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Robin’s Punished Or Is She?

Category: BDMS
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My name is Steve I'm 25 years old 6' 2" and very strong without being overly muscular thanks to martial arts growing up. I'm happy to finally be returning home from my trip a day early, hoping to surprise my lovely wife after traveling all week.
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My Tanning Experience

Category: Gay Male
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It was one of those hot and steamy tropical summers in this southern paradise that I call home. I am a heterosexual male that spends a lot of time at the gym keeping my body in shape. So that I can track the progress of my workouts, I shave my entire body, which allows me to see the definition of all of the muscles of my body. At first shaving my chest, legs and genital area was a little weird, but now I feel uncomfortable if I let any hair grow back.
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Wicked Adventures In The Buff

Category: BDMS
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I couldn't resist when I saw the post on Lit that a 'Nude Day' contest was on. "Damn, that's right up my alley," I thought to myself. I love to write almost as much as I love being naked. I am a big fan of doing mundane tasks in the buff to entertain myself. Perfect match! I took a vacation day from work one Friday, took the dog to 'doggie daycare' and took the kids to school. As I was dropping them off my mind was racing thinking of all the possibilities that today had.
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