
It had been quite a while since I'd heard from an old boy-hood friend of mine. When he called, I figured it was just one of those catch-up kind of phone calls. Boy was I wrong!
"Danny boy!" he began. I grimaced over the phone. I hated it when anyone called me Danny. The name was Dan.
"Yeah? What's up?" I responded keeping that edge of irritation out of my tone of voice. I didn't need to egg him on any more by letting him know that.
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I was in Chicago for a couple of days of business meetings which usually also means a couple of days of extreme boredom in the meetings and being too tired to do much afterwards. Thankfully my company put me up in a nice hotel just across from the convention hall we were meeting in so after I'd finished for the day I figured I'd stop at the hotel bar for a beer or two before going back to my room. I was just leaving the hall when I heard a woman's voice call my name. I didn't recognize the voice and figured she must be calling to someone else when I felt a hand on my arm and the same voice said, "If you're not Dave I'm going to feel very silly".
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I saw Goody-goody sitting there with his head buried in a book, as we walked into my boyfriend's apartment. I called him Goody-goody, but he was really just my boyfriend's roommate. He was smart, he was shy, and he never took advantage of any of my advances. After that, he became Goody-goody and what I wanted most of all, was to corrupt him, make him bad. Like me.
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Lydia's lay on her stomach on the deck of the large yacht anchored alone, a mile from shore. The turquoise water lapped delicately against the hull. She flipped the page of the paperback book while her only foot floated in small circles above an upturned knee. Her slim attractive body betrayed her age. Most people thought her only in her early twenties though she was more than twice that age.
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It was a cold morning, so instead of heading into DC to walk the Mall, I decided to take the Metro out to Bethesda and check out a book store there. It was one of several book stores in the area that featured half price or less used books or, in other words, it was my kind of store. The ride on Metro was uneventful, if fairly long.
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To be honest, I never actually considered this to be a fetish, until I met Kathy anyway. I think most guys (and some women too) enjoy squirting, cumming, watching their spunk spurting against a pair of luscious breasts. They don't have to be large one's either, just breasts. And not like it's an all the time thing either, just once in a while, that dirty, naughty, somewhat kinky mood hits. And you want to squirt on a pair of nice looking titties.
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Sitting on the bed, half aroused and anticipating the arrival of my lover, I heard a small knock on the hotel room door. I rose to answer it and my arousal increased at the sight of my beautiful girlfriend looking seductively at me. As our eyes met, I reached for her and drew her inside, closing the door behind her.
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Part 1.
The three girls performing soccer practice appeared to be having a lot of fun. I stopped to watch as I walked home from the corner store. A well-built brunette with long straight hair in a ponytail, and a leggy dark-haired girl easily ran across the field with the ball. The goalie was a slender, small-breasted blonde with a ponytail and a salacious smile.
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As always, my heart raced as the time for my session approached. Time always passes so slowly when I'm in the waiting room. Even three minutes is a long time. I wanted to be in there with Holly.
I started going to her for massages - the regular kind - for muscle tension. She always did a very good job, especially when I went for the longer sessions - an hour and a half to two hours. Now I regularly go for two hours.
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The phone rang midmorning on Saturday, and I heard Darla's excited voice. It must be a friend, I thought to myself. After the conversation, she came hopping into the other room and said that some friends from college were in town for the weekend and she invited them (Virginia and Bridget) to come over and stay the night.
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