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Summer of ’65

Category: Gay Male
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My first sexual encounter with a man happened in the summer of 1965 with my cousin Bob. I was 18 at the time, Bob was 20 and a college man. Bob was almost 6 feet tall. Had an athletic build, jet black and square jaw. A rather good looking young man. I on the other hand standing at a towering 5'7" with blond hair and blue eyes, lean and lanky.
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My Very Gay Weekend Ch. 01

Category: Gay Male
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I couldn’t believe that this was happening. It all started as an innocent bet. Of course, I had lost. Because of a stupid tipped ball in the endzone, I, Cliff Bartum, Mrs. Bartum’s baby boy, was on my hands and knees between my roommate’s, Aaron’s, legs. Because I lost the bet, I was supposed to be Aaron’s slave for the week. (I know it was stupid, but I was cocky and my team was up by 14 points in the 4 quarter at the time.)
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Wrestling Buddies Ch. 02

Category: Gay Male
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It was a couple of days after our ‘wrestling match’ that I stopped by Jeff’s house. I was embarrassed and a little confused about what we had done, but when I got to the house he acted like nothing had happened.
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