
It wouldn't have happened, Dianne decided, if she hadn't been so damn conscientious about the job. She'd assured her boss that the amended tender he wanted would be on his desk when he arrived in the morning. And then she'd had to go home early for a family emergency.
An emergency that wasn't, as if turned out. Her mother had been panicking over nothing. She should have got more details before rushing home, expecting to have to take someone to hospital.
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I was just going peacefully about my business and there comes this knock on the door. Naturally, I ignored it. I was busy.
Apparently, whoever it was had seen me moving around inside, because they were persistent, and noisy. Too damn noisy. The way that idiot was banging on the door they'd start disturbing the neighbours, and I didn't want that, so reluctantly I answered.
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I like gardening. It's a relaxing hobby and I happen to have the knack of making plants grow. Give my brother and me two identical plants and what happens? He carefully plants his one, adds the right fertilizer, tends it carefully, watches over it like a mother with her baby, right up to the time it dies on him. Me, I slap my plant down into the soil and jump back to give it room to grow. A natural talent and a green thumb, I assure my brother. Pure arsed luck, he tells me.
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