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“What’s the matter? Can’t you find the hole?” Sarah teased Ben from the office across the hall. He wadded up a piece of paper and made another attempt at her wastepaper basket. It was short again by about a foot. It was nearly noon and Ben was enjoying watching his pretty, brunette co-worker tidy up her office before going to lunch.

Sarah bent over to access the lowest drawer in her file cabinet and Ben slowly crushed another piece of paper, watching the stretchy fabric of her skirt gradually draw up the back of her thighs as she searched through the file drawer. He took aim and launched another shot, this time hitting Sarah’s backside, right between her round cheeks.

“I found that one,” he commented, proud of his achievement from a range of nearly twenty feet.

“I don’t know how you could miss; it’s a pretty big target,” she said, deprecating her slightly plump behind. She was in her late twenties and had a little more back there than she used to.

“No, it’s just right,” he said, intently watching her ass change shape as she stood back up.

“I bet you say that to all the network specialists.”

In fact, Ben flirted with a number of women on their office floor, but Sarah was the most fun—probably because she could dish it back to him as if she were the office skank. Ben knew better, though. He knew the real Sarah. He’d been the one that got her to come out of her shell when she joined the company as an intern, shy and quiet. They became good friends, albeit a little naughty in their demeanor towards one another, despite the fact that Sarah was married and Ben had a serious girlfriend.

Their boss had taken the day off and there was always a different mood in the office when she was gone. The phones were quiet that morning and Sarah and Ben had taken their casual flirting a little further than usual, playing, as mice do, while the cat was away. Some of their playful banter was getting personal, dipping into the subject of their sex lives at home.

Sarah was happily married to Aaron, going on their third year, but she had recently begun getting a little anxious about their life in the bedroom. Sex was okay, but it wasn’t knocking her socks off. She didn’t feel comfortable talking candidly with Aaron about it; it just wasn’t normal conversation for them.

Aaron was from a very conservative family, who barely acknowledged the existence of sex, let alone discussed it openly. Repressing that carnal instinct was all he knew before he met Sarah. He was still a virgin on their wedding night.

Sarah was not so pristine, but was by no means a harlot. She’d had a few boyfriends, but only one or two long-term relationships. Her limited sexual experiences before marriage seemed to fade away after marrying Aaron, burying themselves under the safe and comfortable shroud of conventional marital intercourse.

Aaron seemed content with doing things they same way they always had, reluctant to try anything new or risky. They made love in the missionary position almost exclusively, and Sarah could predict his orgasm nearly to the second.

Never in a million years would she have thought she’d be telling details like this to a coworker, let alone a male one, but Ben had a way of getting her to open up about very private things—probably because he was so forthcoming and vulnerable when it came to talking about his own sex life. He made the topic seem natural, even fun. She was thankful she had an oddball friend like Ben to confide in, but she would never tell her husband about the things she and Ben talked about, or the mostly innocent flirting that went on in the office. She knew it would never go beyond flirting.

It wasn’t in Sarah’s nature to cheat on her husband; she’d never cheated on anyone. Neither had she ever really been much of a flirt. Sarah was what most would refer to as a “nice girl.” But flirting and talking sex with Ben was an exhilarating guilty pleasure. It wasn’t cheating as much as it was pretending to cheat, but it felt so good! Sometimes she would play Ben’s sex games; sometimes she ignored him. Today she was in the mood to play.

“Where are you going for lunch?” Ben asked her.

“Probably just the cafeteria today.”

“Me too,” he said.

“Care to join me?” she asked.

“Sure; I’m always up for a nooner,” he said with a sly grin.

“I’m talking food,” Sarah corrected, even though she knew he was kidding.

“Oh, okay, we can eat I guess,” he said with feigned dejection.

They sat down at a two-person table in a corner of the cafeteria, neither of them wanting to chit-chat with the others. The sexual tension was ratcheted up today and Sarah decided to take advantage of the opportunity to ask Ben some seriously personal questions. There were things she always wanted to know about what men thought of sex, but had never had an opportunity to ask. She’d never talked so frankly with anyone before she and Ben became friends. She felt like she could bring up any off-the-wall subject and he would talk candidly.

“Can I ask you a very personal question?” she asked, priming him up.

Ben’s expression grew eager. “Only if it involves somebody being naked.”

Sarah took a bite of her club sandwich and just let it right out. “Do you like to masturbate a lot?”

Ben had just taken a bite of his own sandwich, and immediately wished he had waited until after she asked her question. He nearly choked trying to get it down.

Taking a big gulp of his soft drink, he finally recovered enough to speak. “Yes, you?” he said in response, as though she’d just asked him something as banal as whether he’d filed his tax return yet.

“Well, I’m a girl,” she evaded.

“Yeah, I know,” he said with lustful eyes.

“What I mean is, is it something men do all the time or just like every few weeks?”

“Oh! Well, somewhere in between, I guess.”

“So, how often do you do it?” she pressed.

“Three times a day, baby! I’m a sexual dynamo!”

Sarah continued to look at him, unfazed, waiting on a real answer.

“Okay, honestly? It depends on how much my girlfriend is around. A couple times a week. Maybe more if something turns me on.”

“Like what?”

“Like a sexy coworker with a sweet ass and tight skirts.”

Sarah gave an enlightened, but evil smile. “You think about me when you jerk off, don’t you?”

“I will tonight for sure. Unless Sherri gets off early.” He laughed at his unintended pun. “Gets off,” he repeated with a giggle.

“You’d better not think about other women when you’re making love to that sweet girl,” she chided.

“Never!” Ben implored. “Well, it depends on what you were wearing that day.”

“Stop!” she exclaimed softly with a smile. “So, what is Sherri’s favorite thing to do?”

“Now, we’re talkin’!” Ben exclaimed, sitting up in his seat and getting more comfortable. He leaned in to speak, and lowered his voice. “I think, but I’m not positive, that she might really like anal.”

Sarah’s eyes grew wide as she covered her mouth. “You guys do anal?”

“We have a couple times. She seemed to really get into it. I can’t believe we didn’t try it until now.”

“Oh my god! What’s it like?” This wasn’t a question she had thought of asking before, but now Sarah really needed to know.

“Oh, it’s such a wicked turn-on sticking your dick in a tight place that wasn’t meant for that.”

“Yeah, sorry; I can’t relate,” she commented dryly. “I mean what’s it like for her?”

Ben wasn’t exactly sure. “I know it kind of hurt and it took a while to get it in. But once we got going, oh man was she into it!”

“Did she ask you to, or did you just do it?”

Ben thought for a moment, reliving their first time in his head. He spoke softly, just above a whisper. “I was doing her from behind and pulled out for a break. Before I put it back in, I just started casually rubbing my cock between her cheeks. Pretty soon I was trying little pokes at her ass, but with no real penetration. She didn’t protest, so I kept going, fingering her a little between tries at insertion.”

Sarah felt herself get a little flush, imagining it was her ass getting sampled. Just listening to Ben recall the encounter was getting her hot. She cleared her throat, which had gone dry. “She was okay with you doing things like that to her?”

“She didn’t tell me to stop. I think she was as curious as I was. She bent over a little more for me, but didn’t say anything, so I kind of took it like she was into it. I prodded and played with her ass some more and after a while I managed to wiggle the head inside. Before I knew it, she was moaning for me to push it all the way in.”

Sarah swallowed hard as she squeezed her thighs together, feeling the first bit of wetness in her panties that had started to emerge from listening to Ben talk sex. She couldn’t imagine Aaron ever trying something like that with her. “You’re a bad boy, Benny.”

“You don’t even know, baby,” he said seductively.

“So what else do you guys like to do?” Now she was hooked on this new drug of honest sex talk, and needed more.

Ben looked up for a moment, considering what would be the next most erotic thing he could convey to his beautiful friend. “Well, we both like oral, giving and receiving.”

“You like to give it to her?” she asked, a little incredulous.

“Of course! Why wouldn’t I?”

“I don’t know; I don’t think Aaron does.”

“Is he gay?”

“No, it’s just that—”

“Then he likes it. Trust me.”

“But, he never does it,” she implored.

“Do you ever ask him to?”

“Well, we’re not like that,” she explained. “Sex isn’t something we explicitly talk about; it just happens.”

“You kids need to get over being so repressed. Loosen up! Have some fun and communicate!”

Sarah smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

Now Ben had a question for her. “Do you ever go down on him?” he asked.

Sarah gave a sheepish grin. “Sometimes. Not very often. I don’t think he enjoys it much.”

“Well, then that’s your fault.”

Sarah frowned at him.

“Seriously, it’s not just about putting it in your mouth and sucking away like a lollipop. You gotta learn how to take that thing deep, stroke it with your wet throat like you’re making love to it.”

“I know how to suck a dick,” she scolded coolly.

“Mmm, look me in the eyes when you say that!”

Sarah ignored his tease. “It’s just that we seem to avoid doing anything…dirty,” she explained. “Like, we only make love; we don’t ever ‘just have sex.'”

“Ah, we want to dirty up our tidy lovemaking with a little extracurricular activity?” he summed up.

Sarah glanced to her left once to reassure herself that nobody was listening, her face becoming flush again. She nodded slightly with a guilty smile on her face.

Ben sighed and reached down and attempted to discretely adjust his pants to relieve the pressure from his growing erection.

“What are ya…doing there, chief?” Sarah asked, glancing down and then back at him with a sly grin.

“Just looking for my napkin,” he lied. “My advice to you is to let him know you can sometimes be a dirty girl.” He looked around and lowered his voice. “Start by pulling off of him during sex and having a taste of his tool, dripping wet with your juices. I can say this with absolute certainty: We men love that! And I mean that with a capital L-O-V-E.”

Sarah grimaced at the suggestion.

“Oh, come on!” he pleaded. “You don’t really think it’s gross, do you?”

A smile crept onto Sarah’s face. “Aren’t I supposed to?”

Ben grinned at his beautiful colleague. “Ah, I can see it in your eyes, baby! Let go of those hang-ups. Pretend like you’re a porn star when you’re fucking him. Be his little slut in bed. He’ll start doing things that you never expected.”

“Yeah, like asking me what I did with his sweet, little Sarah. I couldn’t bear to freak him out, Ben.”

He shook his head and smiled. “You’re not listening to your old pal, Ben. He’s waiting for you to find your inner slut. Put sweet little Sarah on the shelf for a while.”

Sarah smiled uncomfortably at her drink while she stirred her straw. Ben didn’t feel like he really convinced her, but it sure had been a fun conversation. Their discussion turned to more pressing issues that needed attended to that afternoon.

The rest of their day was busy answering calls for help from the payroll department, which suffered a network failure at the worst time of the day, but Sarah’s mind never wandered far from sex. After the morning flirting and the sexually charged lunch with Ben, her libido was in overdrive.

She found herself daydreaming of seducing her husband, surprising him with a little slutty behavior, undressing seductively in front of him after work, or grabbing his crotch at their hello kiss. Unfortunately, every fantasy ended with Aaron freaking out a little bit at her abnormal behavior, repressing her back into good-girl mode.

While she daydreamed away, her work problems weren’t fixing themselves. Sarah needed to get her mind in gear if she was going to go home before midnight. She pulled out her phone and relieved some tension by sending a message to Aaron, “I luv you.” She put her phone away and got down to business. Despite her distractions, Sarah managed to troubleshoot the network back online by six o’clock.

The wetness in her panties persisted, even on the drive home, prompting Sarah to remove them at a red light to get some relief from the uncomfortable dampness. But the thought of not wearing any underwear in public was a turn-on in itself, and soon Sarah could feel the wetness building again.

She hoped to find Aaron home when she arrived, anxious to be close to him, to give him a little taste of naughty Sarah. But he had worked late that day too, having been in meetings all day, disrupting his usual routine. His phone had dinged at a quiet moment while in a committee meeting, reminding him he forgot to silence his phone. Pulling it out of his pocket, he read the sweet message Sarah had sent, but couldn’t reply. It was odd of her to send such an unnecessary, mushy message during the day. Normally she would have said something like, “Pick up some milk.” But today it was “I luv you.”

It felt good to read it, and made Aaron want to be home more than ever. One little message got the wheels turning in his head. They hadn’t been intimate together for more than a week, their hectic schedules simply not permitting any time to do anything other than sleep when they went to bed. Aaron made it point to find time for them tonight.

He arrived home to find Sarah’s car in the drive. He couldn’t wait to kiss his pretty wife.

Sarah considered giving him a nice tongue kiss on their greeting, setting the loving mood for some fun that night, but as her mouth approached his, she faltered and gave him nothing more than their usual peck on the lips. It would have seemed odd to show affection so early in the evening.

“How was your day?” he asked, hanging up his jacket in the closet.

“It was a zoo!” she said, focusing on the afternoon and avoiding the mention of their slow morning. Telling him she had a sexually charged lunch with her flirtatious co-worker would not be a good start to the conversation. “The network was down half the afternoon, but we got it all running again.”

“Oh good,” he replied. “I know it sucks when everything breaks at the wrong time.”

Their daily greeting was already headed down its normal dull path and she knew they needed to change course. Sarah decided to plant the lovemaking seed in her usual way. “Are you, uh, busy later?” she asked, hooking a finger in his belt loop and kissing him gently. It was their little code for letting the other know they were in the mood.

Aaron looked at her with a smile, happy that they were on the same wavelength. He was pleased to answer that he was free. Sarah smiled back and went to the kitchen to reheat some leftover lasagna for dinner. Still pantiless, she reveled in the feeling of her skirt rubbing on her bare ass. She hoped Aaron didn’t notice that her panty line was gone.

All that Aaron had noticed was how amazing she looked today. He replayed in his head Sarah touching his waist as she subtly asked him for sex. He could still smell her breath, taste her lips, feel her soft breasts briefly press against him. It wasn’t even bedtime yet and he was already wanting her!

“You look really pretty today,” Aaron said on impulse while they ate their dinner. He didn’t know why he would tell her that today over any other day. She always looked really pretty to him. He felt he didn’t tell her enough anyway. He watched her a few seconds while she ate. Something was different. Was it the little smile she was wearing this evening? Was it the cute way her hair was hanging more to one side than usual?

“What?” Sarah finally giggled when she could take his staring no longer.

Aaron shrugged, embarrassed. “I don’t know. You look like you had a good day.”

“Eh, it was okay,” she lied. At that moment, she knew she would tell Aaron at some point about the friendship she shared with Ben—just not tonight. This was a night to reap the benefits of their enlightened conversation, not spoil them.

After dinner, Sarah went to the bathroom to freshen up and decided that a shower was what she really needed, considering all the moisture her vagina had been generating for most of the day. She started the hot water and looked at herself in the mirror, turning around and looking over her shoulder to see how she looked without the panty line. She liked what she saw, but didn’t think she could go pantiless all the time. Maybe just with this skirt, she thought. She unzipped the skirt and watched it slide off her hips, immediately exposing her naked lower half to the mirror. She twisted around again and looked at her naked ass. Ben knew what he was talking about; it was just right. She was actually pretty happy with her posterior. She hoped Aaron was happy with it. He generally didn’t directly compliment her on her body.

She quickly removed her blouse and unhooked her bra before throwing it all in the hamper. Her nipples were feeling extra sensitive, just like her clit, and she rubbed them gently, watching her naked profile in the mirror. She couldn’t wait for Aaron to fill his hands with her soft tits!

Normally, when Sarah took a shower while in the kind of mood she was in right now, the hand-held shower head would eventually find its way to her lower half, gently imparting its pulsing vibrations to her labia, spreading them apart to find her firmed up clitoris nestled inside, ready to be tickled and teased by the wonderful torrent of massaging water. It was how she achieved most of her orgasms. But today she was careful not to stimulate herself too much. She wanted to preserve the blessed tension she’d been saving up all day for her husband. Maybe this would be the night he would try something naughty with her. He seemed quite responsive when she subtly suggested they make love.

Instead of masturbating in the shower, Sarah tried something different, but equally erotic. Examining her vagina, she got a crazy idea. She’d never trimmed herself down there before. After shaving her legs as usual, she let the razor creep off her thigh and onto her mound, whisking away a corner of her pubic hair. She did the same to the other side. Before she knew it, she had narrowed her normally wide area of hair. She shaved a little more off the sides, then across the top, and then rinsed the soap off. She opened the shower door and looked in the mirror.

“Oh, baby!” she thought to herself. Suddenly she looked like a porn star. Her pussy looked much smaller, much prettier. She continued to watch in the mirror as she slipped a finger across her remaining hair and dipped it between her labia. She felt the seemingly ever-present moisture and pulled a thick, slippery line of fluid from her vagina. The shaving had turned her on even more!

Aaron was dutifully cleaning up the kitchen while Sarah was showering. He couldn’t stop thinking about being with her tonight. He actually got a semi-erection as he imagined making love to her, prompting him to put down the dish rag and adjust. Even though he was alone, he still felt embarrassed. He leaned back against the counter and closed his eyes, thinking of Sarah’s naked body, imagining of being on top of her, inside her. Just then he heard the water shut off in the shower. She was done.

A crazy idea crept into Aaron’s heart. What if he went and just took her, right now, fresh and naked out of the shower? It would be off-the-wall to do it during the day; lovemaking was meant for bedtime. But bedtime seemed like an eternity away! He decided he would be spontaneous and do it—right after he finished the kitchen.

Sarah stepped out of the shower and toweled off her long, brown hair, never taking her eyes off her pretty new pussy. She had just grabbed her tube of moisturizing cream when she heard her phone ring. It was still in the pocket of her skirt in the hamper. She almost let the call go to voicemail, but saw her tiny bluetooth headset resting on the vanity. Sarah turned it on and put it in her ear.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Sarah, it’s Ben.” He sounded a little distraught. “Did you remember to re-enable the firewalls today after finally getting payroll back online?”

“Of course.”

Ben breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay, I can sleep tonight. For a minute there I had visions of hackers pillaging our coffers and offering up my head on a plate to upper management. I’m sorry to have bothered you; I hope you weren’t busy.”

“Nope, just out of the shower,” she replied.

“Oh?” said Ben, his tone audibly more intrigued. “So you’re…naked?”

“That’s how I usually take showers,” she responded. Sarah couldn’t resist the sarcasm.

“What do you look like?” he asked.

“Like a whale,” she lamented.

Ben laughed. “Women,” he said. “Why do you always look at your body through such judgmental eyes? Try to see yourself as a man sees you. A whale is definitely not the word that comes to my mind. Look at your breasts in the mirror. You know they’re amazing, don’t you? Tell me what your husband sees.” He waited for a response, but there was only awkward silence.

After a long pause, Sarah finally spoke. “Right now, baby?” Ben thought for a moment how to reply. It was an odd thing for her to say to him. Then Sarah spoke again. “Wait, can I—Aaron, I need to—” There was another long pause before Sarah sighed.

Ben spoke tentatively. “Sarah, I hope I didn’t—” He was interrupted by the sounds of lips smacking. Ben wasn’t sure what was going on. He had thought she was alone, but her husband was obviously there. Ben immediately felt a little guilty being so bold with the sex talk over the phone while she was at home with her husband. Sometimes his libido overshadowed his boundaries. His first impulse was to hang up, but he listened a while longer. They were kissing. He could hear the lip smacking and both of them breathing heavy through their noses. Ben’s heart leapt into his chest as it dawned on him what they were doing. He was listening to the sounds of foreplay. But, why wasn’t Sarah hanging up the phone?

He listened for awhile longer and considered whether he should say anything to Sarah. Swishing sounds from the room, which he surmised was the sound of Aaron’s clothes coming off as they kissed their way into the bedroom, filled Ben’s earpiece. More kissing followed, then a moan from Sarah.

“Oh my god,” Ben said absentmindedly into the phone as he listened. A soft thud told him Sarah had plopped onto the bed, still on the phone. “You must be wearing a headset!” he declared, as if he’d just solved the riddle of the week. He figured Sarah was so taken by surprise by Aaron that she didn’t even have time to remove her bluetooth earpiece. Aaron probably didn’t even know she was on the phone, since it would have been hidden in her long, dark hair.

Sarah lay naked on her back, watching her husband take off his underwear. She was pleasantly surprised at the spontaneity of Aaron’s initiation, but would have liked about ten seconds’ warning to end the call with Ben. She was trying to decide whether to hang up on him. If she removed the headset now, it might seem a little strange to Aaron that she’d had it on while naked, right out of the shower, and even stranger, hadn’t removed it until now. On the other hand, what was the harm in leaving it on? Sarah conveniently decided not to do anything about it.

Aaron climbed onto the bed, his eyes on her pubic hair, which looked different than the last time he saw her. “Did you trim yourself down there?”

Sarah nodded. She didn’t know what Aaron would think. “Is it okay?” she asked, watching his eyes.

“You look so different…” He studied her for awhile as a pleasurable, almost guilty chill cascaded through his body.

“Oh, Sarah!” said Ben softly. “Did you do that just now? Holy shit, that is so hot!”

Aaron got on his knees and scooted them under her thighs, pausing to admire his wife’s pretty little porn star pussy. He ran his hand through her now-diminished hair and smiled at Sarah. She eyed him intently, hoping for his approval. She’d never done anything like that before. She was dripping wet inside, aching for her husband’s touch. He let a thumb touch between her labia, liberating some moisture waiting just inside. Sarah closed her eyes at the blessed contact. “You’re ready right now, aren’t you?” he said, rubbing his slippery fingers together.

“I’m really horny,” she confessed.

“That makes two of us,” Aaron replied, ignoring the fact that he’d never heard that word from his wife’s lips before.

“That makes three of us,” quipped Ben. He didn’t know if he should press his luck on having the privilege to listen in on a married couple’s lovemaking, but then again, she had kept him on this long, maybe she wanted him to hear. What an amazing treat that would be! Still, he needed to hear it from Sarah. He was intruding if she didn’t want him on the phone, and it was possible she couldn’t hang up. Mustering tremendous self-discipline, Ben decided to get Sarah’s explicit permission. “I know you can’t talk directly to me, but I need to know if this is okay, Sarah. Do you want me to hang up? Clear your throat or something if you do.”

Ben waited for a response, but there was only kissing.

Aaron pressed his body against Sarah’s breasts, allowing most of his weight to settle onto her. He kissed her deeply as he got up on his hands, positioning his cock between her swollen labia majora.

Ben needed one more validation from her before he could fully commit to this voyeuristic escapade. “Do you want me to stay on the phone with you?”

Sarah inhaled a quick audible breath as Aaron sunk his manhood into her creamy depths. She’d been longing to be filled all day, and feeling her husband’s hard cock slip into her with one long, smooth motion was taking her breath away both physically and emotionally. Hearing Ben’s voice in her ear while her husband was inside her was making her feel sexy on a whole new level—and a little dirty, like she was doing something that nice girls don’t do, slutty behavior that was secretly manifesting itself as a warm, delicious tickle deep inside her tummy. “Mm hmm,” Ben heard her say in his ear, affirming her intentions and giving him the green light to listen in.

Ben rubbed his erection in his pants. “In that case, I’m going to get as comfortable as you two.” He went to his bedroom and unfastened his pants with one hand, wiggling them off and liberating his dick through the fly in his boxers. Ben stroked himself a while, listening to the kissing going on in his ear. He hated to put the phone down, not wanting to miss a second of this call, but he did briefly so he could strip the rest of his clothes off. Grabbing the phone, he plopped onto the bed, naked. “I’m so hard listening to you,” he said to Sarah. “He’s inside you right now, isn’t he?”

Sarah couldn’t believe what she was doing! She had just told a man he could listen in while she had sex with her husband. It wasn’t cheating, but it felt strangely similar. She reached up and confirmed that her hair was safely concealing the illicit device in her ear. Her heart quivered with guilty pleasure at knowing two men were hot for her right now. She certainly had not planned for this virtual threesome, but now that it was happening, she felt sexier than a cheerleader in a men’s locker room.

Aaron drove his firm hips into his wife more forcefully than usual, his knees sunken into the soft mattress. He was turned on like he hadn’t felt in a long time. Her trimmed pussy hair was an unexpected treat, making her look not only loveable, but downright sexy. He didn’t think Sarah would have ever thought of doing that.

She put her hands on his ass, probably the naughtiest thing she would normally do to him, and helped him keep the loving pace while kissing his neck. Sarah raised her legs up and spread them wide for her husband, letting the slutty impulses that were sprouting inside her blossom.

Ben was trying to picture what they looked like, and what position they were in. He figured it was their usual missionary position. This would be even hotter, he thought to himself, if they would try a new position. Suddenly a light went on in his head. What if he made a suggestion to Sarah? Maybe it would spice things up for her. A little encouragement might be just what she needed. He decided to give it a shot. Ben could hear Aaron breathing and figured he’d better speak softly, lest he be overheard. “Sarah, are you two doing mish?”

“Mm hmm,” she said, timing her answer again to coincide with the lovemaking and not raising suspicion from her husband.

“Mmm, I bet your little trimmed pussy is so wet! This could be your greatest night of lovemaking. I have a suggestion for you that might start you on a memorable ride. I want you to do something. You two need to roll over so you can be on top. Aaron wants to feel your sweet, round tits with his hands while you rock your hips on his hard cock. Can you do that for him? Come on, Sarah, ride ’em cowgirl!”

Hearing Ben talk dirty to her while her husband fucked her was just about the most erotic thing Sarah had ever experienced. It was like a vanilla sundae suddenly got drizzled with hot fudge. Her senses were charged and her normally passive demeanor was being squeezed and pushed aside by a new, powerful inclination to please.

She pushed Aaron away by the hips and sat up. “Lie down,” she gently ordered.

Ben could hardly contain his excitement at hearing Sarah follow his suggestion!

Aaron, a little surprised at Sarah’s sudden authority, was more than happy to oblige. He lay on his back, grabbing a pillow to put under his head. He lustfully watched Sarah’s naked body climb on top of him, her creamy tummy looking so inviting. He felt her up as she got herself into position. Her breasts were soft and supple, more than a handful, and her soft tummy gave just a little at his touch. Sarah’s skin was velvety soft and creamy white and was just now feeling smooth and dry after her shower.

Aaron rubbed her hips and up her sides and then onto her breasts as Sarah settled her weight onto his rigid tool. The wetness of her vagina had become the main attraction, surpassing even the trimmed hair. She felt even tighter to Aaron as he glided back into her swollen canal.

Sarah sat up straight on Aaron, her hips rocking rhythmically on his rigid tool. This was a rare position for them. Aaron never asked her to change positions, and Sarah normally lacked the fortitude to suggest it. Both of them could feel the excitement building, as though a hurdle they normally had trouble clearing was safely behind them. Aaron began to thrust in rhythm with Sarah’s rocking, his hands cupping her sweet breasts. Sarah traced the outline of Aaron’s pectorals with her finger, keeping her eyes on his, her expression solemn. Silence was the normal mode for them once their lovemaking had reached cruising altitude, but Sarah was in the mood to talk, not only to further their erotic encounter, but also to keep Ben in the loop.

“I’ve been wet for you all day,” she said.

“You were thinking about me today?” Aaron asked.

“Thinking about making love to you.”

Aaron smiled. Sarah leaned down to kiss him. She tugged on his earlobe with her teeth before uttering in his ear, too softly for Ben to hear, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Aaron responded. Ben did hear that.

“Awe, you kids are so sweet! Now is the time to take it to the next level, Sarah. He loves you, but he’ll love you even more after you do this.”

Sarah gazed into Aaron’s eyes, part of her wanting to be alone with him, the other part anxiously awaiting what her “coach” would say next. And what he said next stunned her with erotic desire that would have weakened her knees if she wasn’t already on them.

“Remember what we talked about at lunch today? Now is your opportunity to show him how sexy you are. Take him to a new plateau of lustful desire. Pull off him and have a taste of his wet cock. I promise it will be the sexiest portion you’ve ever had in your mouth. Mmmm, Sarah! I know your juices are running down his tool right now. Let him see you lick it up for him!”

He didn’t need to say any more; she was ready taste their love. She only hoped Aaron would take it the same way she would offer it—a lustful gesture to augment her undying love for him. She abruptly pulled off of Aaron’s long erection. Aaron’s expression went from pleasure to puzzled—and then to surprise as Sarah made her way down to his glistening tool. She watched his eyes intently, unable to predict his reaction. Sarah got into a comfortable position between Aaron’s legs and brought her mouth slowly to his dick, never losing eye contact. His surprised expression melted to sinful lust as Sarah’s lips touched his dripping cock.

She had an initial taste, just her lips on the head, her tongue slipping out to meet the shaft. The salty-sweet nectar erupted on her palate and coaxed her further onto him. He was very slippery, the shiny coating peeling off onto her lips and collecting in a drop on her chin. The barely perceptible smell of her sex tickled her nostrils, teasing her desire to its most dizzying heights. Sarah closed her eyes and opened her throat, taking the fleshy organ as deep into her as she could tolerate, bobbing on it once or twice before she had to release it with a deep breath.

She stroked his saturated cock with her hand as she looked up at him again. Aaron’s mouth was agape, revealing his own erotic desires at having such a deviant thing done to him by his sweet Sarah. He swallowed once and resumed his open-mouthed stare, still disbelieving what she was doing, secretly hoping she would continue.

Sarah took it in again, allowing the luscious, wet sounds of fellatio to fill the room—and her headset.

“Oh, god, Sarah! You’re doing him right, I can tell! You’re an amazing woman to do this for your man. Right now he’s watching your pretty little lips slurp up your sexy juices. Make sure you look him in the eyes. He loves you, baby.”

Aaron did in fact realize an affection he never knew he had for his wife. He could never bring himself to ask Sarah to do such a thing to him, let alone expect her to do it well. He lustfully watched his standing member that had just been inside Sarah’s drenched pussy, disappear inside her throat. He was so enraptured by the feeling of Sarah’s soft palate that he thrust into her, fucking her throat like she was a little whore.

Sarah gagged at having his big dick rammed down her throat, but recovered quickly. “I’m okay,” she breathlessly said to both men before wantonly taking the tool into her throat again. Aaron felt like such a dork for doing that to her, and wanted to apologize, but the stimulation took over his thoughts again, and he found himself almost thrusting into her as before.

“There’s one more special thing a woman can do for her man with her mouth that is impossible for him to do to himself. I have a feeling Aaron has never experienced this before, Sarah, so you must do this!”

Sarah was intrigued at Ben’s cryptic instructions. She licked Aaron’s long shaft and awaited her orders.

“Put his balls in your mouth. Suck them gently while you stroke his rod. He won’t believe such a sensation even existed!”

Sarah immediately complied, scooting down a little further and lassoing his scrotum with her tongue. She sucked his testicles in gently, first one, then the other, caressing the thick, rough skin with her tongue, spitting them out and sucking them in again, all the while stroking him, just like Ben said.

Aaron took a startled breath as his balls found their way inside Sarah’s mouth for the first time. “Oh my god!” he exclaimed. “Oh my god!” he repeated, his mouth wide open. He breathed in audibly again. “Sar—Sar—” he stammered. “Oh, fuck, Sarah!”

Ben burst out laughing, absolutely elated at the sexual symphony he was conducting. “I think our boy learned a new word!”

Waves of tickling ecstasy pulsated through Aaron’s body with each swish of Sarah’s tongue on his balls. He was having trouble expressing what he was feeling right that second—how her mouth was the most divine thing he’d ever come in contact with, how her pretty face between his legs looked like the sweetest, most beautiful angel mankind had ever beheld. She was expressing her love for him in the strangest way he could have imagined, and it felt perfect!

She was going way beyond their normal comfort zone, stepping into uncharted waters, taking risks for his pleasure and expecting no reciprocation. She was pleasing her lover in inventive ways that he never knew she had in her. He didn’t know what she would want from him, but he felt obligated and enraptured at the thought of returning the favor.

Ben had a pretty good idea what was going on in Aaron’s male mind, and wanted to keep Sarah ahead of him, like the wonderful lover she was becoming. “Alright, Sarah, it’s your turn, baby. Now is your opportunity to see how dirty Aaron really likes to get. Are you ready to get yours? Keep your lips on his cock, but turn around and throw a leg over his chest. Let him experience up close what’s between those cute little butt cheeks of yours. 69 is a magical number, honey!”

Sarah listened intently to her instructions while she rolled her tongue and lips on Aaron’s cock. She moved from between his legs to alongside him, and continued to fellate his tool, but she hesitated on spreading her legs across his chest. She just couldn’t do it. This was going further than she thought they could handle. She was willing to dirty up herself in service to her husband, but to shove herself in his face and expect him get even dirtier was too much. She couldn’t bear the thought of Aaron suddenly getting turned off by her nastiness.

She lay on her side, sucking her husband’s dick with continued ferocity, her naked back toward him. She desperately wanted to feel Aaron’s tongue between her legs, but she couldn’t bring herself to force him. Maybe Ben was right, but she wasn’t going to risk anything to prove it. Besides, she was greatly enjoying pleasuring her husband with her mouth, and that was good enough.

Unable to see his beautiful wife’s face, Aaron eyed the crack of her naked ass as it lay in full view. Sarah had taken the privilege of putting the sexiest parts of his body in her mouth, but he had yet to seize the same opportunity. For three years, he had been afraid to suggest that he might enjoy something as sinister as putting his mouth on Sarah’s tender parts. It was just something that a decent girl like her wouldn’t want.

He reached out and touched her back, rubbing it casually before letting his hand slip down to her soft butt cheeks, caressing them both gently. He never would dare to put his hands between her cheeks; that was left to fantasy. But tonight he was emboldened. Tonight his sweet, young wife was giving him head, and he was going to feel her up while she did it.

An electric charge shot through Sarah’s body as she felt Aaron’s fingers nonchalantly slip into her crack, brushing the soft, sparse hair inside and almost imperceptibly grazing her anus. His hand wandered back out onto her fleshy hips, as though it had never happened. God, she hoped he would do it again!

Aaron couldn’t resist the dark thrill he got from feeling his wife’s ass. He casually slipped his fingers in again, as though it were no big deal, this time getting a full feel of her anus on his fingertips.

Sarah moaned her approval as she continued sucking him. Aaron slipped his hand into her crevice further, feeling her swollen pussy with his fingers while at the same time rubbing her butthole with his thumb. It was a guilty thrill that could have carried him into the next month, but he wasn’t done.

His libido was ramped to the max. His wife had her mouth full of his dick; and he was going to taste her pussy. Gently tugging on her thigh, Aaron coaxed Sarah to scoot herself closer to him.

That tug was the sweetest gesture Sarah had ever felt in her life! He was into it. It was the green light to go ahead and mount him in the most sinister, dirty and slutty way possible. She anticipated the feeling of his tongue slipping inside her, like a marathon runner anticipates a drink of water. To be sure it was what Aaron wanted, she tentatively flipped one leg over his chest, but went no further.

Aaron eyed her spread pussy and felt the inside of her thigh, warm and moist. Pulling on her thigh one more time, he coaxed Sarah the rest of the way onto his chest. Her ass was spread wide, her pussy splayed out on his bare chest. Without speaking, he gently coaxed her backward, helping her step backwards on her knees until her cute little butthole was visible between her spread cheeks.

Sarah hunched over her husband, hungrily gulping down the head of his dick, savoring the pre-cum that was now steadily seeping from him. In her wildly bent over position, her ass was just an inch away from Aaron’s face—a very strange sensation for her indeed. The moment of truth was upon her: Would Aaron acquiesce to this lascivious act, or would he have an aversion to having her ass so close to his face, like she always assumed he would?

Aaron answered that question by bringing his lips to her tender folds and kissing her labia majora. It’s warm aroma wrapped itself around his heart, quivering inside his chest while the dark iron gate of his inhibitions ratcheted open with each caress of his wife’s tender mouth on his cock. His tongue ventured in, seemingly on its own, and he quickly opened his whole mouth to her vagina, pulling on her hips to bring her even closer to him. His first taste of Sarah’s sweet womanhood lit a fire inside him he’d never known, guiding him to lap up the thick juice that had accumulated just inside, savoring its salty goodness as it trickled down his throat. He felt like he was in an erotic dream, licking the pussy of his wife’s alter ego, the evil twin that did naughty things with him. This couldn’t be his Sarah!

Sooner or later he was going to have to acknowledge that it wasn’t just her sweet pussy that was near his face. He had tried to be decent about it—or at least as decent as one could be while performing cunnilingus—but he could ignore it no longer. Her pink anus was just an inch from his nose, beckoning him to know it better. If Sarah was going to think ill of him for what he was about to do, so be it. He had to do this.

Sarah’s eyes suddenly opened wide at the sensation of Aaron’s nose pressing into her butt, the sound of deep breathing filling the room. Aaron made no attempt to hide the fact that he was ambitiously inhaling her feminine essence. Even though Sarah was just out of the shower, the faint, sweaty, barely lingering trace of her ass combined with the femininity oozing from her vagina to form a perfect amalgam of erotic spice. Aaron lost the last of his inhibitions and buried his face into her, nosing into her vagina, rocking his face up and down her slippery valley, coating himself in her luscious honey, tasting, smelling, moaning, sucking, experiencing her dark side as deep as he could go. He’d never been so turned on in his life!

Ben had kept quiet, listening to the sounds of Sarah’s lips on a hard dick, waiting for a sign that they were progressing down their prescribed path. A moan from Sarah, followed by a high-pitched squeal told him that her vagina was once again being stimulated. Her voice was like velvet caressing his ear. He closed his eyes and stroked his tool, keeping to himself, allowing the two lovers to progress naturally for awhile.

Sarah moaned into her headset as Aaron’s tongue rapidly slipped in and out of her pussy. She sat back onto his face even further, smothering him with her weight, reveling in the sinister feeling of pushing her ass onto his nose.

“You two are so hot, Sarah! I love to listen to you while he makes love to you with his tongue. You know sex will never be the same for you now. Aaron has discovered the dirty side of his cute little bride, and he’s going to need more.”

Sarah moaned louder for both men, all inhibitions thrown out the window. She was in the throes of the most erotic moment of her life. All options were on the table; she would do anything to satisfy Aaron at that point.

“Do you like that baby?” she asked.

“Mm hmm” came Aaron’s muffled response.

“Do you like how I taste?”

Aaron moaned loud into her pussy, signaling his delight. Dirty sex, now augmented with dirty talking was perfection. He couldn’t get enough of her! He didn’t know how this encounter became so unbelievably erotic, but he was thankful Sarah had led him down this path. His sweet and unassuming wife had become freakishly sexy right before his eyes.

“How do I taste?” she asked eagerly.

“Like an angel,” he said, pulling his mouth from her pussy long enough to answer.

The raw sex had been going on for so long that they both were feeling a need for some loving. Sarah pulled away from him and turned around. Aaron got up to his knees to meet her. They kissed gently, tasting each other and themselves.

“I love you,” she said to him before slipping her tongue deep into his mouth. She kissed him, rubbing her face on the wetness that had accumulated on his, tasting her own essence, furthering her desire beyond what she had thought were the limits.

It was as though they were just beginning the lovemaking. They kissed feverishly, their loving thirst for each other finding its most heavenly peak with the naughty taste of their uninhibited lust in their mouths.

But the kissing only reminded Sarah that they had stalled their real lovemaking. She needed him inside her, right now.

Sarah abruptly turned around and bent her upper body down onto the bed, forcing her round ass in the air in front of Aaron, her swollen carnal flower beckoning him for re-entry. Aaron quickly got behind her and slipped his dripping cock into her saliva-coated pussy, immediately fucking her rapidly. The squishing sound from an abundance of natural lube filled the room.

Sarah’s bouncing moans from getting hammered by her husband tipped off Ben that they had abandoned giving head and were fucking again. He stroked himself as he listened to the beautiful sex sounds.

“Sarah, what position are you in? Are you doing mish?” There was no answer, only her continued staccato moaning. “Did you get on top again?” Still he heard no response. Ben desperately hoped for an affirmative answer to his next question. He took a quivering breath and asked, “Is he behind you?”

“Mmm hmmm”

Ben moaned softly into the phone. They had moved on without his assistance. He listened to Sarah’s heavy breathing with renewed interest, picturing her on her knees, tits mashed into the mattress, her pretty ass high in the air, Aaron smoothly stroking into her musky depths.

Sarah was much more audible now than she had been when they first started, clearly free of inhibitions. She had come such a long way in a short time! It was obvious these two had it in them; they just needed a little coaxing to allow their deep wanton desires to find the surface.

But, there was one act they had yet to commit. It was dirty beyond what either of them had experienced thus far. He doubted the likelihood they would go through with it, even in their heightened arousal. But he had to try. There was no better time than right this second.

“Sarah, I have one more suggestion for you. You have to be in the right mood, so if you don’t want to, I won’t pressure you. Do you know what the final erotic frontier for your husband is? Do you know what his deepest, most secret and guilty desire is? It might be the same as yours. It’s to bury his cock in your sweet little ass. He’s secretly fantasized about it many times. You know he’s never tried it with you because he would never want to harm his fragile bride. But he’ll do it at a moment’s notice if you give him the green light. Do you want to try?” He prepared to wait on the inevitable silence that would signify a negative answer.

“Mmm hmmm,” Sarah stealthily declared.

Ben couldn’t believe his ears. “Oh, Sarah! You’re going to make two men very happy!”

Sarah wasn’t sure about what she was getting into. She hoped she could do it, and she hoped Aaron could too. She was really wet and responsive back there and felt like she could take it. She wanted it. She wanted to feel Aaron’s cock stretch her ass to get inside, to feel his tool probe into her, knowing it would be the tightest fuck he ever had!

“Here’s how you get started. Take it slow. Reach back and finger your ass. Tease yourself a little and let him watch you.”

Sarah’s ass was sticking out in full view of Aaron, who hadn’t taken his eyes off it since they began their current position. Her anus was pretty and dark pink, well-exposed in her current position, slightly opening from the stress of sticking so far out. Aaron watched Sarah’s hand reach around to her back side and, to his delight, begin rubbing her little pucker. She let all her fingertips come in contact with it, spreading her cheeks still wider, as though she were trying to turn it inside out.

“Oh, Sarah!” Aaron exclaimed so loudly that Ben could clearly hear him. Aaron had been concentrating on holding off his orgasm while fucking Sarah in that blessed position, and was succeeding until she started touching her butt. He had to stop thrusting to keep from coming. Staying inside her, he watched her tease her tight hole with her middle finger, rubbing it in a circle and pushing gently, slightly spreading the sphincter to get the pad of her fingertip in. She reached down and scraped some liquid magic off his tool, still buried in her wet vagina, and spread it across her anus, slickening it up immediately and inviting her finger to push in.

Into the first knuckle she went and stroked gently. She rolled up some more girl honey on the side of her finger and slipped it in again, this time to the second knuckle. She moaned lightly at the new sensation. She was already feeling more confident in her ability to take Aaron’s dick. But she wasn’t ready yet, and Ben knew it.

“Aaron stopped to watch you finger yourself didn’t he? There’s just no bigger turn on than watching a pretty girl do that to herself! On to the next phase, Sarah. You need to get two fingers in there. It might hurt a little at first, so lube it up good.”

Sarah gently pushed Aaron out of her, fisting his cock as it withdrew and taking as much slippery wetness as she could gather into her palm. Smearing it all between her cheeks, she immediately dipped her middle and ring fingers into her anus, almost to the second knuckle. Sarah sighed loudly. It did hurt a little. She pressed on, wiggling her fingers slowly in and out several times, getting used to the sensation, and gradually opening up her tight hole. The stretching pain stopped her fingers half way before she pulled them out and thrust them in again. Over and over she fucked her ass, her fingers slowly gaining further entrance with each push. Soon her two fingers were all the way in.

Aaron tried to comprehend what could possibly be driving Sarah to do something so provocative as fingering her ass right in front of him, but he didn’t need to understand. All he really wanted to know was what her ass felt like from the inside. He dipped two fingers into her vagina and scooped the wetness up to her butthole. Sarah removed her fingers and Aaron immediately replaced them with his own. He went slowly, since his fingers were bigger than Sarah’s. Her rectum was silky smooth and wet as an aroused vagina.

“Oh god, baby!” she exclaimed. “Finger my ass good, okay?”

“Good boy, Aaron,” said Ben. “I think he’s onboard, Sarah! Talk him up, baby; be his dirty little slut. This is the hottest thing that’s ever happened to him.”

“You like fingering my ass, don’t you, baby?” she asked her husband.

“Uh huh,” he grunted.

“Push your fingers all the way in. Yeah, easy, baby, all the way. Do you like how it feels inside?”

“Uh huh.” Aaron was so turned on he could barely express himself.

“Is there anything else you’d like to put in there?” she asked sweetly, her voice very high.

“Uh huh.” Aaron attempted to push two fingers in all the way to the last knuckle. Sarah breathed in and moaned uncomfortably. He withdrew and attempted again, slower. He was reading her, letting her guide him. Their nonverbal communication was at an all-time exciting level, and Aaron was starting to feel what she felt. He felt like a skilled lover!

He continued fucking her with his fingers, watching her little sphincter gradually loosen up. He spread his fingers slightly, eliciting a moan from Sarah—a moan of pleasure, not of pain. Aaron let a drop of spit fall from his lips into her ass, mixing with the juices already inside, continuing the wet stroking. He couldn’t believe what they were about to do!

“I’m ready for you, baby. Are you ready to fuck my ass?”

“Oh god, baby! I can’t believe we’re going to do this!” Aaron exclaimed. “I love you so much!”

“I love you too, baby! Go easy on me, okay?”

Ben was feverishly stroking himself, listening to their exchange. “Oh my god, you kids are adorable!” He stopped stroking to get serious for a moment. “Now listen, Sarah. The key for you is to relax. Let every muscle in your body go limp, inside and out. Allow yourself to be taken over completely. Tell him again to go easy, and relax!”

Aaron bent his erection down to her waiting hole, now wet and bright pink and slightly open from being worked over by their fingers. He touched the tip to her anus. “Take it slow,” she reiterated.

Sarah lay her head on her side and let her body go limp, concentrating on the feeling of Aaron’s fleshy tool touching her butt. She felt the pressure of Aaron’s first attempt at insertion, the head only starting to nudge in. She immediately tensed up at the sensation. She could still hear Ben’s advice echoing in her head, and did her best to allow her body to go flaccid. She had complete trust that Aaron wouldn’t hurt her; she just needed to convince her lower half of that.

Aaron watched her sphincter tighten up as he attempted insertion, and then watched it relax again. He put a hand on her back and rubbed gently to comfort her while he positioned himself for another attempt. This time Sarah maintained her loose and relaxed state, allowing Aaron to get half his head in and out several times, using the extreme slipperiness to their advantage, not getting in any hurry. Seeing he wasn’t hurting her, he ventured further, now getting nearly all the head of his penis inside.

Sarah concentrated on letting Aaron into her, giving all the control to him. Her mouth was involuntarily open, her voice making high pitched squeaks at feeling the fine line between discomfort and extreme pleasure.

“You’re doing so well, Sarah! Pretty soon you’ll have all of his love inside you. Can you take it all?”

“Mmm hmm,” she answered Ben, which Aaron took as the green light to go further. As he watched the ridge of his glans finally disappear inside, Sarah took in a loud breath, startling both men. “Oh!” she said. His cock felt much bigger than two fingers! Aaron slid in slightly further. “Oh!” she repeated. The sensation was like nothing she’d ever felt before, crossing the threshold from pain to pleasure—a threshold she never knew existed.

She was ready to take it all. She leaned back into him, pushing herself onto his cock and burying it to the hilt. She wailed in a high-pitched moan that almost sounded tearful. But there were no tears, only ecstasy.

Aaron partially withdrew and gently thrust all the way in again, disbelieving that he was finally inside. When he had woken up that morning he barely knew what his wife looked like back in her dark crevice, let alone how she tasted or what she felt like inside. Now he was fucking her sexy ass like an experienced lover. He went slow and easy at first, waiting on Sarah to adjust to the strange new sensations she was experiencing.

Sarah remained with her head on the bed, whimpering quietly as Aaron stroked her slowly. She was waiting for him to increase his speed, but he wasn’t. “You can do it faster, baby,” she finally said.

Aaron stroked into her harder, not quite bumping into her yet, but enjoying rapid stimulation. It was the tightest fuck he’d ever had! Her hole was smooth and slippery inside, the view was absolute sexy perfection, Sarah’s shapely ass spread wide to take him in.

She was perfect. He loved his Sarah before, but now there was another side to her he never knew existed—a side that completed her as the most wonderful lover any man could ever hope to have—a person with whom he could gratify his darkest desires, and gladly reciprocate hers. He was free to be himself, uninhibited. He loved her sexy perfection!

Sarah was ready to get pounded and got up on all fours so she could rock against her husband, beginning the sweet symphony of body slapping. She pushed back in cadence with his thrusting, forcing him deep into her—deeper than he would have thought okay—so that the wide base of his penis stretched her ass just a little more with every hard insertion.

Aaron fixated on the gentle and slick sound of Sarah’s condensing vaginal-saliva lube mixture slowly getting used up. He was starting to feel some friction and followed his instinct to rectify that. He pulled out of her and momentarily gazed at his wife’s beautiful ass, once pure and untouched, now wet and quivering, waiting on him to satisfy his deepest desires with it. He anxiously bent down to meet her backside with his mouth, dragging his tongue between her labia and shoveling as much thick moisture he could find up to her anus. Flattening his tongue against her ass, he delivered the precious cargo, now mixed with his own saliva, prepping her for another insertion.

As he positioned himself behind her, gazing down at her shiny-wet pink hole between her cheeks, ready to once again take him in, he realized with absolute certainty that he was the luckiest man on earth. The side of his sweet Sarah that he’d unconsciously hoped for was finally revealing itself to both of them. She was the very definition of a wonderful lover. He bent his steeled tool back down to her little back door and let it effortlessly slip back inside, resuming their loving rhythm like they’d never stopped.

The feeling of Aaron’s dick stroking hard into her ass felt more incredible than she could have ever imagined! She reached down and touched her clitoris. “Oh…my…” Sarah tried to be vocal, but the intense sensations inside her were taking her breath away. She could only whimper in her extreme joy. Rarely did conventional sex bring her to orgasm. She didn’t know for sure why, but their normal, not-so-adventuresome way of making love just didn’t seem to turn her crank all the way.

But as she made contact with her vagina, her ass being hammered by Aaron, a delicious sensation immediately swept over Sarah that she’d never experienced before. She rubbed harder, matching the stimulation of her clit to the pounding she was receiving, moaning quietly, but as loud as she could muster, an initial tremor beginning to erupt deep in her belly.

Ben was lost in the moment, listening to the two lovers discover each other’s long-hidden desires. He masturbated quietly as he checked in with Sarah one more time. “I can tell you’re enjoying it, Sarah. The pain has been replaced with intense pleasure, hasn’t it? You’re an amazing woman to do this for your man, but you know you’re really doing it for you. You’ve done an incredible thing for both of you. I don’t know what else I can offer.”

“Come for me,” she said.

The words were music to Aaron’s ears, as he was well on his way to orgasm.

“Are you ready?” both men asked simultaneously.

“Yes, come for me, right now,” she begged, resuming her tits-down position and laying the side of her face on the bed. Her moans increased in volume and frequency as she thought of the two men shooting their loads for her—one spewing into the air and all over himself, and the other into her ass. It was the hottest thing she’d ever had happen to her, and her orgasm rushed to the surface in a torrent at the thought of it. Her hand feverishly rubbed her clit as her contractions began deep inside.

It was an orgasm unlike any she’d ever felt before, like her accustomed peak was now merely a plateau on the way to a much higher summit, hidden from view normally, now only discoverable by the less travelled back-trail of anal sex. Her oppressed whimpers suddenly gained volume to orgasmic screams as the beautiful rush of her libido engulfed her entire body, inside and out. The feeling was electric! She felt deviant, dirty, slutty, beautiful—and loved.

Aaron could feel Sarah’s spasmodic climax through the walls of her rectum, and readily released his load into her slippery ass, moaning as loud as Sarah was, pumping spurt after creamy spurt of his liquid love into her virgin hole.

“I’m coming for you, Sarah! I’m coming,” Sarah heard Ben say in her ear as she felt the throbbing of Aaron’s ejaculation in her sensitive rectum.

Ben strained to vocalize his orgasm for Sarah’s benefit. “Gah!” he let out, finally releasing several globs of cum onto his belly, stroking out his contractions with the couple’s voices moaning in his ear.

Aaron’s thrusting slowed in sync with Sarah’s manual stimulation, until they were at last holding still, except for their heaving chests as they caught their breath. Sarah could hear Ben breathing in her ear, just as labored as hers and Aaron’s. The three were silent for a couple of minutes while they recovered from what would be one of the most memorable sexual encounters they would ever experience.

At last Aaron very slowly pulled out of Sarah and lay down on the bed next to her, kissing her gently. It felt good to kiss her lovingly after the ravaging he’d just given her. Sex would never be the same for them again, their inhibitions squished out of existence by their bold taking of each other in seemingly reckless abandon. Aaron would never know the gift his wife gave him tonight was lovingly wrapped by another man, her sex coach, his advocate. It didn’t matter. The loving future that lay ahead of them was theirs alone.

“I love you,” Aaron said to her, beginning to drift off to sleep.

“I love you,” she said, her arms wrapped around him.

Ben felt like a proud teacher who’d just handed two students their diplomas. “Tell Aaron I love him too,” said Ben with a chuckle. He ended the call and tossed the phone on his nightstand, smiling to himself.

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