missed a beat.

“OH SHIT!!! OH SHIT…I’M CUMMING!!!” Amanda screamed as her pussy exploded into her son’s sucking mouth.

Ryan’s tongue was covered in his mother’s love juice but he never relented. He kept up his pace as Amanda convulsed in absolute pleasure.

“GODDAMN, THAT FEELS GOOD!” Amanda screamed as she slowly regained control of her body.

After a few minutes Ryan removed his tongue from his mother’s pussy and crawled up between her legs. He stared down at his mother, almost completely obscured by shadow. He leaned forward slightly until the tip of his cock touched Amanda’s soaking pussy.

“Give it to me baby.” Amanda said.

Ryan’s mouth hung open and he slowly eased his cock into his mother’s warm, smooth pussy. The feeling was like no other, pure sexual pleasure. Amanda gritted her teeth as her son’s hard cock spread her sensitive pussy wide. Eventually Ryan came to rest, his cock buried all the way inside his mother’s pussy. Amanda didn’t know if it was something in the Las Vegas water or what but her husband’s cock seemed to be bigger and harder than ever. Ryan leaned down and kissed Amanda passionately with her juices still on his lips. Amanda swirled her tongue around her son’s mouth. They were connected in every way in that moment.

“Fuck me baby…” Amanda quietly begged.

Ryan began to rhythmically slide his cock in and out of his mother. He fucked her slowly at first, but then hard and fast. Soon the room was filled with the sound of flesh slapping flesh. Ryan’s cock slammed deep into his mother’s pussy. Amanda couldn’t remember the last time her husband had fucked her so hard but she loved it.

“Yeah…that’s it….” Amanda groaned as she wrapped her legs around her son’s back.

Ryan was doing his best to hold out but he knew he was about to blow. Wanting his mom to remember this fucking, even if she didn’t know it was him, Ryan pulled out all the stops. He wrapped his arms around his mother’s back and lifted her off the bed. Ryan was on his knees on the bed with his mother wrapped around him. He began bouncing Amanda up and down on his cock violently. Amanda didn’t know what had gotten into her husband and she didn’t care. She moaned loudly as the hard cock between her legs seemed to go even deeper into her hot, wet pussy.

“Oh shit…..goddamn.” Ryan hissed as his climax neared.

Ryan slammed his mother back onto the bed and with three mighty thrusts his cock exploded into his mother’s waiting pussy.

“UUGGGGHHHHHH……FUCK!” Ryan groaned as his cock emptied volley after volley of his seed into his mother’s pussy.

Amanda’s hands uncontrollably clenched the sheets as her son’s hot cum coated the inside of her pussy. Ryan came for what seemed like forever. Amanda felt cum dripping from her pussy and knew that her husband was filling her up like he hadn’t done in a long while. After several minutes Ryan stopped cumming and as his cock softened inside his mother he leaned down and sucked her tongue into his mouth once more. Amanda’s tongue wrestled her son’s as she felt his cock slip from her pussy. Ryan rolled to the side and the two just laid there in a sweaty heap as their breathing returned to normal.

After twenty minutes or so Amanda got up and went to the bathroom. Ryan laid on the bed thinking about what’d just happened again. He was really getting addicted to his mother’s pussy. As he lay there thinking of his mother his cock began to come back to life.

In the bathroom Amanda looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled at her reflection. Her hair was a mess and her lipstick was smeared slightly. She had the look of a well fucked woman. After she turned off the light she closed the door and climbed back into bed. She snuggled up to Ryan and laid her hand on his stomach.

“That was amazing.” Amanda said rubbing her son’s abdomen.

Feeling daring Ryan grabbed his mother’s hand and guided it down to his hard cock.

“Damn Don, what’s gotten into you?” Amanda asked amazed at her husband’s new found endurance.

Ryan smiled when his mother called him by his father’s name. He ran his fingers tenderly through his mother’s hair and gently pushed her head down toward his cock. Amanda didn’t fight her son’s insistence to suck his cock at all. In fact, she was all for round two.

“Oh baby…is this for me?” Amanda asked as she stroked the hard cock in front of her.

Ryan didn’t reply, he just gently pushed his mother’s head down onto his cock. His mouth opened and he exhaled loudly as Amanda’s lips slipped over the head of his hard cock. Amanda took about half her son’s cock into her mouth and sucked hard on the way back up. Ryan’s cock escaped his mother’s mouth with a loud pop. Amanda rubbed her pussy as she took her son’s cock back into her warm mouth. After what had happened with Chris Amanda felt like she owed her husband some tender loving care. Amanda released the hard cock from her mouth and licked her way down to her son’s balls. One after the other she sucked them into her mouth.

Ryan was in heaven with his mom’s head between his legs but he wasn’t about to just lay there. He sat up slightly and slapped his mother on the ass trying to make her lift her rear end off the bed because he had something special in mind.

Amanda momentarily stopped her assault on her son’s cock when he slapped her on the ass. Not knowing what he wanted she went back to sucking his dick. Ryan was tempted to tell his mother what to do but he didn’t want to risk it. Instead he laid back down and grabbed her by the waist and pulled her on top of him while she was still giving him head.

“Whoa baby!” Amanda said as Ryan’s cock popped out of her mouth.

With her feet up by his head, Ryan forcibly spread his mother’s legs apart, and pulled her up until her pussy was right over his mouth. He had to taste her again. Ryan spread Amanda’s pussy lips and stuck his tongue in as far as it would go.

“OH SHIT!!!” Amanda screamed.

Never before had her husband had her this turned on. In between moans of pleasure, Amanda sucked her son’s cock, all the while not knowing that her husband was miles away. Amanda clenched her thighs around her son’s head, put her hands on his abdomen and pushed herself up until she was literally sitting on his face.


Ryan’s tongue went into overdrive as his mother’s pussy began to quiver in his mouth. Amanda pinched her nipples hard and began running her hands through her hair like a woman possessed. Her pussy was on fire. She couldn’t control her breathing and was becoming very light headed. She surely would have passed out if she knew it was her own son’s tongue doing this to her. Ryan ran his hands over his mother’s ass as he ate her pussy for all he was worth. In an act of daring Ryan slipped the tip of his index finger into his mother’s ass. That was all Amanda could handle.

“OHHHHH….. OHHHHMYGOD…OHHMYGODOHHMYGOD!!!” Amanda screamed as she came like she’d never came before.

Amanda lost all muscle control as she came in her son’s mouth. Amanda’s whole body shook and quivered uncontrollably. She was out of control as she sat there, on her son’s face, with her mouth open wide. Never before had she came three times in one night.

After almost two solid minutes Amanda finally collapsed to her son’s side. In the position she fell her head was right next to the edge of the bed. Amanda was literally in a trance. She couldn’t talk or move. She just lay there silently. Ryan was ecstatic that he’d made his mother cum so hard but he still needed release. He put his hand on his mother’s hip and pulled to see if she was still game but it was like pulling a dead body. Undaunted, Ryan got off the bed and went around to where Amanda’s head was.

Amanda was still in a fog when she felt what could only be a cock pushing into her mouth. Trying her best to suck her husband’s cock she opened her mouth. Ryan slid his cock deep into his mother’s mouth. He didn’t need long he just need a few seconds and he’d be satisfied.

“Oh Fuck Yeah.” Ryan hissed as he neared his climax.

Even in her current stated Amanda knew what was coming. Wanting to give her husband as much pleasure as he’d given her, she used what little strength she had left to grab his cock and suck as hard as she could.

“FUUUUCCKKKKKK!!!!” Ryan groaned as his cum erupted into his mother’s mouth.

Amanda moaned in delight as hot cum coated her tongue. Her hand milked the hard cock in her mouth relentlessly. Ryan’s hips bucked wildly as he filled his mother’s mouth. Amanda swallowed hard and kept jerking her son’s cock, but as violently as Ryan’s hips were bucking, his cock popped out of her mouth and a long rope of cum landed on her face. Then another landed in her hair and finally, one right across her lips.

Ryan collapsed onto the floor in a heap. Amanda rolled over onto her back and licked the cum from her lips. As she lay there utterly exhausted, with cum on her and inside her, she’d never felt so dirty. She’d also never felt so satisfied. In minutes Ryan had recovered and climbed back into the bed with his mother. Amanda got under the covers and before Ryan knew it she was out cold. Ryan smiled as he got up and put his clothes back on. If he died tomorrow he’d die a happy man he thought as he closed the door behind him.

Much later in the morning, around 6 a.m., Don made it back to the hotel room. He’d had a great night and one hell of a streak of luck at the casino. All told, he’d won close to fifteen grand. As happy as he was he just didn’t know how he was going to tell is wife that he was a finalist in the tournament and he’d be there all night again tomorrow…

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Tony wrote

It was awesomely great piece of writing