
From the moment Delia entered the room I could sense something different about her tonight. And what an entrance she made into the room! The door had flung wide open and she posed in the doorway with one arm raised up to the sill, her left hip provocatively angled to caress the wooden frame, her legs tall and lean in gleaming black boots and fishnets slightly spread so that I could see the faintest bulge in the wedge of her tiny, shiny black and rose panties.
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"Are you kidding me! Look George this remodel is already three weeks behind schedule...I don't care, I'm not going to wait another month to have the counters done. Find some new guys... more expensive? I knew that was coming. Alright, ...tomorrow then, bye."
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My summer was off to a great start. I had just landed a new job in the computer field in an up and coming company. My prospects had never looks so good. I would be going to Germany in the next few months to live, perhaps for the several years.
I hadn’t really spoken any German for a couple of years, not since I had been there in the Air Force, so my comprehension was less than desirable.
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