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QJ Productions

Category: Gay Male
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When my fiancé and I graduated from college, times were tough. There wasn't a single employer that was hiring. For a while I waited tables as we struggled to pay basic bills. After putting in hundreds of applications, I finally received an invitation for an interview from a company called QJ Productions.
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Sexy Swimsuit

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It all started when I accepted an invitation to go over to my friend Dave's house. Dave was a wealthy guy who lived in a large, almost like a mansion, type of house. I had grown up with Dave but I didn't consider him one of my closest friends or anything. He could be kind of spoiled and arrogant but because he was wealthy, he always had the best toys, parties, etc.
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Natural Remedies are Best

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It was time, once again, for my annual physical with "Doctor Bob", as I called him. A genuinely nice guy who was always easy to talk to, but I nevertheless felt nervous about the questions I needed to ask. Given that I told him all about the unusual sex life that my wife and I share...I certainly had no reason to be shy about anything.
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