
I brought her down from the branch that held her bound hands ever slowly, let her pool in my arms in a flow that would end at the earth. Stoppered there. Unable to slip between the fingers of clay as she would have slithered from mine had I not worked to keep her, so limp was she.
The reverberations of electricity and the shivers of unrequited need gave her skin a feeling of vibration.
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This was the test. "Zenith, take down your pants, NOW." 25 year old Enrico said to his insolent young wife. Zeni tossed her hair at Ric "What the hell are you doing, this is my family reunion." But Ric could see the challenge in her eyes, and he was enthralled by the way her light brown curls bounced against her shoulders as she attempted to flounce away from him.
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Dear Debbie:
What is your opinion on your submissive's RIGHT to occasionally kiss your boobs? My husband is totally hot for my full, pink 36D melons, but since he became my slave,I gradually weaned him off of them.
Part of the problem is, I'm not as attracted to Joel as I used to be, he's kind of chubby now, and having his hands groping me when he brushes by in the kitchen is not that pleasant. I don't mind him going down on me, but I've outlawed intercourse, especially since meeting my young lover, Emilio.
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James had first noticed Megan Williams as she shared lunch with a few friends on the campus of the local university. It had been a hot day and they had taken refuge on a bench that sat in the shade of a tall oak tree. The hot weather had forced her friends into skimpy clothing that left a great deal of flesh on display but Megan had dressed more modestly in a cotton summer dress and flip-flops which amply showed off her superb figure without overtly advertising the fact that she had a body worth drooling over- which she clearly did.
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I was a bit confused when I arrived home from work to find the living room furniture shoved off to one side barring a single chair, and the futon mat spread in the room. A moment's thought decided it must be movie night; we often laid the mat out to allow us to snuggle together while we indulged in a flick or two. The idea sounded divine as my day at work had been somewhat tedious and had felt overly long.
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