
I had served six years on a 10 years sentence for possession and weapons charges without any complications or problems. Looking forward to my trip in front of the Parole board soon only for them to tell me once again that I will not be released. I'm not mad it's just a part of life. My temper and my "I don't give a fuck" attitude got me where I am right now.
Sorry let me introduce my self. My name is Kevin Terrell, KT to everyone but my mother, grandmother and the government.
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Christian's heart hammered when he laid eyes on the seductive enchantress who magically appeared in front of his eyes over a year ago as he was tossing back drinks with friends. Her visage was that of an angel. Certainly no mere mortal had ever been so captivating. Her wide smoky green eyes cast an intense sensation in his cock as her gaze fell upon him. He was instantly obsessed with her. Since that moment she'd been the subject of insatiable prurient curiosity.
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Gwen couldn't believe they had actually found her guilty. In today's world of proving one's own innocence she had thought that her plea would ring in the ears of the jury, but they hadn't heard. And now she was on her way to Graverly.
A tear slowly trailed down her face as she looked down at her body. She was already naked, having been stripped of her clothing while still at the courthouse. Part of the punishment.
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Damn! Here she was, half done with her shift, then three days off, when Captain Rogers tells her that she has transport duty. Worse, it was an overnighter with a seven hour drive each way. Deputy Bryant would be in to go with her, he said. So Deputy Aimee Mills got the name and social security number of the prisoner. Leslie Adams, 4XA-72-X330, the print out said. She was serving time for credit card fraud, and needs to appear before Judge Hobbs here in Lee County by tomorrow for the same.
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