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Cleaning out the Cleaner

Category: Fetish
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Dan Cassidy sighed as he opened the side door of the building with his key, wondering for the umpteenth time when his employer would get the lock fixed so it didn't require several twists and turns of the key to actually get the damned thing to open. Given that there were less than a handful of people who regularly arrived before the main shutter was raised, which didn't include any of the management, he didn't suppose it would happen any time soon.
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Cheap Whiskey

Category: Fetish
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Sam and Matt are regulars at Pete's - a seedy bar for drinking and not much else. Trains pass every half hour on the three sets of tracks behind the building. Occasionally a crew parks a locomotive near and have a drink, the rumbling engine shaking the building the whole time.
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Category: Fetish
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"Don't worry, honey," Corliss said as she got into her short dress, "In another week you'll know what it feels like to NEED to cum. Maybe then you'll commit to eating my pussy when it has sperm in it." Matt knew that begging his sexy, dominant wife to remove the cock cage would not accomplish anything but leave him more humiliated. He looked longingly at her bare legs and short dress, and wondered why she was dressing so sexy for work.
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Category: Fetish
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It was a cold day. A light dusting of snow covered the sidewalk as I walked huddled over to keep warm. My eyes focused on the ground so I wouldn't miss something that would hurdle me downward. Stuffed in my pockets for warmth, my hands remained cold. I was going to be late for work - again. I had left dirty dishes in the sink so I could stare at some new pictures of amputee men for a few minutes before leaving.
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Don’t Sweat It

Category: Fetish
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Carole looked up from untangling the lace on her hiking boot. That woman was staring at her again. She had been watching her since the two hiking clubs decided to traverse a section of the Appalachian Trail together. Each time Carole returned the gaze, the woman would grin at her with an occasional wink.
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The Wild Times..A True Story

Category: Group Sex
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The time was the early sixties and the sexual revolution was in full swing. This is the true story of one of the original swinging couples as it was told to me. Only the names have been changed to keep me from being sued…. How It All Began "My wife and I were introduced to the world of group sex by two close friends. We had known Barry and Edie for a few years and got together fairly often as the four of us got along beautifully.
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A Ritzy Threesome

Category: Group Sex
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Chapter 1 It was not that I was a total stranger to shoving my tongue up another girl's cunt. It wasn't that I had no experience of sucking other female's nipples or that I was new to squirming my mouth against another woman's lips. No, it was none of those things that made it odd, no not odd, different. It was not any of those that made me feel a little strange with this woman. The thought of doing any and all of those things to her did not daunt me.
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A Jetty Story

Category: Group Sex
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They strolled down the jetty, enjoying the feel of the salty wind and the beauty of the setting sun. The surf was crashing against the rocks and spraying them with mist so that both their shirts were sticking close to their bodies by the time they reached the end of the walkway.
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