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Right Hand Man

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When it was time for me to go to university my father arranged for me to stay with my aunt and uncle. They lived in this real big place, quite posh, it was. Aunt did all the housework herself and she was an excellent cook. They had a gardener in once a fortnight to keep the gardens and lawn under control.
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Cleaning Katy

Category: Fetish
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I thrust my cock deep into Kate's slippery wet pussy. As her internal muscles clamped hard round my erection, I groaned as I came. I spurted my load of sperm deep inside her tight little wet pussy. Kate and I have been married for ten years now. I am aged 34 and Kate is 30. We both have good professional jobs, which between us earn a good income. We haven't any children yet, although I know that Kate sometimes feels a little broody.
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The Voice of Command

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"Hello. I'm Mr. Devereux to see Ms. Hill," I said to the receptionist. My voice was clear and authoritative, but not overly aggressive. I was standing in front of her desk, which had the usual assortment of secretarial accoutrements; a large phone, pens, paper, rolodex and computer, which she was busily typing away at.
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My Older Secretary

Category: Mature
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I'm 32 years old. My divorce was finalized about six months ago (no children). I consider myself to be good looking man, am in good shape, have a good high paying job, and somehow managed to keep my large house in the divorce. Prior to getting married, I had had sex with two women. My wife and I had a decent enough sex life before things fell apart, though certainly nothing interesting enough to write about.
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The Receptionist’s Panties

Category: Fetish
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I work for a very large consulting firm. Most of my assignments last several months and are typically out of town, requiring me to travel each week. Last summer, I was given an assignment in Atlanta where I had to spend several months as an interim executive. I vividly remember the first day I arrived at my client. The receptionist - a perky, young, beautiful blonde named Chelsea -- greeted me and showed me to the office I'd be using during my multi-month long assignment.
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The To-Do List

Category: Anal Sex
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Most secretaries would be fired for wearing a low-cut blouse like hers. Most secretaries wouldn't get away with a tight pencil-skirt and the almost-visible suspenders around her thighs either. Most secretaries, however, aren't married to their bosses – and today is their anniversary. There are flowers on Lana's desk when she comes in, high heels clicking on the oak floor. That gets a smile from her, which isn't always easy this early in the morning; it's still dark outside.
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The Perfect Secretary

Category: BDMS
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"Ugh. Whatever happened to standards Sharon? Why does everyone think all you need to be a secretary is to look good?" Meet Jake Andrews, a 38 year old CEO of a medium sized business firm. Jake looked pretty average with his brown hair, brown eyes, and an unassuming Caucasian face, not ugly but not handsome by any stretch.
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Jennifer Secures the Deal

Category: Anal Sex
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Jennifer looked out of the large glass windows at the front of the reception into the bleak January afternoon. She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen the sun, and with the economic climate so uncertain she'd decided not to visit the travel agents over the Christmas period like she normally did. No, she'd just have to wait a few more months and hope it was a good summer. She accidentally kicked the gym bag she kept under her desk, at least she still kept herself in shape, even if she was a bit paler than she'd ideally like.
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The Marine Squad Gets Ernestine

Category: Group Sex
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"Ohhh . . . Jesus . . . God!!" Ernestine's orgasm was going on so long I was beginning to worry. "Fuck . . . me . . . again!" It was a groan, a begging, sluttish moan. She lay on the floor, sperm smeared all over her, her pussy drooling a white stream from the last guy's load, her mouth creamy from its last visitor. She was beckoning to me. "Take me," she murmured. "Ram that big thing in me!"
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Barefoot Day

Category: Fetish
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The morning rush had already been hectic, and squeezing through a throng of people equally hell bent on making the same train, to the same station, at the same time; Amy Lynn Steele felt glad to just have a seat as she plunked herself down on the hard plastic and watched the outskirts of Boston zip past. She had done it now for the past sixty five days, and while she was beginning to get used to the routine, she was also getting used to seeing the same people aboard the crowded train.
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