
This is a real life experience that has stayed with me for many years and I would like to thank the man for introducing me to such pleasures.
It was a usual Midwest summer, hot, humid and boring. I had just turned 18 earlier in the year and was looking forward to attending college in the fall. I got up early as usual and packed the work coveralls and boots in a bag. I went into the kitchen and had some cereal for breakfast, which was the usual and starting to get old.
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He knelt between my spread thighs as I lay naked on my back. His hard cock jutted from his taut muscular body and my hungry eyes devoured his glistening flesh as he fisted his long, thick dick and looked down at me with an amused expression on his chiseled face.
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When we heard the shouting begin from outside at the pool, my wife and I looked at each other, and I rolled my eyes. Things had been so peaceful and fun between our daughter and her friend up to then, but being girls, we knew the trouble from last summer could resurface quickly; girls, even girls who are friends, never forget when they've been wronged, and our daughter Rosie was no exception.
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I had just turned 65 and received my Medicare card. My wife was bugging me to get a complete physical (and a prescription for Viagra). Now I have been to many Doctors over my lifetime but if anyone is going to stick their finger up my ass and hold my balls while I cough, I prefer a woman Doctor.
I saw Dr. Mia Kim who gave me a complete going over including the usual digital probe and ball cupping. I detected a slight smile cross her face when I began to get hard as she held my balls.
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Helen was a little surprised when the doorbell rang at precisely nine a.m., exactly when the contractor had told her that the workers would arrive to build her new deck. She was even more surprised when she opened the door and saw two young men who couldn't be more than twenty years old.
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I got your e-mail. You said you voted me a five. You were so sweet I wanted to meet you and thank you Tammy style. I was going to be home in Indiana for Thanksgiving, you suggested a meeting place. I showed up at the Radison Hotel in Chicago as you had arranged. You said "You look just like your picture"
I giggled and said, "You were kind. I look nothing like my picture." I was sure you recognized me from my chest whoppers.
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After the shock of walking into the house from work and seeing my girlfriends, after the kisses and hellos and a scolding, affectionate look at my husband, I sat at the patio table and was handed a beer and got the details. My silly husband, bless him, knew how I enjoyed my nights with the girls, without our husbands, just chatting and eating things we shouldn't and laughing at our lives. He had conspired with Mona, my best friend of the group, to get the girls to my house for a night.
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