
Dial the phone, choose a category, wait for a connection with someone in my area. As simple as that. As anonymous as I choose to be. I choose the category man on man phone sex. When I discovered this phone line a couple months back I discovered how exciting phone sex can be. And I quickly realized that men are so much better than women at phone sex.
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It all started, as it normally does, as I had time on my hands.
It was five thirty. I had dropped the kids off at the swimming baths and was sat at the kitchen table, with a cup of tea, trying to figure out how to work my new mobile phone. It had so many features and I have so little technical know how.
Just as I had gone through a list of twenty different ring tones my phone bleeped, vibrated and jingled -- apparently a text had arrived.
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Driving a little too fast Nina Black spotted the radar trap up ahead.
Too late.
She slowed her pickup to within the speed limit. The cop got out of his car.
Oh shoot. Another nail in her hide from her mom?
The cop tipped his hat back as he reached her open window and said, "Hi Nina.'
"Hi Jerry," she said in surprise. "How are Cindy and baby?"
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I'd love to say that it started out innocently enough, but there really wasn't anything innocent about it. I had been working as a software trainer for a small computer consulting company in Georgia, and my job was to train the clients on the computer systems that we sold them.
One of those clients was a group of people from an industrial machinery company. Among the people in this group was a secretary who was undeniably cute.
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At your urging, I decided to go shopping at the toy shop. No, not for games or toys for children, but adult toys. I had a vibrator, but it was on the verge of death, and it was time to upgrade anyway. I was a bit unsure of what I wanted, but I decided to just wander around and see what appealed to me.
The first thing my eyes fell upon in the store was Tarzan. Okay, so he didn't come in jungle camo or a loin cloth, but this was a vibrator that looked like it could make you scream like him.
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Jessica was new to the city.
She was a fresh faced 24 year old from the suburbs who recently moved to San Francisco to attend law school. It was the first time in her life that she lived on her own. Being away from her family was hard. None of her friends were there with her, and she didn't know anybody at her new school.
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After years of carrying around our clunky old cell phones, Sara and I finally knuckled under and bought some of the new trendy little gadgets with cameras, games, and all that fun stuff. Little did we know what such a mundane transaction would lead to.
We'd had the new phones for about six weeks when I went on a business trip for a couple of nights. I travel often and one of the things we love to do when I'm on the road is engage in some spirited phone sex.
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