
If time could be recognized, then we would have no need for clocks or calendars. These things are metres set against a background of haze and dream. The truth of time is that we live it. We breathe in moments and release seconds to the atmosphere where they bound and prance, teasing us before disappearing completely. They taunt us with their ephemerity.
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Part of me hates this man, whom I'll call "X" for now. We didn't get along as a couple, which is why we broke up in the first place. I didn't even hate him when we broke up- it was very amicable, the old ‘we're just in very different places right now,' blah blah blah… but very soon after the split, I found myself fantasizing, over and over again, about the sex we used to have. It became totally consuming, to the point that I finally found myself breaking down and calling him on the phone one day.
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I couldn't resist when I saw the post on Lit that a 'Nude Day' contest was on.
"Damn, that's right up my alley," I thought to myself. I love to write almost as much as I love being naked. I am a big fan of doing mundane tasks in the buff to entertain myself. Perfect match!
I took a vacation day from work one Friday, took the dog to 'doggie daycare' and took the kids to school. As I was dropping them off my mind was racing thinking of all the possibilities that today had.
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It'd been storming outside for what seemed like days. Thankfully, my Dom and I had been well prepared -- we knew what was coming, so we stocked up on movies and groceries. Personally, I love nights like this, when the snow is falling and the world outside looks crystallized and beautiful. I love it even more when I can stay inside with friends or family and spend time together, warm and snug inside away from the chill.
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