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Urban Sex Vacation

Category: Gay Male
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I use hook-up apps as a way to travel I suppose. I don't have the luxury to flit about the globe taking selfies with landmarks, so more often than not, when I get to chat up a guy, I'm dipping my toe into a completely different life. To a degree, if and when we hook up, I become a different, more adventurous guy. And perhaps, ashamedly - when I'll leave town, there's no looking back.
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Category: Group Sex
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"Mother, I'm too fat to go clothes shopping! I need to lose ten pounds first, please?" Angelica was in full teenage whining mood, again. This was normal for the girl but in contrast to many parents who would have been driven mad by it, her mother smiled serenely and disagreed.
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You’re My Cousin?!

Category: Incest
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"What are you looking for?" "Mermaids," the young woman replied without hesitation, without even lowering her binoculars. Her Irish accent matched the fiery mane of curly red hair that had first caught my eye. She was currently leaning against the railing at the bow of the ferry, scanning the horizon, her plump bottom pushed out behind her, an attractive target for the flat of my hand, but I resisted the temptation.
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Swimming Surprise

Category: Incest
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My wife and I both grew up in very conservative homes and ended up marrying at the tender ages of 19 years old. We were both virgins and had very little experience with the opposite sex until our wedding night. This story is not about that night but it is about something that happened a couple of years later before we started to have children.
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Danielle and Nicole

Category: Mature
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Danielle and I were making out on the couch. I had just unbuttoned her blouse and was about to lower my mouth to her braless breasts. She has tits to die for, and I never get tired of looking at them. Just as I got my lips on one of her nipples....the phone rang. "Shit!" "Let the machine get it." I sucked it into my mouth, just as the answering machine spewed out this very familiar voice. Danni jumped up and grabbed for the phone. I had drool on my chin.
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Dip in the Lake

Category: Mature
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"So?" Jason asked as he rolled up at the bottom of the drive on his mountain bike. Robert held up his phone, showing the message from his older brother with two specifically capitalized words in an otherwise innocuous message — care package. "Sweet. Let's roll." The pair set out on the gravel road, riding even deeper into the middle of nowhere. Living out in the country certainly had its disadvantages, but there were a few things that helped offset the boredom and inconvenience. One of them was the lack of prying eyes.
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The Spark

Category: Group Sex
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Chapter One "Damn!" I swore. "How could a person get lost going back to their own hometown?" I hadn't bothered with maps except to get near the right area. I figured I would remember the way once in the vicinity. I should have known better. I had definitely not inherited my mom's knack for finding where she was going. In fact, I would call myself geographically challenged.
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Ellen’s Weekend

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Ellen and I have been so busy raising our children and meeting our responsibilities that we somehow managed to avoid spending time together for about ten years. We grew distant, but still loved each other. In fact, I have always lusted after my wife. When we were dating, Ellen had a wild side. We made love in cars, on beaches, and in the woods; where a hiker once caught us. I remember it well because Ellen was on top of me and just told the guy to move along as if he had found us picnicking.
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The New Neighbors

Category: Group Sex
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Granted, it was the middle of the afternoon, but I was still irritated at being awakened from my much needed sleep by a loud racket from the neighbors' yard. I had dragged in pretty late the night before (technically, it had actually just been earlier that same day) and I wasn't quite ready to abandon my bed or my near-comatose state. I didn't remember my parents telling me that the new neighbors had little kids, but it sounded like a whole herd of them making a ruckus in their swimming pool.
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A Backwoods Awakening

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Melissa straightened the collar of her suit coat and steeled herself for the inevitable inappropriate comments as she climbed onto the bus. The swampy Southern air was awfully hot for a coat, and she had been sorely tempted to leave it in her car. But there was no way she was joining Mr.
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