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The Invisible Line

Category: BDMS
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As he sipped his gin and tonic he realised he had mixed it too strong. A little dutch courage was a godsend on nights like this, but he had to keep his wits about him. He dragged his eyes away from the muted television to his watch. Fifteen minutes had passed. He thought a moment, and decided she could wait a little longer.

He sipped again and took a steady, calming breath. He was still nervous, despite everything. He wouldn’t show it, that wouldn’t be proper, but he was worried about an invisible line he might cross. They had spoken about it beforehand, he knew the hard limits, but there was still a voice in his head that asked what if I go too far?

That was the voice of a younger him, skinny and spotty, who lit candles and played music for his first time making love. He had even called it that. Making love. He chuckled to himself at the thought. That was before he had ever fucked anyone. Back before words like dominant and submissive hadn’t meant anything more than their dictionary definitions. Before anyone had looked up at him from their kneeling position and called themselves his dirty little cum slut. When pain and pleasure were two different concepts.

A lot had changed since then.

His mind wandered to his second first time. The first time he had realised that this was the way sex was supposed to be. That he had awoken something within himself that had lain dormant. It was now an inescapable truth that to be made to feel powerful was the truest form of sexual gratification. And it wasn’t a glossy, pedestrian fantasy anymore, it was a grounded reality. She was waiting for him in the other room, almost certainly more nervous than him.

He took out his phone to scroll through the text messages she had been sending him throughout the day. She had started early, his phone had buzzed as soon he sat down at his desk.

‘I can’t stop thinking about your cock…’ she had written. He had smiled to himself and started on his tasks for the day. As always, his silence just encouraged her to send more. She liked to tease him when he was unable to physically stop her doing so.

‘Please Sir, can I come to your work and suck it?’

‘You know how much I love it when you blow on my face.’

‘Just thinking about it is making me so fucking wet.’

She certainly knew how to get under his skin. The next message an hour later had a photo of her in the mirror wearing red lingerie with the words ‘I bought these the other day. I can’t wait for you to get cum on them…’

So it had gone on throughout the day. It would have been fine if she had not decided to give him detailed, step by step descriptions of her pleasuring herself while he sat in a meeting with his supervisor. Admittedly, he had been foolish enough to put his phone on the table, but the constant stream of messages caused his boss to ask if he had somewhere better to be. He apologised, which he hated doing and proceeded to sit, teeth gritted, through a condescending lecture on taking his work more seriously. Nothing could be more antithetical to who he was than being treated like a child by his employer. His blood boiled and when he was sent back to his desk he began devising her punishment.

Twenty minutes had passed. Abandoning his drink, he got up and walked to the bedroom. The door creaked open and he closed it quietly behind him, stopping to survey her. She was on her knees on the bed, leaning against the headboard where her hands were cuffed. Her blindfold was still in place, but she had turned her head to face him when she heard the door creak all the same. The silken bonds he had used to immobilise her legs were dangling from the foot of the bd. For a moment he thought about grabbing her and tying her down again, but he reconsidered. The punishment was over. She had taken it very well. It was hard to tell where the skin of her buttocks ended and the red underwear began, he had spanked her so hard. Upon closer inspection he also saw a perfect rectangle of red around her lips where he had pulled the tape off.

Without speaking, he moved to the bed and settled in behind her, running his hands over marks he had left on her. She flinched at his touch though that did not deter him. His cum was drying on her back and legs where he had left his mark. Pulling out would have been very unsatisfying for her; he knew how much she enjoyed taking his load deep inside her. She made sure to tell him.

He watched her in silence, feeling the almost palpable sense of anticipation in the air. She wouldn’t dare speak until he did.

“You were very bad today, weren’t you?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir.” She responded dutifully.

“And you know why I had to punish you, don’t you?” he continued, leaning over to the bedside table, reaching for the drawer.

“Because I’m a slut, Sir.”

“Yes you are.” He said, closing the drawer, his hand wrapped around the toy he had been searching for.

“Whose slut are you?” he asked, calmly as he lowered his boxer shorts and began to slowly coax himself towards an erection.

“Yours, Sir.” She responded quickly.

“Say it properly.” He insisted, feeling himself growing.

“I’m your slut, Sir.”

The device in his right hand was an innocuous little thing. Shiny silver, not much bigger than the battery that powered it. It was quite effective, though, and he noticed her begin to tremble as the device came alive, humming between his fingers. He reached around her leg and, pushing her underwear aside, pressed the device against the sensitive, wet skin between her legs. She let out a timid moan and the handcuffs clinked against the metal bedframe as she jumped. With his free hand he pulled the lacy red fabric aside and admired the perfectly straight line where the red skin met white, before guiding himself inside her. She shuddered as he pushed his hips forward, feeling the vibrations cascading down her skin to his own. It was a very pleasant sensation.

“Oh… fuck.” She gasped.

“Shhhhhh,” he said, placing his free hand on her left hip as she stifled another moan.

“Now, be a good girl and cum for me.”

“Mmhmm… Yes, Sir.”

He rocked back and forth slowly, grinding his shaft down on the underside of her belly. Pressing harder with the vibrator he watched her knuckles turning white on the bed frame as she spread her legs wider to receive him deeper. The smell of sex that hovered in the room filled his nostrils, stirring him on.

“Come on, you know you want to.” He coaxed her as she began to moan in rhythm with his thrusts. Over time he had learned to read the changes in her body, to let them guide his actions. Her moans, just short of speech, told him she wanted it harder and faster. There was pleasure building inside her, as there was within him. Hers was more volatile, louder and more profound when it arrived but starkly disappointing if missed. It happened more often than not, or so he believed, and she had no cause to lie. As he had come upon his moment of discovery that to dominate someone sexually was the greatest pleasure he knew, so she had once discovered that she desired nothing more to be made submissive. They were matching pieces in a set.

Her first orgasm appeared to surprise her more than him. She shuddered from her neck, down her back to the point where they were connected. A long moan escaped her lips as she tried to say something, but the power of speech had been robbed from her momentarily. She took deep breaths, like a runner, through her gritted teeth.

“More?” he asked.

“Mmmhmmm.” she nodded enthusiastically, her face pressed up against the bed frame.

He clicked the button on the end of the toy and felt the vibrations increase.

“Don’t be shy, this is why you’re here, remember? This is why you keep coming back.”

A string of curses escaped her lips.

Moments later, the second orgasm followed the first. He had stopped moving by this point, but stayed sheathed inside her, tensing the muscles of his buttocks to make himself jolt ever so slightly.

“Keep going.” He insisted.

“No, more please…” she stammered, clumsily trying to roll away from him. He chuckled and clicked the button on the vibrator again, pushing as hard as he could. Her pleas trailed off into a desperate whine of pleasure.

“Say you love it when I fuck you like this.”

“God I love it when you tie me down and fuck me… Master.”

He should never have told her how much power that word had over him. His heart raced as soon as she said it, barely audible between her moans. His muscles in his legs locked and his grip tightened on her hip. Thrusting again, a groan escaped his own lips as the vibrations, the view of her bound on her knees in front of him and her words conspired to bring him to the edge.

He came inside her not long after, which caused her to cum again, as though the pleasure he felt had spread from him into her. Her muscles clenched around him, trying to force him out of her so her fluids could release while her moans reached a crescendo.

As the pair fought to catch their breaths he pulled out of her, and a tide of her cum flowed with him, dripping down her legs and soaking her underwear which had snapped back into place. She collapsed onto her side and he lay next to her, propped up on his elbows. He watched her panting for a moment before reaching over and untying the blindfold, which was damp with her sweat. She smiled at him as the material fell away through her flushed cheeks and smudged eyeliner.

“Good girl.” He whispered, kissing her gently on the lips and turning to reach for the key. He paused, his hand hovering over where it lay and turned back. She smiled at him and nodded, pushing back the invisible line a little further. Taking her cue, he rolled back and fixed the blindfold back over her eyes.

“Very good girl.” He said, before getting to his feet and heading for the door, taking note of the time as he left.

See you in twenty minutes he thought to himself.

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