
I am what you would call a shy, loner. I've pretty much always been that way. My favorite place has always been curled up on the couch alone with a book. I'm not the girl with the snappy comeback or witty or flirtatious reply. I'm the one that blushes, stammers and looks away while turning bright red. Rather than always looking like a blubbering moron when someone talked to me I adopted a quite, rebellious persona as a teen but have always had moments where I fantasize about being the crazy, outgoing girl dancing in the middle of the street without a care in the world.
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I didn't want to go.
I wasn't really given a choice. I was the manager of the project, the clients were paying our bank sa fortune in fees for the work we were doing, and we had been given to understand from our local team in their home country that when they entertained, they tended towards the more sexy venues.
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It was around 7pm on December 22, when my cab from the airport pulled up to the curb. An awkward nervousness rumbled in my stomach as I paid the driver then removed my suitcases and gift bags from the trunk. I paused for a moment and stood at the gate to the yard of the house were I grew up. I took a deep breath before heading up the walkway to the front door.
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I could not believe it. The woman behind the front desk told me again, "We are sorry sir, but we have no reservation for you and the hotel is completely booked for the whole week because of the meetings and retreat for a major financial institution."
"I know!" I said. "I am supposed to attend those meetings and participate in the retreat! Please, help me out here."
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It was a Friday night, early and nice out; just nice enough for a trip down South Street by' myself. I loved coming down here in general but it was almost' always so much better when I was alone. Sometimes, I would walk around for a bit, and then take a trip down to the river and sit there for a while.
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Notice: I don't care what you do with this story. Make it into a movie or publish a play with it. I wrote it to be enjoyed and to be shared, so the more people read it - the better.
I was feeling depressed.
Although I loved my wife and we were the closest of friends, our marriage had become very stale and passionless.
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Susie could feel the Reverend's eyes burned a path up and down her slender form as he stood in the doorway, waiting to be invited in. They started at her auburn hair, tied back into a one-foot braided ponytail, flicked casually over one shoulder.
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