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You Can Call Me Dad

Category: Gay Male
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Jack Barker watched his girlfriend's son go into the garage, and after making sure that his soon-to-be wife was in the bathroom, went out the back door and toward the garage. Jack had just moved into the modest old farmhouse a couple of days ago, although he had spent a lot of time there in the year he had been courting Alice Randolph.
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Mr. Carson and His Different Life

Category: Gay Male
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1971 had me as a freshman in college a couple thousand miles away from home. I was often lonely, homesick and not very cautious when it came to looking for affection. Fortunately for me I lived a very charmed life and was very lucky, so most of my "indiscretions" had happy endings.

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Resistance is Futile

Category: Gay Male
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Corey Cooper wrote this journal on his laptop in two places, the first part sitting on the throne of the bathroom in the motel room he was brought to, and the rest at home after his battery gave out. *** It was somewhere around 4 in the morning when I finally gave in to the fact that I wasn't going to be getting any sleep, and while the man sleeping beside me wasn't helping with his occasional snoring, the truth is that I never could sleep well in any bed but my own.
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Just Passing Through

Category: Gay Male
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Sixty two year old Wallace Stone wasn't from Saratoga Springs, he was just passing through on business. When after dinner he walked through the park and stopped near the little stage where an angry young man was singing angry songs, mercifully without benefit of amplification. Most of the couple dozen or so folks who were around the performer listening didn't seem much more interested than Wallace was, but the salesman didn't care about them.
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