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Stalker Guy

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I had my eye on her from the moment she moved into the apartment building down from mine. She had turned around and her bubble butt stuck out as she leaned over in her car to retrieve a box from her SUV. From my window, I figured out her schedule and the people who visited her. I rumbled through the trash she had dropped off at the dumpster and found a lot of interesting information, like her full name was Anne Walsh, where she worked, and how much she got paid.
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Presence Ch. 01

Category: Gay Male
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I opened my eyes. The night's sleep was leaving my body and I was returning to consciousness. With a contented sigh I pulled the covers up beneath my chin and turned on my side. A glance at the small clock on the nightstand told me it was 10 p.m. A good night's sleep without strange, incoherent dreams was a luxury I didn't get to enjoy very often. I hadn't felt so rested in weeks, maybe even months.
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Recognizing My Fantasy

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The ice clinked in the empty glass as Leah fumbled to find the night stand. She'd drained the last of the brandy in one gulp. She was tired of sitting at home alone. Normally, she didn't drink alone, but she'd been angry tonight. She'd been getting to know a guy she met online and their conversations had gotten pretty deep. She'd chatted online with Xavier for a while before exchanging phone numbers.
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My Maria

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She was the reason he came in every morning.. He really didn't like coffee enough to pay $4.50 a cup but knew her schedule by heart. He knew from her nametag that she was Maria and had started greeting her by name as he ordered. She would smile and say good morning to him like she did to the other customers before him but it made his heart jump just the same. She was not the youngest worker in the shop but she was the only one who made his heart race. He would change lines when she wasn't looking to be sure it was her that waited on him.
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