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Prom Dates

Category: Incest
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I stood in front of my bedroom door and I struck a pose. I had already received several compliments about the dress I had chosen to wear for our special night. I was glad of that, as it had cost me a week's pay. When I showed it to my date, the smile made it worth every penny. My high heels had invoked a similar reaction, making the hundreds of dollars I spent on those worthwhile. I invested a lot to look good for my date, but the end result would be so worth it.
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Kathy Seduces the Boys

Category: Group Sex
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I was sunbathing in my back yard, watching the boys doing yard work. Charley was my neighbor, an 18 year old who helped me out sometimes. He was sweet, and always was nice to me since my husband had run out on me. Ex-husband, excuse me. It felt weird to be divorced at my age. 27 years old. It wasn't like I deserved it. Of course not. It wasn't my fault.
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Rally Scoring

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It was one of those late April days that act like a dress rehearsal for summer. The unusually high temperatures drove throngs of people to the southern California beach. Whole families looked like modern nomads, lugging coolers, easy up tents, and all implements required for beach fun, setting up camp along the miles of hot sand, Julian called home.
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