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Her Presents

Category: Fetish
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She had a number of surprises for him... We had just gotten back from a friend's wedding. They had a nice ceremony on a golf course under some trees and then a party afterwards inside the club house. It was an open bar and they had hired a band. We spent most of the night making the rounds saying hello and visiting with both families. After several drinks and a couple of dances we said goodnight.
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It’s Been So Long

Category: Anal Sex
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The house was quiet for the first time in a long, long time. My wife had gone upstairs to get ready for bed and I took it upon myself to click the television off. I wanted to take advantage of the time and catch up on some reading. I was nose deep in War and Peace when I heard the shower shut off. For a second, I considered going up to our bedroom in an attempt to catch her naked. Then I considered the fact that I would be making an attempt to forego foreplay.
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College Clinic Doctor

Category: Fetish
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As the only female doctor on staff at the health center of a large midwestern university, my work has afforded me numerous occasions when I'm asked (even begged) to describe certain of my work experiences to "the girls"---four girlfriends whom I've known since college. We gather three or so times a year at a spa or for a cruise or just to kick back for a few days away from husbands and boyfriends and, now, a couple of kids among us.
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Raging Robyn

Category: Anal Sex
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I turned a whole different shade of red as I pulled my card out of my wallet. Seventy-three dollars never felt so embarrassing and I was more than thankful that the clerk was a young, beautiful woman. Maybe she would understand; then again, maybe not and her judgment was withheld behind her professional smile.
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Stacy’s Tail

Category: Anal Sex
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For the longest time I've had this fantasy. I've wanted to fuck a guy's ass with a strap on dildo. I'd seen it done once is a porno flick and I thought it was the hottest thing in the whole movie. That was several years ago. Since then, whenever I'm intimate with a guy, I try to bring up the subject, but most guys are too homophobic to even consider it.
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The Taste of Submission

Category: Fetish
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I woke up to her scratching my back softly. I loved that feeling. "Are you awake?" she asked me. "No," I moaned. My head was killing me. We'd been out late the night before. Several glasses of wine with dinner and then a few more drinks with friends. My head was aching and I was tired but I could feel my spirit rising as she traced her nails across my back.
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Role Reversal

Category: Anal Sex
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The Trick is on me. Allison works nights at a second job and gets home a late at night. I thought I play a little devilish trick on my wife one night to give her a hint of what I wanted. I went to bed naked hoping Allison would get the hint I was looking for a little action when she came home from work. I lay on my side so my back was toward the door. I left the covers off just to ensure Allison would see my bare body.
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The Bet

Category: BDMS
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God, she looked good. Sara came walking out of the bedroom with her silk robe slung loosely around her shoulders. It was open lewdly in the front revealing her nudity. I couldn't help but stare... admire... The click of her heels on the hardwood floors made me look down. I saw she was wearing the 4-inch stiletto heels she liked to wear in bed.
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