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French Lessons

Category: Anal Sex
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It was during my first summer holiday since I'd gone to university when it happened. I had gone into town one Saturday afternoon to get some CDs, when I saw walking down the street towards me my French teacher from school. Generally I didn't really like meeting my old teachers, it was always a bit odd being treated normally by people who had been authority figures for me only a short time ago, and even if Mrs Woodcock (she was French, but had married an English guy)
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Roughly Ridden

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"Didn't your momma warn you about men like me?" Cal directed his question in a low heated voice. He leaned in over Haley's red saddle horse that she was presently brushing down in the barn. Haley looked over at him as coolly as she could and only for a moment. Inside, she was melting in her own fire to see him here and staring at her in that way.
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Tuesday Night Rape

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Marsha walked out of her office building onto an empty sidewalk, it was 10 o'clock at night, and it was dark outside. Her idiot boss had made her stay late for some stupid project because he couldn't get his act together. Some self-inflicted crisis and she got stuck doing all the work as usual.
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My Slut

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
I glanced around nervously as Mya dug through her purse, searching for her keys. "What time is your boyfriend coming home again?" I asked, waiting impatiently as she continued rummaging. "Stop worrying about it?" she chided, pulling her keys from the purse, fumbling them in her drunken fingers. "He won't be back until the morning."
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Crawl My Kitten

Category: Anal Sex
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She was excited to see him, beyond eager as she stood waiting for him to answer the large wood door. She tried very hard to calm her breathing to slow her heart down and just relax. She concentrated on her breaths as she heard the footsteps moving towards the door. As the handle turned she held her breath, letting it out very slowly as she tugged the hem of her tight white dress down. She stood there frozen, she waited until he said hello before letting her eyes meet his.
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The Art of Winning

Category: BDMS
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I waited eagerly for you at the door. Peeking through the small windows hoping you wouldn't see me before you got inside the door. The suit I wore was driving me tight and hot. My skin couldn't breathe at all and I was getting sweaty. It felt like the 10 min it normally took you to get home from work was taking far too long.
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Kelly’s Story

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I love touching my pussy. I love the feeling of my most personal effect in my hand. I love bringing myself to orgasm by playing with my pussy. I love the feeling of being in charge of my own happiness. I love feeling my silken gift at my fingertips, and the feeling of intimacy that it provides for me. I've also had to learn to love all of those things. I've come to love them over the last several years, as masturbation is my only true sexual outlet right now.
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Janie’s Summer Internship

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I made my way down the ramp at the gate, trying to locate the baggage claim area, while also glancing into the faces welcoming the flight to the great State of Wisconsin. If only Seth carried a sign that read "JANIE" maybe finding him would be easier.
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My Sexy, Delicious Adventure

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction intended for the enjoyment of those over 18 years. * My good friend Shar came to me all excited about a weekend lingerie buying trip to San Diego. I wasn't all that interested but she assured me that we would have a fantastic time. Our guys could golf and do other man things while we were gone.
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Last Laugh

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes

Neal wasn't the sort of guy people noticed much. He could walk through a room of people talking—even a room full of people he knew—and get to the other side without being greeted or noticed. He could have conversations with strangers and then the stranger wouldn't recognize him if they met again. He was a guy of no standout talents, no distinctive looks other than being smaller of stature than his age. He wasn't ugly; he was just plain and forgettable—and a little scrawny.

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