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The Wreck of the Manchester

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In eighteenth century English society it was even more difficult for a girl to advance above her station than it was for a young man. Without the proper connections and lineage it was almost impossible for even the most attractive of young girls to marry a man who could give her a life of comfort. Seeing no other way around this dilemma, some parents took the grave risk of sending their daughters to India, where the men who survived the climate and the competition were seeking wives as gorgeous as the silks and gems they carried home as spoils. One of these girls was named Fanny Chamberlain.

Fanny was returning to England in the year 1785 on a ship laden with spices, silver, gold and other treasures. She was a lovely girl of eighteen who had only arrived in India some six months earlier. She possessed the rosy, peaches and cream complexion so admired in her day, as well as quantities of shiny, golden blonde hair, a pouting, Cupid’s bow mouth, small, upturned nose, and wide, China blue eyes. Fanny had been sent to India less than a year earlier; bright, a little shy, mostly uneducated, but curious about the world. Within a few weeks of her arrival in Calcutta she received the attentions of many young fortune seekers, and found that she was able to pick and choose her husband-to-be. Her choice was a man named William Hastings, 32 years of age. William had been in India for ten years and had made an astounding fortune, and he was on his way home to England to live the life of a country gentleman. As it turned out, he never again reached the land of his birth.

Fanny was a girl who had always delighted in her own body. She had discovered at an early age that she could give herself great pleasure by touching and playing with her tender little slit. As she began to mature, she refined her technique and noticed that her budding breasts could also give her pleasure. As a young teenager Fanny had an experience which awakened in her desires that would leave her in a state of confused excitement for a long time to come.

In that never to be forgotten summer, Fanny’s cousin Alexandra was visiting for a few days with her mother. Alexandra had Fanny’s fine complexion, but with dark chestnut tresses and smoldering green eyes. On a hot (for England) summer day the two girls went bathing in a nearby stream. Because the spot was isolated and they were loath to wet their frocks, Fanny and Alexandra had gone into the water in only their cotton shifts. As they lay drying themselves in the sun, even the thin shifts gave way and the two beautiful cousins admired each other’s naked bodies. Fanny’s breasts had developed nicely, and now they were the size of large plums, upturned with puffy, pale pink nipples. Her hips were still slender and somewhat boyish, with a derriere that was high, round and smooth. The hair at her pubic mound was pale blonde, fine, and still very sparse. Alexandra, who was three years her cousin’s senior, had much larger breasts and rounder hips, but a slim waist and long, shapely legs. Her pubic hair was thick, dark and luxuriant, and her pink labia protruded well beyond the plump outer lips. Fanny caught herself staring.

Before Fanny could protest, her more experienced cousin began to kiss and caress the young girl in a way that threw her feelings into utter confusion. Up to that time Fanny thought her self-pleasure was a secret that only she had mastered, but now she found that another—her cousin, and a girl at that—could produce the same sensations in her only stronger, more intense than anything she had felt before. By the end of her visit Alexandra had introduced Fanny to the innumerable ways that two girls could give each other pleasure with their fingers, lips and tongues. After her cousin had left, Fanny spent many long nights trying to equal the heights of ecstasy that Alexandra given her, and long days trying to remind herself that she was interested only in boys.

In her short marriage to William Hastings, Fanny was both intrigued and disappointed by their bedroom activities. She found that being penetrated with her husband’s cock could give her a different, deeper kind of pleasure than she had experienced on her own or with her cousin. Inevitably, though, before Fanny could reach her peak William would groan, flood her with his hot seed, and go promptly to sleep. Fanny often diddled her sloppy cunt with her fingers after William had rolled over. Once, during their lovemaking she licked the length of his dick with her tongue and even slipped the plump head into her mouth, which caused her new husband to groan with pleasure. But when she tried to get him to reciprocate he looked at her with revulsion, and she found that her oral ministrations only caused him to ejaculate even more quickly than usual.

On board the Manchester, for that was the name of the ship on which Fanny and William sailed, the passengers had been at sea for three months. After some delays and a stop in Ceylon to take on more plunder, she was nearing the southeastern coast of Africa after her passage across the Indian Ocean. Her captain thought they were still more than a hundred miles from the coast, but he was wrong. During a night of heavy rain and high winds with minimal visibility, the Manchester met her end on a rocky shoal half a mile from the shores of the Dark Continent.

The captain ordered a boat, manned by six crew members, to carry the passengers to safety. The young English girl, with her new husband, left everything aboard but the clothes on her back and was rowed through the blackness toward the crashing surf. Fanny thought they must surely die. The enormous waves would have smashed them and their small boat to pieces on the rocks, but through sheer luck the sailors found a tiny opening in the rocks and the boat rode a tall wave through the gap and onto a narrow beach. As it turned out, the rest of the Manchester’s officers and crew were not so lucky. After a miserable night huddled under an overhanging rock, the castaways found at daybreak that the Manchester had capsized during the night. Nobody else had reached the shore safely, and now the eight survivors had to face the unknown with no weapons except William’s pistol, no food but some ship’s biscuit, and a mortal fear of the natives.

One of the sailors thought that they might be able to walk to the Dutch colony at the Cape, though no one knew exactly how far that might be. In any case, it seemed better to walk than to starve on the beach, so they began. After only a few minutes the rocky terrain forced them away from the sea, and they found themselves treading a narrow path through strange, dense foliage. Within an hour of leaving the boat they encountered a group of natives, leaving Fanny’s life changed forever once again.

What happened was this: upon entering a clearing the small party came to some native huts which seemed to be deserted. While the sailors foraged for food, William and Fanny held each other in their arms. William had his pistol loaded and ready. A group of natives suddenly entered the clearing, and seeing the young couple, began to whoop and cry in a strange tongue. The men were tall, muscular and naked. Their hair, faces and bodies were daubed in red mud. As they approached, William raised his pistol and fired at the nearest African, knocking him down with a ball through the chest. His companions immediately attacked with spears and clubs. William threw himself gallantly in front of his new bride and was soon impaled and beaten until he was unrecognizable and very, very dead.

Fanny screamed with horror and fright, certain that she would be next. The sailors from the Manchester, hearing the commotion, bolted into the forest. Fanny never saw them again. Eyes closed, hands covering her face, Fanny continued to scream and knew that any second might be her last. Instead of the death blow, however, she felt one of the natives grab her roughly around the hips, pick her up and toss her over his shoulder like a sack of grain.

He carried her through the forest and as they walked, Fanny finally dared to open her eyes and take in her surroundings. The first thing she saw was the lower half of the native behind her. He was very tall, and his legs were corded with muscle. There was no trace of fat anywhere on his body. He carried a spear in his right hand and a club in his left, and his body was marked with red clay. And he had the most enormous prick she had ever beheld.

Soon Fanny and her captors arrived at a small village. They were quickly surrounded by other natives, both men and women. The women were bare-chested like the men, but wore narrow, colorful sashes around their loins. Their hair was long, and arranged in scores of tiny braids which, even in her terror, Fanny was able to admire for the skill which created them. An older woman, who looked vaguely European, wouldn’t allow the curious males to touch Fanny or even get too near.

The woman ordered two of the others to tie a kind of sturdy, braided rope around each of Fanny’s wrists. These ropes were then secured to tree branches and pulled taut, lifting Fanny’s arms into the air and spreading them wide apart. Her feet were spread apart and tied to a heavy log. She still wore her French silk dress with the exposed décolletage, though now it was dirty and torn, and her white stockings were almost completely shredded. Her shoes were gone.

The villagers began to pile wood in the center of the clearing. There was obviously going to be a bonfire, and the young blonde was afraid that she would be at its center. While the natives left her alone for the moment and went about their business Fanny, though still terrified, grew calm enough to observe the people who she assumed would soon make a sacrifice of her.

Surprisingly, she found them attractive. The young girls had firm, high breasts, slender waists, and shapely legs. The older women who had born children had more pendulous breasts, but were still slender and fit. All had dark skin and very full lips which, though strange to Fanny, she nevertheless thought were very sensual. As she had noticed earlier, the men were tall, muscular, and mostly slender—and they all had huge cocks. It seemed to be a trait of every male in the village. Fanny couldn’t help looking.

She had seen few men’s dicks in her young life, even fewer erect, and they had all seemed to be about the same size as her husband’s. These native dicks were of another order altogether. Even flaccid they hung more than halfway down the men’s thighs, making them much longer than William’s had been when fully erect. She estimated that they were at least ten inches long. And they were much thicker, too. She doubted that she would be able to reach her fingers around one of the huge shafts. It boggled the mind of the eighteen-year-old English girl, and even as she considered her certain doom she couldn’t help thinking about being fucked with one of those giant tools. Little did she know, she would find out soon enough.

After an hour or so, as Fanny’s arms and wrists began to ache, she saw the men of the village begin to gather. They soon formed in a circle about 30 feet in diameter with Fanny at its center. She noticed that the red markings had been removed from their bodies and that now they seemed to be slick with oil of some kind. It served to increase their appearance of muscularity. Even their huge cocks were oiled. As the men stood, the women of the village entered the circle and took seats in front of them, and their skin also appeared to be oiled. Some of the women carried drums made from animal skins stretched over wooden cylinders. Fanny noticed that the few elderly men and the children were not present. Everyone there looked to be between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five, except for the lighter-skinned woman, who Fanny took to be a kind of priestess. She counted sixteen men and as many women.

Then, from outside the circle, two young girls approached. Fanny thought they were probably about her age, and they were beautiful. It was clear that they had carefully prepared for the occasion, with colorful beads adorning their shining black braids. Their eyelids were darkened in an exotic way, which seemed to accentuate the lovely almond shape of their eyes. They were both quite tall, several inches taller than Fanny’s five foot four, slender, with firm, upturned breasts and long legs. As they came closer, she was able to see that their nipples were hard, that they had no visible pubic hair, and that they looked exactly alike. Yes, they were identical twins, Fanny decided. But what held her attention most of all was the object that each of the girls carried.

In the right hand of each of the twins was a huge, shining dagger. Fanny began to tremble and cry. “No,” she begged. “Please don’t,” as the tears poured down her face. She felt her self sweating profusely in her gown and petticoats, and her knees felt weak. At that moment Fanny surely would have fallen if not for the ropes holding her wrists. The women in the circle began to play a rhythm on the drums and the men chanted to the rhythm. It only served to terrify the English girl further, and now she was certain her end was at hand. The twin girls began to dance and sway provocatively to the music, and twirl the knives in a sinister way. The rhythm grew faster and louder. Fanny cried and begged, even more pathetically. “Please. Please don’t kill me,” she wept. “I’ll do anything, anything at all.”

At that, the older woman raised her hand and the music stopped instantly. “Anything?” the old woman asked.

Fanny gasped. “You speak English?”

“Of course, my child. Now do you really mean you’ll do anything to spare your life? These people want to kill you because your idiot husband shot and killed one of their bravest warriors today. They need to carry out certain rituals to assist in sending his soul to the spirit world. Are you prepared to go along with whatever these rituals might require?”

“Yes! I’ll do anything they want! Just don’t kill me!”

“Very well.” The old woman then gave some commands in the strange, clicking African language, and the music started again. The rhythm was different now, and the twins began to dance again, more erotically than before. As the tempo increased, they began to touch each other with their free hands, the other hands still held the ugly great knives. They touched each other’s breasts and squeezed and twisted the nipples. The tempo continued to increase, and the men chanted louder. The twins slowly brought their faces together and their tongues touched. In another moment their mouths were pressed together in a deep kiss, and their hands fell to each other’s pussies. The men whooped and shouted when they saw this.

Fanny couldn’t believe her eyes. Now the gorgeous twins were entwined together, with their thighs grinding between each other’s legs, the knives held behind their backs. As the music seemed about to reach a crescendo, the old woman raised her hand again, and again the music stopped. Fanny’s cheeks were flushed with excitement and fear, and now she began to tremble once more as they approached her, knives raised high. The men began to whoop. Fanny cried out, “No, please! I said I’d do anything!” She appealed to the old woman, who only laughed. The beautiful teenagers circled her. Fanny began to thrash around in her bonds, begging the African girls to spare her life.

As her terror became unbearable, the girls stopped, one in front of Fanny and one behind. Reaching out with their free left hands, the twins grabbed the top of Fanny’s gown front and back. Fanny shut her eyes. But instead of cutting and stabbing her, the girls used the knives to cut Fanny’s dress from the neckline straight down to the hem. In seconds, it was opened from top to bottom. Then each twin cut away one of the gown’s sleeves and pulled it away completely, leaving Fanny in her corset and petticoats. Those in the circle hooted and clapped. The twins circled Fanny again, now reaching out with their free hands to caress her neck, her face, her hair.

The lovely sisters moved in again, this time one cut through the lacings of her corset while the other cut away her petticoats. Fanny was now wearing only a thin cotton shift which was drenched with sweat, leaving her very exposed. She began to weep again, when she realized that the savage Africans were about to see her completely nude. She cried out for mercy to the old woman. “Do you want them to stop?” the woman asked.

“Yes, please make them stop!” Fanny begged.

“Then they’ll have to kill you,” the woman said. “It’s your choice.”

Fanny cried in shame and frustration. Much to her relief, the native girls dropped their knives and began circling her again. Now the twin behind her grabbed her hair and raised it, and began to nibble at the back of Fanny’s neck. Soon she was kissing all over the blonde’s throat, her shoulders, even her ears. The other twin lovingly caressed Fanny’s body with her hands, beginning with her legs, while tearing away the remains of her stockings. She then moved her hands up to the English girl’s breasts, which were barely covered by the thin, damp fabric, her pink nipples poking out. Against her will, Fanny’s nipples grew hard as the twin caressed them. The native girl grabbed her nipples and twisted hard, causing the teen to cry out. She felt pain, but strangely it seemed to send a wave of arousal to her crotch.

Only a few minutes earlier she was afraid for her life, but now Fanny was somehow sure that they didn’t intend to kill her. On the other hand, the young blonde was horrified that these savages were able to produce feelings in her that she didn’t fully understand, and she was determined not to let her desire show. Fanny held herself straight and stiff as the beautiful sisters continued to kiss and caress her breasts, neck and face. Finally the twin in front reached under her shift and began to caress her vulva.

Fanny was surprised to find that her pussy was sopping wet, and she let out a small gasp as the girl’s fingers made contact with her delicate flesh. The girls smiled at this, and the men in the circle began to chant again. The blonde didn’t know what to expect now, and she renewed her efforts to show no feelings, though the fingers touching her most intimate places were beginning to make her yearn for release.

Then, in one quick motion, the girls tore away Fanny’s shift, exposing to the onlookers her beautiful upturned breasts and her pussy with its downy soft hair. Aside from Alexandra and her husband, no one had seen Fanny nude since she was a small child. She felt utterly ashamed, mortified, and yet, somehow thrilled. Her body had matured since the time of her youthful experiments with her cousin, and Fanny was pleased with the way it looked. Because her fate was completely out of her control, Fanny felt herself liberated in a way she never had before.

The dark fingers soon returned to her glistening pink folds, and now she almost abandoned herself to the sensations. The blonde’s mouth was open in a silent moan, her eyes closed, and everyone there could see the moment of surrender when her hips began to move involuntarily. In another minute Fanny was almost at the peak of orgasm. Suddenly, the girl stopped, causing Fanny to open her eyes and look down. The girl in front of her slowly removed her fingers from Fanny’s cunt, drew them slowly to her mouth and licked the juices off.

The men went wild. Their shouts increased in volume. The girl in front of Fanny returned her fingers to the blonde’s pussy, inserting two fingers and using her thumb to rub Fanny’s clit. Fanny’s hips began to rotate again, and her moans came freely. Again she neared orgasm, and again, just before she could peak, the girl stopped and withdrew her fingers. “Please…don’t stop,” Fanny gasped.

The girl stood, holding her fingers—funky and dripping with juices—up to Fanny’s mouth. The blonde teen could clearly smell her own pussy on the girl’s hand. The musky odor seemed to intoxicate her, and she gave herself over to animal passions that she never knew she had within her. The scent of her own pussy on the young twin’s fingers, held before her face in front of this circle of natives, made her more aroused than she had ever been in her life. She stuck out her tongue to lick the fingers like a starving person might lick up life-giving nutrients. After a minute the girl shoved the fingers in her mouth and still Fanny worked her tongue everywhere she could reach, trying to get all the moisture from the hand.

Now a cheer went up from the onlookers as the twin knelt between Fanny’s legs and dipped her face to the moist young pussy in front of her. “Oh, yes. Eat me,” Fanny pleaded. The young African girl opened the lips of her cunt with her fingers and began to lick and suck at Fanny’s gooey slit. She looked up into those wide blue eyes as the tip of her tongue flicked over the young blonde’s swollen clit. At the same time, her twin sister knelt behind Fanny and spread her round ass cheeks with her hands. Fanny now had gorgeous black African twins eating her pussy and licking her asshole simultaneously.

“Oh God,” she moaned. “Yes, do it! Lick my ass! Yes!”

The twin in front suddenly shoved two fingers up Fanny’s fuckhole and at the same time began to suck on her clit, pulling it into her mouth. The twin behind her actually managed to squeeze the tip of her tongue into the blonde’s puckered anus, where it pulsed in and out. Fanny went into orbit. She screamed out as waves of pleasure shot through her suspended, helpless body. Her orgasm seemed to go on forever. After what felt like ages, the girls slowly moved away from the blonde teenager, leaving her shaking and weak, drenched in perspiration, and held up only by the ropes at her wrists.

Picture if you will the young English girl, so recently married and respectable, now soaked in sweat, with her own juices running down her thighs. The circle of African natives around her, appreciating her extreme state of arousal, congratulated the twin sisters and prepared the next stage of Fanny’s initiation rite.

While the helpless girl still hung in a partial faint, two of the younger nursing mothers released Fanny’s bonds and carried her to a kind of bench which had been set up behind her. The two women lay Fanny on her back, kissing and caressing her breasts tenderly. The bench was a little lower than waist height, padded with layers of colorful fabrics, and only as long as Fanny’s upper body, leaving her head and legs unsupported. The two young mothers allowed Fanny’s head to hang back, giving her an upside down view of the scene, but they used ropes to tie her ankles to high tree branches, pulling her legs up and apart. Her arms, which hung over the sides of the narrow bench, were bound under it at the wrists. While this was taking place, other women lit the pile of firewood nearby, adding a flickering glow to the evening sky.

The nursing mothers each had breasts that were firm, round, and full of milk. Their nipples were dark and distended. As one young mother knelt between Fanny’s thighs to lick up the tangy juices that overflowed from her dripping snatch, the other pressed a nipple into Fanny’s mouth to be suckled. And Fanny suckled eagerly! She felt her lust begin to grow again as she tasted the mother’s milk intended for the native’s black baby. As the men roared their approval, the young mother pulled back from the sucking mouth and squeezed her nipple, squirting milk into Fanny’s open mouth and over the lower half of her face. She then stood and lowered her wet, steaming cunt to Fanny’s lips. The blonde English girl had not eaten pussy since sampling her cousin, but she had not forgotten how to give pleasure or how the scent of another girl’s nether parts aroused her desire. She noticed, however, that the taste of the nursing African mother was somehow earthier, the smell more pungent than her fair skinned cousin. The young black woman held Fanny’s head with her hands and humped her face. Fanny was nearing orgasm again as the other woman continued to eat her. The woman straddling Fanny’s head soon cried out in strange yelps as she reached orgasm, flooding the girl’s mouth and cheeks with her juices. As she stepped back, the others could see that the blonde English teenager’s face was wet with milk, sweat, and cunt sauce.

The mothers then switched their positions and repeated the same motions, and again Fanny had almost reached orgasm when they stopped and drew back.

The night had grown fully dark, but the huge bonfire illuminated the scene perfectly, and Fanny could feel its heat from where she lay. It caused her to sweat even more. Secured to the bench, her legs spread and tied high above, Fanny’s head hung back dripping with the secretions of the two young mothers. Even her hair was soaked in places with milk and girl-come. While the men chanted, the rest of the women moved in and took turns using Fanny’s mouth to get themselves off. Some explored the recesses of her wet, pink folds while others played with her shapely round breasts. It seemed that there were hands touching every part of her body. Fanny licked and sucked every African pussy that came near her mouth, and she twisted and bucked her hips to try and reach another orgasm from the probing of the girls and women. Each time she neared her peak though, the caresses stopped, leaving Fanny ready to beg for more.

While most of the native girls were tall and slender, one particularly attractive girl was more voluptuous. About nineteen or twenty years old, she had wide hips, a big round ass, small waist, and very large breasts. As the other girls stepped back, she moved forward and bent at the waist, allowing her soft, round breasts to dangle in Fanny’s face. After nearly smothering the English girl for a minute or two, she straddled Fanny’s head like the others had done, but then leaned forward, so that her face was directly over Fanny’s pussy. A special stool, the same height as the bench, was placed to support Fanny’s head. It was well padded, and just the right height to take the strain from Fanny’s neck muscles while allowing her to reach with her tongue the pussy just over her face.

Fanny looked up to find the largest pussy lips she had ever seen. They were dark purple at the edges, bright pink at the center and hung down like fleshy, wrinkled butterfly wings. Fanny quickly sucked one side, then the other into her mouth. The lovely African girl moaned, shook, and began to gush juices into Fanny’s hungry mouth.

It was at this point that the men stopped their chanting and came forward. The rest of the women resumed their positions in the circle and took up the rhythm with their drums. Fanny had been too busy to notice, but the men were all fully aroused from watching the young English girl be ravished by their women, and many of them stroked their huge erections. The first man to approach seemed to be the oldest man present, probably in his late thirties, and the other men deferred to him.

He was muscular like the others, but with a somewhat protruding belly and stout legs. He danced up to the bench, shaking his enormous member. The women clapped in time to the rhythm as the huge prick came into view just above Fanny’s head. The big man pulled the stool aside for a moment, allowing Fanny’s head to fall back. As her mouth fell open, the muscular Negro dangled the head of his cock in front her lips.

Fanny’s head hung completely upside down, and from this viewpoint her eyes took in the massive instrument before her. Its head was a dark, reddish purple, and the size of a small apple. The shaft was as black as ebony, slick and shiny, and bulging with thick veins. Fanny could not even begin to guess the length and breadth of the huge dick. She couldn’t imagine how that thing would fit in anyone’s pussy.

The African squeezed out a drop of clear fluid which the young English girl licked from the tip of his cock. Holding it like a club, the big Negro began to slap the teenager’s face with his gigantic meatstick. Fanny kept her mouth open, her tongue straining to lick the huge member as it swatted against her face. “Give it to me,” she pleaded. He complied, holding his cock in a way that allowed Fanny to lick first one side then the other, finally placing his massive nutsack over her mouth so that the lovely white girl could lick the sweat from it. The native then placed the head of his cock before the blonde’s pouting red lips and pinched her nostrils closed with his fingers. Fanny’s mouth gaped instinctively and the big man pushed the head of his enormous cock into the wet opening.

Fanny’s cheeks bulged obscenely as the fat cockhead entered her mouth. The white girl’s hot, wet mouth on his dick caused the big African to groan. The tip of the huge dick pressed on the back of her tongue, causing Fanny to gag slightly. Her eyes began to water. Lost in the world of her own desires, Fanny didn’t even notice her need for air until the fat dickhead was pulled from her mouth, allowing her to take a deep breath.

The tall warrior eased the head of his fuckstick back into Fanny’s mouth and pushed, until the tip was pressed against the back of her throat. When she began to gag he massaged her throat with his free hand, and the pale skinned young beauty was able to take part of the swollen knob into her gullet. She gagged again, and as the powerful native pulled his dick out of her mouth, rivulets of Fanny’s saliva ran down her smooth cheeks. Strings of her spit stretched from the girl’s open mouth to the huge black dick, glistening in the firelight. The helpless young girl gasped for air just before the big cock was plunged into her mouth again.

Now the savage released his hold on Fanny’s nose, grabbed a fistful of her hair in one hand and the back of her neck with the other. As he thrust his hips forward, the small crowd of spectators saw half of his throbbing shaft disappear down the throat of the blonde teenager. Her mouth was stretched open as far as it would go and more saliva leaked out around her lips. The circle of onlookers could see the bulge in young white girl’s neck where it was invaded by the monstrous prick. The lusty warrior pumped his thick tool in and out of Fanny’s throat for a few moments until he felt her convulse.

He didn’t want to kill her and he wasn’t ready to come yet. As he withdrew his huge cock it was followed by thick, shining ropes of the blonde’s saliva which the African used to lubricate his shaft. Fanny gasped and coughed, more saliva running down her face into her hair. To the amazement of everyone there, the English girl opened her mouth again and stretched out her tongue. “Mmmm,” she mewled. “Give me some more.” Her pale blue eyes gazed up at him with a look of undisguised lust. The big native only laughed and smacked her face with his thick cock, spreading the saliva around.

While Fanny’s throat was being raped by the sturdy African, the girl on top of her had been teasing the blonde girl’s pink, wet folds. The voluptuous, dark-skinned girl turned now to the big man and spoke to him in imploring tones. Though Fanny couldn’t understand the words—indeed, she wasn’t even sure the savages used words—she could easily guess the meaning. The girl wanted to get fucked. The man lifted Fanny’s head so that her tongue could reach the other girl’s dangling labia, and the horny English girl went back to work licking and sucking the tangy dark lips. The stool was placed under Fanny’s head again, and the trembling native girl lowered her pussy onto the blonde’s face. The black girl’s hips began to grind, pressing her cunt flesh against Fanny’s lips, tongue, nose and chin.

The big man stopped them before the girl could orgasm. He pressed the head of his gigantic meatstick against the busty girl’s opening, and gradually worked the head in. A sigh came from the big breasted African girl. The warrior continued to work more and more of his thick shaft into the girl’s fuckhole, and now moans could be heard. Soon almost the entire ebony rod was buried in the girl’s wet hole, and Fanny could see every detail only inches from her face. As the huge dick bottomed out at the girl’s cervix, a pair of heavy balls slapped against the blonde’s forehead. Fanny could hear the squelching sounds as the two natives fucked, and she could smell the combined odors of the couple’s sweat and fuck juices. Each time the cock withdrew she could see the girl’s wetness coating the thick black fuck tool. Its taste still lingered on Fanny’s lips, and she reached up with her tongue to gather some more.

The big Negro couldn’t help but gasp as the English teenager licked the bottom of his shaft as it plunged in and out of the native pussy. Fanny tried to insert her tongue at the exact point where the girl’s labia were stretched by the fat dick, and her tongue found the African girl’s clit. While the blonde tickled her clit orally the warrior pounded the black girl’s cunt with his heavy spear, hitting her g-spot. The girl began to shudder and shake her ass wildly. Just as she began to orgasm, her lover pulled out his thick cock. He knew what would happen next. The girl squirted a flood of clear liquid girl-come straight into Fanny’s open mouth and onto her face.

Fanny raised her mouth to the slippery pussy lips and cleaned up as much of the juice as she could. Before this moment the blue-eyed English girl never knew that girls could squirt when they came, and she wanted to see it again. She was not disappointed.

When the girl’s trembling subsided, the man stepped forward again and rammed his big dick home. After no more than a dozen strokes the girl began to scream and quiver. The cock was pulled out and again the girl flooded Fanny’s mouth with come. The blonde teen swallowed as much as she could, while quantities of the fluid ran down her face and into her hair.

Now the warrior was in no mood to wait any longer. Gripping the round ass cheeks of the native girl, he pounded his enormous cock in and out as hard and fast as he could. With her lips Fanny took hold of one side of the girl’s slick labia and sucked it into her mouth, then released it and did the same with other side. The girl screamed again, but this time the man did not pull out. As the juices came streaming out around the ebony cock Fanny drank up as much as she could, though much of it spilled over her face.

Finally, with a roar the big Negro came. Jet after jet of hot, thick come shot deep into the native girl’s loins. While his dick was still pumping, the man pulled out and sent two more shots of come into the blonde’s open mouth. The next squirt stretched across her cheekbone and the bridge of her nose. More come dribbled from the end of the huge cock and Fanny reached with her tongue to catch it, but he didn’t let her. Instead, as the black savage stroked the last of the come from his massive club, he smeared the teenager’s face with its tip, spreading his come over her lips and cheeks.

“Mmmm, give me more come,” the English girl begged. The experienced warrior knew just what to do. Taking the African girl by the shoulders, he raised her so that she stood with her come-filled fuck tunnel directly over the blonde’s face. Fanny began to suck at the girl’s sloppy cunt. As the gorgeous white teenager licked, the come began to flow into her mouth. The dark-skinned girl helped by squeezing her vaginal muscles, and copious amounts of thick, white cream drizzled into Fanny’s hungry mouth. She kept licking and sucking until the native’s pussy was clean, and her labia shone only with the English girl’s saliva.

The rest of the men now moved in to have their turn with the hot blonde fuckdoll. The native girl was pulled roughly out of the way, and the stool was yanked from under Fanny’s head, letting it fall back once more so that she saw the world upside down. As the men formed a tight circle around the bench, one thrust his cock in the blonde’s face while another rubbed the head of his big dick against her pink pussy lips. She needed to come so badly, but Fanny had never had a dick even half as big as the one now at the entrance to her love tunnel. The owner of the dick spat on his thick shaft and used his hand to smear it over the head. He forced the fat head into her pussy, causing her mouth to open in a groan. The native at her head used this opportunity to shove his massive fuckstick into the blonde girl’s mouth.

The warrior between Fanny’s thighs soon managed to ease almost half of his enormous prick into the young blonde’s tight snatch. Already, with less than half of the African’s dick inside her, Fanny had never been so filled in her life. Her gasps were drowned by the huge dick in her mouth, pushing against the back of her throat. The cock in her pussy began to inch slowly in and draw back out, so that with each thrust a little more was crammed inside her stuffed hole. After several minutes of this effort, the African was rewarded by seeing almost his entire ebony war club disappear between the blonde girl’s pink petals. Then it hit the entrance to her womb and could go no farther. Although Fanny could see none of this from her position, she thought she must soon faint from the pain.

The tormented English girl thrashed and tried to cry out, but the only sounds that emerged were muffled grunts. The cock in her mouth was forcing its way farther down her throat, making even breathing difficult. Somehow her body’s natural gag reflex had lessened, and Fanny was able to take more and more of the black invader into her gullet without the convulsive heaves she had experienced only a few minutes earlier. In her helpless state she could do nothing as the two muscular Africans pummeled her body at either end. As the cock in her pussy worked slowly in and out, the blonde’s fuck hole stretched, her juices coated it, and the massive member began to slide more easily. Suddenly the sensation of fullness changed from pain to extreme pleasure mixed with pain. Fanny began to fuck back.

The two warriors picked up her rhythm and synchronized their movements. As the cock in her pussy was withdrawn, the one in her mouth slid deep down her throat, and vice versa. The African at her head mauled her delicate white breasts with one hand while with the other he roughly grabbed the back of her head. He used this leverage to force even more of his monster dick down the helpless girl’s throat. As the two studs increased their tempo, Fanny felt her coming orgasm begin to build. The villagers looked on in amazement as the English teenager gave the two warriors the fuck of their lives. The drumming and shouting of the women grew louder.

As the two huge black cocks hammered the young blonde, pulling almost completely out before slamming into her again, Fanny hit her first peak. Her muffled screams of pleasure only inflamed the lust of the Negroes. They fucked her harder. Fanny rode another wave of orgasm, higher and higher, until it seemed she would never come down. Her spasms went on and on, and the newly corrupted teen could hardly believe that her body could sustain this much pleasure. The stud fucking her mouth came next. He pumped what felt like a quart of hot come directly into Fanny’s gullet. She didn’t even need to swallow. As his shudders tapered off, he pulled out his fat shining cock and wiped it on the lovely blonde’s saliva smeared face. Seeing this, the spear chucker in her cunt whipped out his cock, moved quickly to the other end of the bench, and jerked his cock in the white girl’s face. She opened her mouth to catch his seed, but the first rope overshot its mark and left a trail across her left breast and neck. The next shot hit Fanny’s chin and she stretched to catch some of it in her mouth. The big Black never came so much in his life, and as he jerked his thick cock he moved it around so that each jet covered a different part of the young blonde’s face.

“Mmmm, I want your come,” Fanny pleaded, and her tongue gathered as much of the thick sauce as she could reach. The African helped by using the head of his dick to spoon it into her mouth. Fanny eagerly took the massive purple head into her mouth time and again to receive another taste of the musky fluid. The big man signaled one of the native girls to approach, and he gave some commands in their strange clicking language. The slender brown girl bent over Fanny and licked up the come that lay on her neck and breast, and shared a very sloppy kiss with the blonde teenager.

After that, the rest of the village men had their way with the young English girl. Mostly they followed the pattern set by the first pair of ravishers, fucking her simultaneously in pussy and throat, then coming in her mouth or on her face. Each of the men’s cocks was nearly as big, and in some cases bigger, than the first warriors who defiled her. Some chose to come deep in Fanny’s vagina, leaving her fuckhole filled to the brim with wiggling spermatozoa. The last to fuck her was a slim young lad with scarcely a hair on his smooth body, but with a cock the size of the blonde’s forearm. He eased his big tool inside her almost reverently, before humping her like an animal and shooting an enormous load in her face.

After all the men had come on or in the blonde teen at least once, the ceremony degenerated into an all-out orgy. Fanny was untied and carried from the bench, only to be staked to the ground spread-eagle. The villagers then began to fuck each other in every position imaginable. As each male pumped his load of semen into a dusky snatch, the Negress would then squat over Fanny’s mouth to have the gooey white stuff sucked out by the beautiful white English girl. By the time the lust of the villagers was spent the bonfire had burned down to a pile of glowing embers. In their soft reddish light the lovely Fanny Chamberlain could be seen, her body smeared with the sex juices of more than thirty native savages, a look of contented fulfillment on her face.

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Neil wrote

Lovely, got me hard